Note this cvs  error
can't create temporary directory /tmp/cvs-serv17931 No space left on device

Sam Ruby wrote:

I see from

Elapsed Time : 1 hour 56 mins 20 secs

Putting it mildly, this doesn't look half bad. I presume that this includes the time of cvs/svn checkouts? Are the logs of the cvs/svn checkouts captured? This sometimes is helpful when trying to track down why a build that worked yesterday failed today.

Note that this is only with one CPU and less than one gig of RAM. Looking at the build times, it looks to me like gump 2.0 tries to do parallel builds whenever possible?

And finally, a nit: I see useful information like the name of the java command ("java") and the Operating System ("posix"), but I don't see the values of System.getProperties which contains values such as:

       java.vm.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.

Are these available someplace?

- Sam Ruby

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