[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: TitleIndex

2004-07-14 Thread general
   Date: 2004-07-14T21:19:36
   Editor: AdrianSutton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: TitleIndex
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/TitleIndex

   Removed spam

Change Log:

@@ -8,145 +8,3 @@
-Can anybody translate this?:  
-http://www.gotooa.com OA 办公自动化 
-http://www.dongdao.net/main04.htm CI设计 VI设计 
-http://www.dongdao.net/main04-02.htm 包装设计
-http://www.bjzufang.com 租房免费租房
-http://www.bjkhp.com 商标专利专利代理
-http://www.bjkhp.com/operation.asp 商标代理
-http://www.passion.org.cn gmat
-http://www.passion.org.cn gmat考试
-http://www.passion.org.cn gmat培训
-http://www.sxcoal.com/en/index.asp coal
-http://www.bj-sd.com 机票
-http://www.bbell.com 小灵通
-http://www.gaokao.net.cn 高考
-http://www.disinfect.cn/cpjs01.htm 二氧化氯
-http://www.monarch.com.cn 润滑油
-http://www.bjhsdx.com 条码打印机
-http://www.pm.tsinghua.edu.cn 项目管理
- 项目管理
-http://www.168flower.com 鲜花
-http://www.168flower.com 鲜花店
-http://www.168flower.com 鲜花速递
-http://www.8848flower.com china flower
-http://www.8848flower.com china flowers
-http://www.jinyibei.com.cn 单片机
-http://www.glory-vision.com/d_lib/htdocs/index.asp 投影机
-http://www.glory-vision.com 投影机
-http://www.glory-vision.com/d_lib/htdocs/touyingji.htm 投影机
-http://www.cstarcom.com gps
-http://www.cstarcom.com 卫星定位
-http://www.sinoart.com.cn/oa.htm OA
-http://myoa.freewebpage.org OA
-http://www.tmrr.com 商标商标注册
-http://www.jinyibei.com.cn 单片机
-http://www.jinyibei.com.cn/chanpin/bcq/vlp-58A.htm 编程器
-http://www.jinyibei.com.cn/chaxun/arm.htm ARM
-http://www.cambridge-group.org acca考试 acca培训
-http://www.bjacca.com acca考试acca培训
-http://www.approachina.com 管理咨询 
-http://www.jzhrb.com.cn 美容减肥
-http://www.51zhengxing.net 美容整形整容
-http://www.51zhengxing.net/2-zxjf.htm 减肥瘦身
-http://www.51zhengxing.net/2-zxxm.htm 隆胸丰胸
-http://www.melucky.com 门禁 
-http://www.ychzn.com/DKmjjianjie.htm 门禁
-http://www.ychzn.com/suo_elem.htm 电子锁
-http://www.peak-e.com/cpyxt/mj.asp 门禁
-http://www.peak-e.com/cpyxt/yktxt.asp 一卡通
-http://www.peak-e.com/cpyxt/tcc.asp 停车场
-http://www.tonzh.com smt回流焊
-http://www.creativetoys.com.cn 玩具
-http://www.creativewatch.cn 手表
-http://www.cnsec.cn/product/firewall/NS-5GT.htm netscreen
-http://www.cnsec.cn/product/1firewall.htm 防火墙
-http://www.cnsec.cn/product/1fortinet.htm 防毒墙
-http://www.chindata.com 数据恢复
-http://www.protech.net.cn 负载均衡
-http://www.protech.net.cn RADWARE ALTEON
-http://www.zgpt.cn/pro1.htm 发电机发电机组
-http://www.zgpt.cn/showroom.htm 柴油发电机
-http://www.148-law.com/housing/service.htm 律师事务所
-http://www.huihualin.com/sclyj.htm 水处理
-http://www.rotek.com.cn/1024-768.htm 水处理
-http://www.bjerwai.com/modules/peixun/english.htm 英语
-http://www.cfeenet.com/Examzhichen/default.asp 会计
-http://www.cfeenet.com/ExamCPA/default.asp 注册会计师
-http://www.ck100.com 会计 注册会计师
-http://www.join-2008.com 笔记本电脑 
-http://www.xinchen.net.cn 机柜
-http://www.xinchen.net.cn/LCD/1.htm 切换器
-http://www.xinchen.net.cn/avocent/index.htm Avocent kvm
-http://www.sxcoal.com/en/index.asp coal
-http://www.bj-sd.com 机票
-http://www.bbell.com 小灵通
-http://www.gaokao.net.cn 高考
-http://www.monarch.com.cn 润滑油
-http://www.bjhsdx.com 条码打印机
-http://www.pm.tsinghua.edu.cn 项目管理
-http://www.dstmedia.com 视频会议
-http://www.plcm.com.cn/defaultflash.asp 视频会议 
电话会议 宝利通 polycom
-http://www.ponytest.com  检测中心
-http://www.ponytest.com 测试中心
-http://www.ponytest.com/html_cn/contact.htm  检验中心
-http://www.ponytest.com/html_cn/lab_environment.htm  水质检测
-http://www.ponytest.com/html_cn/lab_environment.htm  水质化验
-http://www.ponytest.com/html_cn/lab_environment.htm  水质检验
-http://www.ponytest.com/html_cn/lab_medical.htm 食品检测
-http://www.ponytest.com/html_cn/lab_environment.htm 商品检验
-http://www.ponytest.com  质量检测
-http://www.ponytest.com 质量检测中心
-http://www.ponytest.com  质检中心
-http://www.ponytest.com/html_cn/lab_medical.htm 中药检测
-http://www.ponytest.com  检验认证
-http://www.ponytest.com 检测认证

