
I've forwarded your request to the Jakarta PMC and our chair. It would
be great to see that there are people who want to pick up this dormant


On Fri, 2005-01-21 at 03:24 -0500, Dave Brosius wrote:
> Hello,
>     I'm a developer on the FindBugs project (on SF id=3Ddbrosius)
> which heavily uses the jakarta project BCEL. It would appear that the
> set of committers for BCEL are either operating at a very intermittant
> basis, or have all wondered off completely. I have submitted various
> patches to bugzilla for BCEL and am interested in helping to maintain
> and move the library forward. I would like to get committer status if
> that's possible, but again the one gentleman I was able to track down
> from an old "Contributors.xml" file I found, says that only one guy is
> sort-of involved anymore, and he hasn't been able to contact him.
> Apparently others have expressed interest, but with no one home to say
> yeah, or ney, there has been no movement. So anyway, I hope this is
> the right place to send this. If not, if someone could suggest how to
> go about being added to the project, I'd appreciate that.

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