titanofold    14/11/18 20:25:29

  Modified:             postinstall-en.txt rt_apache2.conf reconfig
  Refresh rt_apache.conf so that it has a working example appropriate
  for the only version in the tree. Added another sed statement in the
  ebuild to remove excess slashes. Fixed reconfig so that it actually
  does what it's supposed to do, and do so quietly so that the message
  isn't lost. Cleaned up postinstall and have it point to our wiki page
  instead of an outdated, flash heavy guide. This package now does
  everything it promised, but didn't deliver.
  (Portage version: 2.2.8-r2/cvs/Linux x86_64, signed Manifest commit with key 

Revision  Changes    Path
1.5                  www-apps/rt/files/postinstall-en.txt

file : 
diff : 

Index: postinstall-en.txt
RCS file: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/rt/files/postinstall-en.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.4
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -r1.4 -r1.5
--- postinstall-en.txt  3 Apr 2008 09:57:12 -0000       1.4
+++ postinstall-en.txt  18 Nov 2014 20:25:29 -0000      1.5
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
+Please follow the Gentoo install guide found at:
-Now you need to configure your RT installation.
-Please follow the Gentoo install guide found at
+    https://wiki.gentoo.com/wiki/Request_Tracker
 Your local config files are located here:
-If you need more help, consider searching the mailing list (Google 
site:lists.fsck.com )
+    ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PN}-${PVR}/etc
+Some file locations have changed. Everything is now installed, for real
+this time, into:
-Some file locations have changed. Everything is now installed into
-${VHOST_ROOT}. RT executables are no longer in /usr/bin
-You may need to modify your existing configuration files accordingly.
+    ${VHOST_ROOT}
+RT executables are no longer in /usr/bin. You may need to modify your
+existing configuration files accordingly.

1.3                  www-apps/rt/files/rt_apache2.conf

file : 
diff : 

Index: rt_apache2.conf
RCS file: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/rt/files/rt_apache2.conf,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
--- rt_apache2.conf     3 Apr 2008 09:57:12 -0000       1.2
+++ rt_apache2.conf     18 Nov 2014 20:25:29 -0000      1.3
@@ -1,31 +1,16 @@
-<IfDefine PERL>
-<VirtualHost MY_RT_DOMAIN:80>
-       ServerName MY_RT_DOMAIN
-       DocumentRoot HTDOCS
-       ServerAdmin YOUR_EMAIL_HERE
+# Copy the contents of this file to the appropriate location in your
+# Apache configuration.
-       AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
-       <IfDefine USERDIR>
-               UserDir disabled
-       </IfDefine>
-       PerlModule Apache::DBI
-       PerlRequire RT_DIR/bin/webmux.pl
-       <Location />
-               SetHandler perl-script
-               PerlHandler RT::Mason
-               PerlSetEnv PERL5LIB /usr/lib
-       </Location>
-       <Directory "HTDOCS">
-               Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
-               AllowOverride None
-               Order allow,deny
-               Allow from all
-       </Directory>
-# vim: ts=4 filetype=apache
+# Adjust the Location path if you have RT being served from a
+# subdirectory instead of from root. (i.e., example.com/rt instead of
+# rt.example.com)
+<Location />
+    SetHandler modperl
+    PerlResponseHandler Plack::Handler::Apache2
+    PerlSetVar psgi_app RT_DIR/sbin/rt-server
+    use Plack::Handler::Apache2;
+    Plack::Handler::Apache2->preload("RT_DIR/sbin/rt-server");

1.7                  www-apps/rt/files/reconfig

file : 
diff : 