[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: TitleIndex

2004-07-14 Thread general
   Date: 2004-07-14T21:15:16
   Editor: <>
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: TitleIndex
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/TitleIndex

   no comment

Change Log:

@@ -8,3 +8,145 @@
+Can anybody translate this?:  
+http://www.gotooa.com OA 办公自动化 
+http://www.dongdao.net/main04.htm CI设计 VI设计 
+http://www.dongdao.net/main04-02.htm 包装设计
+http://www.bjzufang.com 租房免费租房
+http://www.bjkhp.com 商标专利专利代理
+http://www.bjkhp.com/operation.asp 商标代理
+http://www.passion.org.cn gmat
+http://www.passion.org.cn gmat考试
+http://www.passion.org.cn gmat培训
+http://www.sxcoal.com/en/index.asp coal
+http://www.bj-sd.com 机票
+http://www.bbell.com 小灵通
+http://www.gaokao.net.cn 高考
+http://www.disinfect.cn/cpjs01.htm 二氧化氯
+http://www.monarch.com.cn 润滑油
+http://www.bjhsdx.com 条码打印机
+http://www.pm.tsinghua.edu.cn 项目管理
+ 项目管理
+http://www.168flower.com 鲜花
+http://www.168flower.com 鲜花店
+http://www.168flower.com 鲜花速递
+http://www.8848flower.com china flower
+http://www.8848flower.com china flowers
+http://www.jinyibei.com.cn 单片机
+http://www.glory-vision.com/d_lib/htdocs/index.asp 投影机
+http://www.glory-vision.com 投影机
+http://www.glory-vision.com/d_lib/htdocs/touyingji.htm 投影机
+http://www.cstarcom.com gps
+http://www.cstarcom.com 卫星定位
+http://www.sinoart.com.cn/oa.htm OA
+http://myoa.freewebpage.org OA
+http://www.tmrr.com 商标商标注册
+http://www.jinyibei.com.cn 单片机
+http://www.jinyibei.com.cn/chanpin/bcq/vlp-58A.htm 编程器
+http://www.jinyibei.com.cn/chaxun/arm.htm ARM
+http://www.cambridge-group.org acca考试 acca培训
+http://www.bjacca.com acca考试acca培训
+http://www.approachina.com 管理咨询 
+http://www.jzhrb.com.cn 美容减肥
+http://www.51zhengxing.net 美容整形整容
+http://www.51zhengxing.net/2-zxjf.htm 减肥瘦身
+http://www.51zhengxing.net/2-zxxm.htm 隆胸丰胸
+http://www.melucky.com 门禁 
+http://www.ychzn.com/DKmjjianjie.htm 门禁
+http://www.ychzn.com/suo_elem.htm 电子锁
+http://www.peak-e.com/cpyxt/mj.asp 门禁
+http://www.peak-e.com/cpyxt/yktxt.asp 一卡通
+http://www.peak-e.com/cpyxt/tcc.asp 停车场
