I'd add to the list the Pluto and Charon proposals. I haven't seen any reaction from the incubator to these? I know there was some discussions and issues/hurdles raised by Andy but some sort of acknowledgment would be polite.

Note that as a member of the Jakarta PMC I'm -1 on the Pluto project until such time as the
issues are resolved. I think there was some consensus on that.

It seemed to me that this isn't an incubator issue so much as the Pluto folks hoped this would be a rubber
stamp process and didn't like it when they found out they had to change and hence took their cookies and
went home.

The was some discussion from David Taylor that perhaps Pluto should just be part of Jetspeed after all, but then
came one of those mysterious silences.

In any case. I do not regard this as fault of the incubator.



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