A big thank you to Sun Microsystems which is upgrading our bandwidth for
Nagoya from 1.5 Mbps (T1) to something _MUCH_ bigger (as far as I was told,

We (well, actually Justina and her team) will have to move nagoya off to
another colo somewhere in california next week, so there will be an outage
on the Jakarta mailing lists around the 13th when the actual relocation will
be performed...

I have already checked all email configuration to be able to have a smooth
transition... Because of how DNS work, I'll start archiving all messages on
daedauls before the downtime (effectively using another queue), and then
relaying them off once the move is done to the actual IP address (to avoid
DNS latencies and stuff)...

MAYBE (but just _MAYBE_) I'll be able to move the BugZilla installation
across on another server in London for the time being (it is the one where I
replicate the DB every night, but as of yet, no bugzilla install on it), and
do some tricks with IP addresses and HTTP forwarding, but that's not
guaranteed as of yet (it depends on how much spare time I get on my hands
next week)...

Other than that, well, stuff should run smoothly after the move, apart from
the usual DNS latencies, but I already moved TTL and EXPIRE to 1 day, will
be to 1 hour the week of the actual move)...

That's all for now... Have fun, and keep your fingers crossed... You never
know what might go wrong! :-)


"Jakarta Tomcat is [...] it is produced by the Apache organisation under the
GNU public licence [...]"           Emma Newby - Techincal Lead - SkyRock UK

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