1) There are religious battles over the hanging brace..
   let's not start one here please.  We can either follow the standard
   or not, period...  But the code should  all look the same...

   - on a side note, many people in my company have gone full circle
     first fighting for the hanging brace ( what you want ), and now
     hating having done that.. i don't why, I'm not one of those...

2) The one line "if" statements are already strongly discouraged in the
   Sun convention.. for precisely the reasons you gave


> I support the notion of standardization, but some of the Sun conventions
> are just awful, particularly the bit about ending the method declaration
> with a '{'
> Futher, I like starting blocks with a { a la
>   if( foo )
>   {
>     <block>
>   }
> I know it makes code 'big', but I personally find it easy to read, and
> then if someone adds something, you don't get stuck with the bug 
>   if(foo)
>     bar;
> going to
>   if(foo)
>     woogie;
>     bar;
> if they forget to add the braces, which can be a bear to find,
> especially when groggy and tired :)

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