blueness    14/03/12 23:03:15

  Added:                20140311-summary.txt 20140311.txt
  Meeting logs and summary for 20140311

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Index: 20140311-summary.txt
Summary of Gentoo council meeting 11 March 2014

1. Roll call
2. Open issues - vote on GLEP 63
3. Ban on EAPI 1 and 2 should extend to updating EAPI in existing ebuilds
4. Make all cosmetic repoman warnings fatal
5. Adherence to FHS standards in Gentoo: putting config files int /etc
6. Bugs assigned to Council
7. Open floor

1. Roll call

Present: blueness dberkholz dilfridge rich0 ulm williamh
Absent: scarabeus

2. Open issues - vote on GLEP 63

Previous council action approved in principle the policies outlined in
"GLEP 63: Gentoo GPG key policies" [1], but delayed the vote for approval
until the final language was put in place.  dilfridge presented a shorter
version of the GLEP which removed the "howto" language and reduced it to
just policy [2].  Discussion progressed to a consensus that we should have
only policy in the GLEP and a practical guide should be a separate document
which can be changed without council vote.

We tabled the vote until either an email vote (initiated by dilfridge) or
the next meeting.


3. Ban on EAPI 1 and 2 should extend to updating EAPI in existing ebuilds

The concil considered the question of whether the ban on EAPIs 1 and 2 should
extended to updating EAPIs in *existing* ebuilds, and not just new ebuilds added
to the tree [3]. mgorny noted that we need bumps from EAPI 0 to 1 because we 
an easy way to introduce slotting without the major rewrining of ebuild phases
than an EAPI 0 to 3 bump would require.  After discussion, the council voted on
the following motion:

"EAPI 1 and 2 are now banned.  This ban should not only be limited to new 
but should be extended to include updating EAPIs in *existing* ebuilds.  In case
of non-maintainer commits to fix dependencies, EAPI=0 ebuilds may be updated to
EAPI=1 to keep the changes at a non-intrusive level, as a temporary workaround."

The motion carried with 4 yes, 1 no and 1 abstention.


4. Make all cosmetic repoman warnings fatal

The council considered the question of whether all repoman warnings should be
made fatal [4].  Concensus was reached that this would lead to too many false

The motion failed with 4 no and 1 abstention.


5. Adherence to FHS standards in Gentoo: putting config files int /etc

The question of where config files should go was raised by patrick [5,6,7].  The
council discussed whether it should be policy to put all config files in /etc.
However, what defines a config file is unclear because some packages, like udev 
eudev, put their *default* config files in /lib/udev/rules.d which are 
by the files in /etc/udev/rules.d.  The former are not meant to be user-edited 
the later are.  The council is okay with static config files living outside of 
while user-editable config files should be in /etc.

rich0 introduced the following motion:

"Council does not feel additional policy required regarding config files in 
In particular packages that place config templates in /usr or /lib* and allow 
in /etc are fine. Specific issues not already discussed can be raised in future 

The motion passed with 4 yes and 1 abstention.


6. Bugs assigned to Council

The council looked at two open bugs:

a) Bug #503382 - Missing summaries for 20131210, 20140114, and 20140225 council 

dberkholtz said he would upload those summaries soon.

b) Bug #477030 - Missing summary for 20130611 council meeting

There has been no progress.  scarabeus was to nudge betelgeuse for that summry.

7. Open floor

No issues were brought forward.

Summary submitted by Anthony G. Basile <>

1.1                  xml/htdocs/proj/en/council/meeting-logs/20140311.txt

file :