+http://www.tonzh.com smt回流焊
+http://www.creativetoys.com.cn 玩具
+http://www.creativewatch.cn 手表
+http://www.cnsec.cn/product/firewall/NS-5GT.htm netscreen
+http://www.cnsec.cn/product/1firewall.htm 防火墙
+http://www.cnsec.cn/product/1fortinet.htm 防毒墙
+http://www.chindata.com 数据恢复
+http://www.protech.net.cn 负载均衡
+http://www.protech.net.cn RADWARE ALTEON
+http://www.zgpt.cn/pro1.htm 发电机发电机组
+http://www.zgpt.cn/showroom.htm 柴油发电机
+http://www.148-law.com/housing/service.htm 律师事务所
+http://www.huihualin.com/sclyj.htm 水处理
+http://www.rotek.com.cn/1024-768.htm 水处理
+http://www.bjerwai.com/modules/peixun/english.htm 英语
+http://www.cfeenet.com/Examzhichen/default.asp 会计
+http://www.cfeenet.com/ExamCPA/default.asp 注册会计师
+http://www.ck100.com 会计 注册会计师
+http://www.join-2008.com 笔记本电脑 
+http://www.xinchen.net.cn 机柜
+http://www.xinchen.net.cn/LCD/1.htm 切换器
+http://www.xinchen.net.cn/avocent/index.htm Avocent kvm
+http://www.sxcoal.com/en/index.asp coal
+http://www.bj-sd.com 机票
+http://www.bbell.com 小灵通
+http://www.gaokao.net.cn 高考
+http://www.monarch.com.cn 润滑油
+http://www.bjhsdx.com 条码打印机
+http://www.pm.tsinghua.edu.cn 项目管理
+http://www.dstmedia.com 视频会议
+http://www.plcm.com.cn/defaultflash.asp 视频会议 
电话会议 宝利通 polycom
+http://www.ponytest.com  检测中心
+http://www.ponytest.com 测试中心
+http://www.ponytest.com/html_cn/contact.htm  检验中心
+http://www.ponytest.com/html_cn/lab_environment.htm  水质检测
+http://www.ponytest.com/html_cn/lab_environment.htm  水质化验
+http://www.ponytest.com/html_cn/lab_environment.htm  水质检验
+http://www.ponytest.com/html_cn/lab_medical.htm 食品检测
+http://www.ponytest.com/html_cn/lab_environment.htm 商品检验
+http://www.ponytest.com  质量检测
+http://www.ponytest.com 质量检测中心
+http://www.ponytest.com  质检中心
+http://www.ponytest.com/html_cn/lab_medical.htm 中药检测
+http://www.ponytest.com  检验认证
+http://www.ponytest.com 检测认证
+http://www.bjzufang.com 租房

RE: Overrode an entry Was: [Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaReport-July2004

2004-07-14 Thread Gary Gregory
No problem, I did not really know where to put it, so I placed the item
near another "Commons" one.


