On Wednesday, June 6, 2001, at 09:41 PM, David S. wrote:

> Hello

hi david.

> 1. Is there something in the httpd.conf file which will empower filename
> suffixes?
> 2. How do I start the admin server?

i guess that these two are really apache server questions and for good 
answers you'd be better asking at a apache server mailing list - ideally 
one concerned with apache on red hat. i don't know about 2. but the 
answer to 1. (and your cgi problem) is yes but rather than giving you 
some half-baked guestimate, i strongly advice you to find a good apache 
server mailing list and ask on there.

> 3. I want to run a java web server on apache: do you recommend
> that I use JRun? Would TomCat replace JRun, or should I go with
> JServ?

go tomcat!

> As for why I'm here, I read the mailing list lists and this seemed
> the most appropriate? If there is a better list devoted to
> using apaqche for java server pages, please let me know.

once you've gone tomcat, subscribe to the tomcat-user mailing list and 
ask your tomcat questions there.

- robert

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