Re: [VOTE] Commons moving to TLP

2007-05-24 Thread Vadim Gritsenko

Henri Yandell wrote:

So the question is; is the above direction worth discussing,

Not sure about moving to incubator part -- but overall -- yes, IMHO it is worth 


or should we just go with the Commons TLP.


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Re: [PROPOSAL] The future of Jakarta

2007-05-24 Thread Martin van den Bemt
> To those trying to preserve Jakarta I say 'let go of Commons'. Don't abuse 
> Commons to try and save Jakarta. If the Jakarta name is worth saving, people 
> and community will form to save it. If not, then it will die. Thats normal 
> and natural.

Maybe not a reference to me, but in case it is, a reaction is probably needed. 
I am not abusing
commons to save Jakarta. I just don't want commons to claim the Jakarta name 
when it leaves, since
that would be abusing the other projects still present at Jakarta.

That's what my notes are about : if the commons goal is to become Jakarta, you 
shouldn't leave. (not
  saying that this is what you wanted, just my observation from the threads 
going on)


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Re: [VOTE] Commons moving to TLP

2007-05-24 Thread Martin van den Bemt
> Added themselves to the TLP Proposal but didn't vote(?)
> 1.  Jochen Wiedmann
> 2.  Martin van den Bemt(*)
> 3.  Matt Benson
> 4.  Rory Winston(*)
> 5.  Joerg Pietschmann

I voted +1, unless the goal is that commons becomes Jakarta in the end.. (then 
I want commons to stay)


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Re: [VOTE] Commons moving to TLP

2007-05-24 Thread Rahul Akolkar

On 5/23/07, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 5/23/07, Dion Gillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think  there's another issue here.
> Many of those who voted +1, aren't on the initial list of committers
> in the proposal.
> Also, many current commons committers aren't on the proposed list.

Yup thats disappointing.

> It seems that we're not voting on that specific proposal, rather just
> the idea to move, and that a lot of people are being disenfranchised
> by not being listed.

Its down to people to add themselves to the TLP resolution (they were
invited to do so) - if people are disenfranchised then its their own

In teasing apart these two questions:

(1) Whether a community member plans to continue to be involved with
the Commons community (regardless of where the code resides -- this
TLP or a new one)

(2) Whether a community member supports the TLP proposal

Its possible to answer 'yes' to (1) but oppose / be undecided /
abstain on (2). For example, see Simon's post in this thread, I think
he raises a similar point. I'm in that boat as well.

> Wouldn't it be better if the initial list came from the svn acl?

Would seem wrong to put people on the list without their consent.



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Re: [VOTE] Commons moving to TLP

2007-05-24 Thread Rahul Akolkar

On 5/23/07, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If that, or something like it, sounds like a good consensus plan, then
I'm definitely more in favour of that than Commons going to TLP. There
are really only four steps:

Step 0: Consensus.
Step 1: Move 3 projects to the Incubator.
Step 2: Move other projects into Commons.
Step 3: Re-establish Jakarta PMC - we'd use pretty much the same
resolution we just voted on here.

So the question is; is the above direction worth discussing, or should
we just go with the Commons TLP.

I think it is.

From the Commons TLP discussion so far, a couple of things stand out for me:

* Whether Commons fits the bill (assuming the bill is tending towards
a TLP for a "product") --  lets punt on that (since the board won't
have that privilege).

* If we're going to invite half (or more) of the remainder of Jakarta
to join the Commons TLP, perhaps we can do that exercise here, and aim
towards step 3.

I do understand that some of us are wearing thin on patience and that
this would be a detour.



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