
Call this a mini-howto if you like. If you see any problems, please let me 
know, so I can correct them.

If you're a roaming user or you're trying to link a satellite office to the 
main network, SSH can handle the job. Other solutions exist, and SSH isn't 
perfect, but this is probably the simplest trick out there.

OpenSSH since version 4.3 has the ability to set up TUN/TAP tunnels. I'm sure 
most of you have set up port-forwarding via SSH, but this is a little 
different than that. Instead of forwarding one TCP port to a host on the other 
side of the target SSH server, TUN/TAP lets you route between networks as if 
both networks are on the same LAN. We're setting up an IP tunnel here using 
TUN, but you could just as easily set up a layer-2 bridge between two LANs by 
using the TAP interface instead.

Let's say you're on a laptop in a coffee shop and want to reach your home or 
office network. Your home LAN is on a subnet. Bear in mind that 
the router at home needs to have "PermitTunnel yes" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, 
and "Tunnel yes" and "TunnelDevice any:any" should be listed in 
/etc/ssh_config on your laptop. Also, the tun driver needs to load on both 
your laptop and the router. By the way, your router at home has the external 
IP address

On the laptop, log in to your router at home as root:

  ssh -w0:0

which creates a tunnel between your laptop and the router at home. After 
you've logged in to the router, run the command

  ifconfig tun0 netmask

on the router, which will give the an IP address to the far end of the tunnel. 
At this point, you don't have to do anything else on the router.

Back on your laptop, you have to set an IP address on your end of the tunnel, 
and set up routing to your LAN at home:

  ifconfig tun0 netmask
  route add -net dev tun0

At this point you should be able to ping any IP on your LAN at home, from your 
laptop. Congrats, your VPN is set up and you're good to go.

If you were trying to set up a remote office, the only thing you'd need to do 
is set up a route on the main office router to reach hosts on the satellite 

So, how does it work? SSH allows you to set up a virtual interface, as noted, 
which functions as a tunnel with two endpoints. You place an IP address at 
each end of the tunnel, then set up a route at one or both ends to tell hosts 
each end how to reach hosts on the other end. Routed traffic passes through 
the tunnel, all nice and encrypted via SSH. Assuming everything is configured  
correctly and the tun0 interface comes upon both ends, you can construct a 
scriptable VPN with only four or five commands.

Joey Kelly
< Minister of the Gospel | Linux Consultant >
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