Hmmm. I'd have thought it a bit difficult to build a developer community for an 
end user product if theres effectively no way for an end user to get it from 
that community (or to get direct feedback from users)... while you want 
downstream distributors as well, I'd expect the podling to want to present it's 
own wares to end users.

On 7 Jun 2011, at 19:00, Danese Cooper <> wrote:

> Hi Phil,
> IMHO we would have to roll vanilla builds just to make sure it still builds 
> when we declare a version. It used to take some iterations and tweaks per 
> version to get a valid build (imagine that's still true). ASF should at least 
> validate "buildability" as part of servicing the codebase, but I would assume 
> effectively zero consumer end-users would get their software from us...
> D
> On Jun 7, 2011, at 8:23 AM, Phillip Rhodes <> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 11:13 AM, Danese Cooper <> wrote:
>>> 4) most customers use OOo on Windows
>>> Last time I checked, the percentage of Windows users was still in the high
>>> 90s percentile. But it builds on the various Linux distros, as well as
>>> MacOSX and a bunch of other platforms, each with their own lovely and unique
>>> quirks. This complexity is one of the reasons it might be a good idea to
>>> behave like and let OOo "distros" handle end-user packaging and
>>> distribution.  Another reason would be that consumers are relatively
>>> unsophisticated and ask a lot of silly questions...
>> Thanks, Danese, that does clarify things  a bit for those of us who haven't
>> been involved since the beginning.
>> One question about the comment above though:  Are you advocating that Apache
>> OOo stick to source-only releases, and avoid
>> building and delivering binaries altogether?  Or is your idea that Apache
>> OOo would deliver builds, but that they be "Vanilla OOo" , ala the "vanilla
>> kernel" from, with a presumption that (some|most|all) end-users
>> will choose to use a distribution provided by somebody else... where
>> somebody else could be IBM, Novell, LibreOffice, Red Hat, etc.?
>> Thanks,
>> Phil
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