Hmm..., I thought that all podlings should call themself Apache XXX 
(Incubating) before graduation. Am I being wrong?

Best regards,

Ted Liu, ASF Member 
  2019 年 10 月 17 日周四 23:05,York Shen<> 写道:   Agreed, remove 
"or pre-code-drop process” would be much more clear.

FYI: I always have the wrong impression that podlings are encouraged to call 
themself Apache Incubator-PodlingName before they graduates. Now, a lesson is 
learned for me, thanks.

Best Regards,
York Shen


> 2019年10月17日 22:42,John D. Ament <> 写道:
> Hi,
> I've always read this as "some code" rather than "all code" since "all
> code" is a completely unbounded endpoint which no project could ever reach
> until it retires.  So as long as some code is in our repos, they must be
> called "Apache <Podling Name>"
> My $0.02
> John
> On Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 8:36 AM Justin Mclean <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was reviewing this page [1] and noticed that what is current states is
>> not what happens in practice. Podlings are encouraged to called themselves
>> "Apache XXX" fairly early on and it takes some podlings a while to get all
>> the code submitted the ASF repositories. In particular some projects with
>> multiple repositories would have issues with this. Under a strict
>> interpertation some podlings would not even be able to call themselves
>> “Apache XXX” on graduation which seems a bit silly. Should it be clarified
>> as the first donation? I think it may makes sense to simplify those 3
>> stages as proposal, approved and graduated and remove mention of the code
>> drop altogether. Releases can’t be called Apache releases until the code
>> moves over obviously.
>> Thanks,
>> Justin
>> 1.
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