
I have question regarding ibdiagnet and credit loop checking. In debug.tcl
there seems to be two different credit checks:

# report credit loops
ibdmCalcMinHopTables $fabric
set roots [ibdmFindRootNodesByMinHop $fabric]
if {[llength $roots]} {
    inform "-I-reporting:found.roots" $roots
    ibdmReportNonUpDownCa2CaPaths $fabric $roots
} else {
    ibdmAnalyzeLoops $fabric

What is the difference between these two checks? From a brief inspection
of the relevant code I would guess that "ibdmReportNonUpDownCa2CaPaths"
checks the routing table for volations of the UpDown rule, while
"ibdmAnalyzeLoops" checks the routing table for cyclic dependencies. Is
this correct?

Best regards,

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