> -Original Message-
> From: Henri Yandell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 14, 2004 13:00
> To: Verwaltung
> Cc: Gary Gregory
> Subject: Overrode an entry Was: [Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaReport-
> July2004
> Apologies for this Gary, but I think you won't mind.
> Release news goes higher up, so when Commons Codec is out, it can just
> appear at the top. It's not a big deal as it's very easy for me to
> the releases from the front page.
> I'm also aiming to only have subprojects listed (HttpClient will be a
> subproject soon I think), so Commons bits under the Commons section.
> Hen
> On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Date: 2004-07-14T11:16:10
> >Editor: GaryGregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
> >Page: JakartaReport-July2004
> >URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaReport-July2004
> >
> >no comment
> >
> > Change Log:
> >
> >

> --
> > @@ -24,6 +24,10 @@
> >
> >   Commons HttpClient 
> >
> > + Commons Codec 
> > +
> > +The vote to release version 1.3 has passed. Gary Gregory is
> going through the signing and publish process.
> > +
> >   ECS 
> >
> >   HiveMind 
> >
> >
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Overrode an entry Was: [Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaReport-July2004

2004-07-14 Thread Henri Yandell

Apologies for this Gary, but I think you won't mind.

Release news goes higher up, so when Commons Codec is out, it can just
appear at the top. It's not a big deal as it's very easy for me to collate
the releases from the front page.

I'm also aiming to only have subprojects listed (HttpClient will be a
subproject soon I think), so Commons bits under the Commons section.


On Wed, 14 Jul 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>Date: 2004-07-14T11:16:10
>Editor: GaryGregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
>Page: JakartaReport-July2004
>URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaReport-July2004
>no comment
> Change Log:
> --
> @@ -24,6 +24,10 @@
>   Commons HttpClient 
> + Commons Codec 
> +
> +The vote to release version 1.3 has passed. Gary Gregory is currently going through 
> the signing and publish process.
> +
>   ECS 
>   HiveMind 
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaReport-July2004

2004-07-14 Thread general
   Date: 2004-07-14T12:33:46
   Editor: HenriYandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaReport-July2004
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaReport-July2004

   Sorry Gary, release news is elsewhere, and want to keep things in Commons 

Change Log:

@@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
 === Releases ===
+Commons Codec (coming)
 === Community changes ===
 === Subproject news ===
@@ -23,10 +25,6 @@
  * Chain was promoted from the Sandbox to Commons Proper.
  Commons HttpClient 
- Commons Codec 
-The vote to release version 1.3 has passed. Gary Gregory is currently going through 
the signing and publish process.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaReport-July2004

2004-07-14 Thread general
   Date: 2004-07-14T11:16:10
   Editor: GaryGregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaReport-July2004
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaReport-July2004

   no comment

Change Log:

@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@
  Commons HttpClient 
+ Commons Codec 
+The vote to release version 1.3 has passed. Gary Gregory is currently going through 
the signing and publish process.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaReport-July2004

2004-07-14 Thread general
   Date: 2004-07-14T10:52:42
   Editor: MartinCooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaReport-July2004
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaReport-July2004

   Note Commons Chain promotion.

Change Log:

@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
+ * Chain was promoted from the Sandbox to Commons Proper.
  Commons HttpClient 

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaReport-July2004

2004-07-14 Thread general
   Date: 2004-07-14T07:37:44
   Editor: <>
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaReport-July2004
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaReport-July2004

   no comment

Change Log:

@@ -41,6 +41,8 @@
+Slide 2.1 release is under preparation including lots of nice new features. A first 
beta is to be expected in August. CVS will branch with the release of this beta.

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaReport-July2004

2004-07-14 Thread general
   Date: 2004-07-14T07:33:07
   Editor: <>
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaReport-July2004
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaReport-July2004

   no comment

Change Log:

@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
+Lucene 1.4 Final has been released.