Index: reconfig
RCS file: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/rt/files/reconfig,v
retrieving revision 1.6
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.6 -r1.7
--- reconfig    12 Oct 2013 11:55:01 -0000      1.6
+++ reconfig    18 Nov 2014 20:25:29 -0000      1.7
@@ -2,54 +2,55 @@
 die() {
-       echo "#####"
-       echo $1
-       echo "#####"
-       exit 1
+    echo "#####"
+    echo $1
+    echo "#####"
+    exit 1
 if [ $1 = "install" ]; then
-       # fix location
-       cd ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}
-       sed -e "s|${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}/${PF}|${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}|g
-               s|${MY_HTDOCSDIR}|${MY_INSTALLDIR}|g" -i bin/* etc/RT_Config.pm 
lib/RT.pm sbin/* || die
-       if [[ -e ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}/lib/RT/Generated.pm ]]; then
-               sed -e "s|${MY_HOSTROOTDIR}/${PF}|${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}|g
-                       s|${MY_HTDOCSDIR}|${MY_INSTALLDIR}|g" -i 
lib/RT/Generated.pm || die
-       fi
+    # So, some craziness happens during the install process. First, we
+    # have doubled slashes, which the ebuild dutifully removes, but
+    # then, at some point, ${ED} is removed including its trailing
+    # slash, which leaves us with relative path references. That's why
+    # we remove the leading slash instead of the trailing slash in the
+    # variables below so that the sed statement will actually match
+    # what we mean.
+    echo "Replacing ${ROOT#/}${MY_HOSTROOTDIR#/} with ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}"
+    echo "Replacing ${ROOT#/}${MY_HTDOCSDIR#/} with ${MY_INSTALLDIR}"
+    echo "Replacing RT_DIR with ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}"
-       if [[ -e ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}/etc/rt_apache2.conf ]]; then
-               sed -i \
-                       -e "s|RT_DIR|${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}|g"
-                       -e "s|HTDOCS|${MY_INSTALLDIR}|g" \
-                       ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}/etc/rt_apache2.conf
-       fi
-       if [[ -e ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}/etc/rt_apache2_fcgi.conf ]]; then
-               sed -i \
-                       -e "s|RT_DIR|${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}|g"
-                       -e "s|HTDOCS|${MY_INSTALLDIR}|g" \
-                       ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}/etc/rt_apache2_fcgi.conf
-       fi
-       # check for upgrades
-       cd ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}/upgrade
-       echo "You may need to update your database. For each item in the output 
-       echo "whose name is greater than your previously installed RT version,"
-       echo "run the following commands, specifying YOUR_DBA_USER:"
-       echo "${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}/sbin/rt-setup-database --action schema 
--datadir ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}/upgrade/<version> --dba YOUR_DBA_USER 
-       echo "${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}/sbin/rt-setup-database --action acl --datadir 
${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}/upgrade/<version> --dba YOUR_DBA_USER 
-       echo "${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}/sbin/rt-setup-database --action insert 
--datadir ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}/upgrade/<version> --dba YOUR_DBA_USER 
-       echo "Note that some upgrade directories don't have all 3 items 
(schema, acl, insert)"
-       echo "You can skip missing items safely"
-       echo "Don't forget to read the online installation guide for more 
-       ls
+    for file in $(find ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF} -type f) ; do
+        sed -e "s|${ROOT#/}${MY_HOSTROOTDIR#/}/${PF}|${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}|g" \
+            -e "s|${ROOT#/}${MY_HTDOCSDIR#/}|${MY_INSTALLDIR}|g" \
+            -e "s|RT_DIR|${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}|g" \
+            -i "${file}" || die
+    done
+    echo
+    echo "If you're upgrading RT, you may need to update your database."
+    echo "Take a look in:"
+    echo
+    echo "  ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}/upgrade"
+    echo
+    echo "Iterate through each sub-directory, in order, whose name is greater"
+    echo "than your previously installed RT version, and run the following"
+    echo "commands:"
+    echo
+    for step in schema acl insert ; do
+        echo "  ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}/sbin/rt-setup-database \\"
+        echo "    --action ${step} --dba DBSUPERUSER --prompt-for-dba-password 
+        echo "    --datadir ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}/upgrade/<version> "
+        echo
+    done
+    echo "Note that some upgrade directories don't have all 3 items (schema,"
+    echo "acl, insert) and you can skip them safely."
+    echo
+    echo "Don't forget to read the online installation guide for more details"
 elif [ $1 = "clean" ]; then
-       echo "Please examine the contents of the following directories"
-       echo "and delete anything that is no longer necessary"
-       echo
-       echo ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}
-       echo ${MY_INSTALLDIR}
+    echo "Please examine the contents of the following directories and delete"
+    echo "anything that is no longer necessary:"
+    echo
+    echo "  ${VHOST_ROOT}/${PF}"
+    echo "  ${MY_INSTALLDIR}"

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