I have some <source> tags in my xml docs that are being processed by 
site.vsl, and they go through to the html file.

Is this tag still supported by the latest site.vsl? It appears to be 
used in the code.

The relevant snippet surrounding the code is:

      <subsection name="byteLength">
            validates the length of an HTTP(S) response
            <source> &lt;!ELEMENT byteLength EMPTY&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST byteLength min   CDATA "0"
                     max   CDATA #IMPLIED
                     label CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;</source>

This gets transformed as:

<table border ="0" cellspacing ="0" cellpadding ="2" width ="100%">

      <tr><td bgcolor="#828DA6">
        <font color="#ffffff" face="arial,helvetica,sanserif">
          <a name="byteLength"><strong>byteLength</strong></a>
            validates the length of an HTTP(S) response
                                                <p><b>DTD</b><br />
            <source> &lt;!ELEMENT byteLength EMPTY&gt;
&lt;!ATTLIST byteLength min   CDATA "0"
                     max   CDATA #IMPLIED
                     label CDATA #IMPLIED&gt;</source>

I've searched the archives to noah vale.....

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

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