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaReport-July2004

2004-07-14 Thread general
   Date: 2004-07-14T07:26:23
   Editor: <>
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaReport-July2004
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaReport-July2004

   Watchdog update

Change Log:

@@ -60,4 +60,4 @@
-(dormant project)
+The PMC discussed the status of Watchdog.  It is a dormant project with no active 
committers.  However, it is still used by Tomcat as part of Tomcat's release testing.  
In addition, the PMC would like to retain the option of future work on Watchdog, so 
the web site and accompanying materials will not be removed.  A dormancy notice has 
been placed on the Watchdog web page and the mailing list subscription links replaced 
with a note to use [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaReport-July2004

2004-07-14 Thread general
   Date: 2004-07-14T07:24:14
   Editor: <>
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaReport-July2004
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaReport-July2004

   Added tomcat section.

Change Log:

@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@
+The Tomcat CVS has branched, creating a TOMCAT_5_0 branch for continuing maintenance 
on Tomcat 5.0.x releases, and allowing work on Tomcat 5.1 to begin.  For some 
discussion about Tomcat 5.1 features and changes, search the tomcat-dev mailing list 
archives for threads whose subject contains "5.next."
 To make the creation of Web applications using Turbine easier, a plugin for Maven has 
been designed and is currently

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaReport-July2004

2004-07-14 Thread general
   Date: 2004-07-14T07:16:43
   Editor: <>
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaReport-July2004
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaReport-July2004

   no comment

Change Log:

@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
+Work on the next release of POI has been ongoing, but no release date has been set. 

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaReport-July2004

2004-07-14 Thread general
   Date: 2004-07-14T06:56:33
   Editor: HenriYandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaReport-July2004
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaReport-July2004

   Splitting HttpClient out as it is aiming to be a full sub-project.

Change Log:

@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@
+ Commons HttpClient 

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaReport-July2004

2004-07-14 Thread general
   Date: 2004-07-14T06:41:04
   Editor: HenriYandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaReport-July2004
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaReport-July2004

   Watchdog and Alex are both dormant.

Change Log:

@@ -2,14 +2,6 @@
 === Status ===
-Started discussion about revising charter and governance information (feebly)
-Dion volunteered to be a Junior Apmail Apprentice to try and take some of common 
workload off of infrastructure.
-Working to resolve problem with lack of security oversight - there was an issue aimed 
at tomcat and it didn't get to the PMC for a few days.  To fix, we have two people 
moderating tomcat-security list now.  
 === Releases ===
 === Community changes ===
@@ -18,6 +10,8 @@
+(dormant project)
@@ -61,3 +55,5 @@
+(dormant project)

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaBoardReport-July2004

2004-07-14 Thread general
   Date: 2004-07-14T06:23:53
   Editor: HenriYandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaBoardReport-July2004
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaBoardReport-July2004

   no comment

Change Log:

@@ -10,9 +10,23 @@
 === Releases ===
+ April 
+ * Commons Net 1.2.0
+ * Jetspeed 1.5
+ * Tapestry 3.0
+ * Velocity 1.4
+ May 
+ * Cactus 1.6, 1.6.1
+ * Commons IO 1.0
+ * Commons Net 1.2.1
+ * Tomcat 5.0.24
+ * Slide 2.0
+ * Velocity Tools 1.1
- * Commons Betwixt 0.5
  * Commons Collections 2.1.1, 3.1
  * Commons DBCP 1.2, 1.2.1
  * Commons Logging 1.0.4
@@ -22,18 +36,41 @@
+ * Commons Betwixt 0.5
+ * HiveMind 1.0-beta-1
 === Community changes ===
+ May 
+The following were all added to the Jakarta PMC: 
+ * Jeff Dever
+ * Mark Diggory
+ * James Taylor
+ * Mark Thomas
+ * Michael Becke
+ * Oleg Kalnichevski
+ * Steve Cohen
+ * Adrian Sutton
+ * Ortwin Gluck
+ * Daniel Florey
+ * Martin Holz 
  * Emmanuel Bourg joins as a committer to Commons.
- * Matthew Inger joins as a committer, though has no cvs access yet (which is how I'm 
working out these destinations).
+ * Matthew Inger joins as a Jakarta committer.
  * Knut Wannheden joins as a committer to HiveMind.
  * Roy Winston joins as a committer to Commons.
  * Geir resigning as PMC Chair, Henri taking over.
- * (include current round of votes)
+The following were all added to the Jakarta PMC: 
+ * (include current round of votes)
 === Subproject news ===
+(waiting on the July report which will fill this section out)

