Got a wierd one. Sometimes (usually after a memory intensive task, like emerging ooffice), Eterms in which I'm logged in as root will cause a PrintScreen whenever I hit an arrow key.

To avoid the printjobs, I start Eterm with '--print-pipe /usr/bin/true', which prevents the waste of paper, but crashes the Eterm. Once the condition trips (after emerging ooffice), it is 100% repeatable. root logins in xterm do _not_ exhibit the same behavior. User logins in either Eterm or xterm don't do it either.

I'm thinking it is some sort of memory access error in bash when 'TERM=Eterm', but I'm having trouble narrowing it down. I tried using the Eterm.ti file ('tic -o /usr/share/terminfo/ Eterm.ti') from the Eterm tarball (Gentoo recently started using the one provided by ncurses). No luck.

If I shut down the X server and restart it, it goes away.

Anyone have a clue where I can look? I'd like to isolate and fix it so I can just provide a patch to the appropriate folks. For all I know, it could be a problem in X or enlightenment...


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