Antoine Lévy-Lambert wrote:
Hi Adam, and jicarilla developers,

Hi Antoine!

(this is feeback about the build of jicarilla on gump, a system doing nightly builds of head revision of open-source projects)

the jicarilla build is assuming that the user has a .jbs subdirectory, this is not very cool.

actually, the location is configurable using an ant property, but hasn't been configured.

Anyway, don't worry about it too much. None of the other projects participating in gump currently depend on the jicarilla ones, so its success or failure is not /that/ important.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<project default="jar:install-snapshot" name="JBS-based build" basedir=".">
<property file=""/>
<!-- *what happens if the user does not have a ${jbs.home}/build-reactor.xml ?* -->
!-- *this is the case of gump *-->
> <property name="jbs.home"
   <import file="${jbs.home}/build-reactor.xml"/>

I wanted to see what happened. This:
Buildfile: build.xml
[property] dropping /data3/gump/jicarilla-sandbox/platform/components/collections/target/classes from path as it doesn't exist
[property] dropping /data3/gump/jicarilla-sandbox/platform/components/collections/target/test-classes from path as it doesn't exist

/data3/gump/jicarilla-sandbox/platform/components/collections/build.xml:6: Cannot find /home/ajack/.jbs/build-project.xml imported from /data3/gump/jicarilla-sandbox/platform/components/collections/build.xml

Total time: 0 seconds
which seems appropriate. I've now changed these projects to depend on this one:*checkout*/jicarilla/jicarilla-sandbox/platform/gump/gump-jicarilla-build-system.xml?content-type=text%2Fplain&rev=1.1

which is supposed to install and update the ~/.jbs directory each night. Just to see if this'll work well.

The next step might be to figure out if gump makes something like @@GUMP_HOME@@ available (I don't think so), and perhaps use @@GUMP_HOME@@/work/.jbs as the base directory if possible.

Another option will be to make .jbs a required installed package (just like we're doing with tools like forrest atm. But I think that one is inferior because it doesn't quite mirror how the jicarilla build actually is used.


- Leo Simons

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