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[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaReport-July2004

2004-07-14 Thread general
   Date: 2004-07-14T06:23:26
   Editor: HenriYandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaReport-July2004
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaReport-July2004

   Added in all subprojects so news may appear for them.

Change Log:

@@ -16,16 +16,48 @@
 === Subproject news ===
+ Alexandria 
+ BSF 
+ Cactus 
+ Commons 
+ ECS 
 HiveMind is moving steadily towards an initial beta release.
+ JMeter 
+ Lucene 
+ ORO 
+ POI 
+ Regexp 
+ Slide 
+ Taglibs 
 Work on the next release of Tapestry, Tapestry 3.1, based on a new infrastructure 
provided by HiveMind, has begun.  In addition, some annoyances in the final Tapestry 
3.0 release may result in a 3.0.1 bugfix release.
+ Tomcat 
 To make the creation of Web applications using Turbine easier, a plugin for Maven has 
been designed and is currently
 tested in the 2.3 branch of the Turbine framework. Some work towards the 2.4 release 
is going on, but no release date
 has been set.
+ Velocity 
+ Watchdog 

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[Jakarta Wiki] New: JakartaBoardReport-July2004

2004-07-14 Thread general
   Date: 2004-07-14T06:06:26
   Editor: <>
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaBoardReport-July2004
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaBoardReport-July2004

   Initial merger of April->July reports for the board's perusal.

New Page:

== April-July 2004 ==

=== Status ===

Prior to his departure, Geir started some discussion (PMC list) concerning Jakarta 
charter revisions and the various documents describing the governance of Jakarta. The 
current documents are quite out of date in places - "The number of PMC seats is set at 
seven". Expect more on this.

The PMC resolved a lack of oversight issue concerning the tomcat-security list, and 
two committers have stepped up to moderate it. Equally, the General list turned out to 
be lacking many moderators, so one of the themes for the next month may be to 
double-check our moderation coverage.

Dion Gillard has volunteered to be a Junior Apmail Apprentice (I presume this makes 
him our target for mail-list problems) to try and take some of common workload off of 

=== Releases ===


 * Commons Betwixt 0.5
 * Commons Collections 2.1.1, 3.1
 * Commons DBCP 1.2, 1.2.1
 * Commons Logging 1.0.4
 * Commons Net 1.2.2
 * Commons Pool 1.2
 * Tomcat 5.0.27 Beta


=== Community changes ===


 * Emmanuel Bourg joins as a committer to Commons.
 * Matthew Inger joins as a committer, though has no cvs access yet (which is how I'm 
working out these destinations).
 * Knut Wannheden joins as a committer to HiveMind.
 * Roy Winston joins as a committer to Commons.
 * Geir resigning as PMC Chair, Henri taking over.
 * (include current round of votes)


=== Subproject news ===

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[Jakarta Wiki] Updated: JakartaReport

2004-07-14 Thread general
   Date: 2004-07-14T06:03:02
   Editor: <>
   Wiki: Jakarta Wiki
   Page: JakartaReport
   URL: http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaReport

   Added in link to next board report.

Change Log:

@@ -37,3 +37,4 @@
  * ["JakartaReport-May2004"]
  * ["JakartaReport-June2004"]
  * ["JakartaReport-July2004"]
+ * ["JakartaBoardReport-July2004"]

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