On Wed, 21 Apr 2004, Stefan Bodewig wrote:

> On Tue, 20 Apr 2004, David Sean Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I've been reading through the licensing and Im not entirely sure if
> > its compatible with the Apache license.
> Let's assume for a moment that ASL and LGPL would be compatible.  We
> could release a combined work, no problem.  A pure end-user would pick
> up the release and has to accept both licenses, probably no problem
> either.  But if a company wants to build a product on top of our
> release - something the ASF encourages strongly - they probably will
> have a problem with accepting the LGPL.

And not even really a product. Imagine Lucene being usd in an Applet with
some LGPL licenced language handler. If said Applet was something
customers would use, you'd be in murky water I imagine.

I'm not even sure what the legalities are if all you do is 'distribute'
said Applet or Webstart application to a sibling company, or maybe the
company who just bought your company. Maybe FUD, maybe legal nightmare.

A couple of times reading this thread I felt like suggesting that the ASF
have an official Apache LGPL components site, which could depend on Apache
ASL components but not vice versa, rather than having lots of unofficial
sites, but it quickly becomes obvious that this just isn't a kettle of
fish the ASF would want to get into.

Maybe the best would be for apache-legal-nightmare.sourceforge.net to
exist where we can put all our stuff together. Community driven rather
than legally driven. agpl.sourceforge.net.


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