
On Mon, 26 May 2003 09:57:39 -0400
(Subject: Re: [PATCH] Instruction to create a patch to vendors.xml)
"Andrew C. Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> That seems fair.  Perhaps add "ill-formed patches will be rejected".
> -Andy

You are right. Also, Danny and Steven are right.

Even though I've shown (and other ones) the way to
make a change to vendors.html, there was no one
(no company) who created a patch for it and no one
posted here in this mailing list.

So, I've come to change my mind that the "sanity check"
(remain difficulties to change vendor.html) is still necessary.
It's a decent barrier to discourage sales and marketing
people to use apache.org as a marketing vehicle.

Please discard the patch I once submitted,
"[PATCH] Instruction to create a patch to vendors.xml"
in the top of this tree.

Very sorry.


Tetsuya Kitahata --  Terra-International, Inc.

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