Re: [IP CLEARANCE] Apache APISIX ingress controller

2020-11-27 Thread Ming Wen
With no -1 votes being cast, this IP clearance vote passes by lazy

Ming Wen, Apache APISIX PMC Chair
Twitter: _WenMing

Ming Wen  于2020年11月23日周一 上午11:00写道:

> Apache APISIX is receiving a donation of ingress controller [1].
> Please vote to approve this contribution.
> This is a lazy consensus majority vote, per the IP clearance process [2],
> open for at least 72 hours.
> [1]
> [2]
> Thanks,
> Ming Wen, Apache APISIX PMC Chair
> Twitter: _WenMing

[ANNOUNCE] Apache Tuweni (incubating) 1.3.0 released

2020-11-27 Thread Antoine Toulme
The Apache Tuweni team is proud to announce the release of Apache Tuweni
(incubating) 1.3.0.

Apache Tuweni is a set of libraries and other tools to aid development of
blockchain and other decentralized software in Java and other JVM 
languages. It includes a low-level bytes library, serialization and 
deserialization codecs (e.g. RLP), various cryptography functions 
and primatives, and lots of other helpful utilities. Tuweni is 
developed for JDK 11 or higher, and depends on various other FOSS libraries.

Source and binary distributions can be downloaded from:

Release notes are at:

A big thank you to all the contributors in this milestone release!

To learn more about Tuweni and get started:
The Apache Tuweni Team

Disclaimer: Apache Tuweni is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache
Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Apache Incubator. Incubation is
required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates
that the infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have
stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While
incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or
stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be
fully endorsed by the ASF.

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[RESULT][VOTE] Apache Tuweni 1.3.0 release

2020-11-27 Thread Antoine Toulme
The vote for this release of Apache Tuweni 1.3.0 (incubating) has concluded.
Thank you all for your vote.

Here are the votes:
+1 4 (binding):
David Fisher
Furkan Kamaci
Jean-Baptiste Onofre
Antoine Toulme 
+0 0
-1 0

The vote has passed. We will proceed to release the artifacts. Thanks all!


> On Nov 22, 2020, at 11:27 PM, Antoine Toulme  wrote:
> Dave, I appreciate and thank you for your change of vote.
> I already have changed how we generate the NOTICE in our binary distribution 
> - next time, I might run it by the list here before the vote starts to 
> discuss its format.
>> On Nov 22, 2020, at 11:32 AM, Dave Fisher  wrote:
>> Hi Antoine,
>> With your explanations I’m changing my VOTE:
>> +1 (binding)
>> Regards,
>> Dave
>>> On Nov 21, 2020, at 3:42 PM, Antoine Toulme  wrote:
 On Nov 21, 2020, at 2:50 PM, Dave Fisher  wrote:
> On Nov 21, 2020, at 2:25 PM, Antoine Toulme  wrote:
> The binaries are generated by the build.
 I ran a build the jars were generated, but the scripts in the bin are not 
 anywhere in the source tree. Those aren’t built I have no idea where the 
 binary convenience got those scripts.
>>> The scripts are generated by the application plugin of Gradle:
> I thought the build was a vote on the sources and their distribution, 
> while binaries are convenience.
 They are a convenience, but if you are using ASF resources then the 
 licensing needs to properly follow policy.
>>> OK.
> Do you have an example of (3)?
 leveldbjni-all-1.8.jar is BSD 3-Clause
 Jetty is dual licensed - you should declare that you are choosing AL2.
 Jersey is quad licensed - …
 Jaxb is CDDL 1.1, but used to be GPL
 Javax is CDDL and GPL2 so you definitely need to declare.
 Javasist is triple licensed - AL2, LGPL2, and MPL 1.1 so ...
 Jakarta are EPL2 and GPL2.
 I found this information quickly using
 It’s all about easily assuring users of the binary package what the terms 
 These classes can be used for Binaries
 Class A licenses:
 Class B licenses:
 Sources must not contain Class B.
 Class X cannot be used: 
>>> Ah, we generate a license report but don’t include it. We can fix that in 
>>> the next release.
>> On Nov 21, 2020, at 2:20 PM, Dave Fisher  wrote:
>> Hi -
>> Incubator in name, Signatures, Hashes, NOTICE, DISCLAIMER are in place.
>> Source package LICENSEs are fine.
>> Binaries -
>> (1) bin directory - where are the sources for the scripts and bat files 
>> in the Source Release?
>> (2) bin directory - what is the license for these files?
>> (3) LICENSE is identical to source release. The binary LICENSE and 
>> NOTICE need to reflect everything included in the lib directory.
>> I’m -0 (binding) on this release, I think these 3 issues do need to be 
>> addressed.
>> If other IPMC members are willing to VOTE +1 that’s ok with me.
>> Regards,
>> Dave
>>> On Nov 19, 2020, at 11:16 AM, Antoine Toulme  
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> We're voting on the source distributions available here:
>>> The release tag is present here:
>>> Please review and vote as appropriate.
>>> The following changes were made since 1.2.0:
>>> * Update to support Sodium 1.0.18 
>>> ( 
>>> )
>>> * Base58 encoding support 
>>> ( 
>>> )
>>> * eth65 support ( 
>>> )
>>> * Add a helper to transform a SECP256K1 public key into an Ethereum 
>>> address ( 
>>> )
>>> * Add a discv5 scraper 
>>> ( 
>>> )
>>> * Upgrade Bouncy