Index: 20140311.txt
Mar 11 14:59:01 <blueness>      ping dberkholz dilfridge rich0 scarabeus ulm  
Mar 11 14:59:06 dberkholz dberkholz|mob dilfridge dilfridge|mobile dleverton_ 
Mar 11 14:59:13 <blueness>      dberkholz|mob, mob?
Mar 11 14:59:28 *       ulm here
Mar 11 14:59:30 <dberkholz|mob> mobile
Mar 11 14:59:38 <blueness>      ah
Mar 11 14:59:44 *       rich0 here
Mar 11 14:59:47 *       dilfridge here
Mar 11 14:59:58 <rich0> he's ganging up on us
Mar 11 15:00:13 <blueness>      ping scarabeus ulm  williamh
Mar 11 15:00:50 *       ulm still here ;)
Mar 11 15:01:07 <blueness>      scarabeus, WilliamH are missing
Mar 11 15:01:47 <blueness>      let's wait a few minutes (the time it takes me 
to run downstairs and get tea)
Mar 11 15:02:25 <dberkholz|mob> Sounds good
Mar 11 15:02:29 *       WilliamH is here
Mar 11 15:03:30 <blueness>      scarabeus, ping last time
Mar 11 15:03:45 <blueness>      let's start
Mar 11 15:03:55 <rich0> I think we might actually make it through the agenda 
this time!
Mar 11 15:03:56 <blueness>      agenda:
Mar 11 15:04:17 <blueness>      If there are no objections we'll proceed to 
item 1
Mar 11 15:04:29 <blueness>      Vote: GPG signing GLEP 63
Mar 11 15:04:36 <blueness>
Mar 11 15:05:03 <dilfridge>     there was discussion whether we should place in 
the GLEP only the bare specs or also the howto parts
Mar 11 15:05:04 <blueness>      So we're voting to accept GLEP 63 which should 
be ready
Mar 11 15:05:22 <dilfridge>
Mar 11 15:05:32 <dilfridge>     ^ this is a re-arranged "barebones" version.
Mar 11 15:05:48 <rich0> I'm fine with accepting it as-is as long as it is 
understood that it isn't effective/implemented until communications/docs/etc 
are in place.  Works fine as a reference for design/etc of all that.
Mar 11 15:06:05 <dilfridge>     I prefer the longer version.
Mar 11 15:06:09 <rich0> Of course, if they do clean up the docs, presumably the 
docs section of the GLEP should be updated.
Mar 11 15:06:18 <dilfridge>     Just wanted to have something to show up.
Mar 11 15:06:37 <rich0> But it isn't absolutely required if the intent is to 
just show the state at the time of review.
Mar 11 15:07:03 <ulm>   I think the documentation should better go to a less 
rigid part of the wiki
Mar 11 15:07:16 <blueness>      dilfridge, by the longer version you mean the 
one at
Mar 11 15:07:21 <ulm>   so it can be updated more easily, without us voting on 
it every time
Mar 11 15:07:24 <dilfridge>     blueness: yes.
Mar 11 15:07:28 <rich0> The biggest issue with docs in a GLEP is that they tend 
to get crufty.
Mar 11 15:07:33 <dberkholz|mob> Prefer longer with examples, not necessarily as 
canonical doc
Mar 11 15:08:18 <rich0> I'm fine either way - I could see the argument for 
either approach.
Mar 11 15:08:29 <dilfridge>     _robbat2|irssi: a penny for your thoughts?
Mar 11 15:08:29 <blueness>      Well what came forward last time was to vote on 
the longer version, so i'm not sure what to do with the shorter one now
Mar 11 15:09:16 <WilliamH>      blueness: the vote is on the longer version...
Mar 11 15:09:32 <ulm>   the shorter version is not so much shorter, btw
Mar 11 15:10:03 <blueness>      Should be proceed with the vote then?
Mar 11 15:10:08 *       dilfridge is fine with voting on the long version.
Mar 11 15:10:08 <blueness>      on the longer version?
Mar 11 15:10:18 <rich0> wfm
Mar 11 15:10:22 <ulm>   wfm too
Mar 11 15:10:23 <blueness>      waiting
Mar 11 15:11:00 <WilliamH>      I'm also not sure that the official howto for 
this should be part of the glep...
Mar 11 15:11:05 <ulm>   I'd like to hear robbat2's opinion
Mar 11 15:11:37 <dberkholz|mob> I'm for longer as I said. Should be clear it's 
example how to do it now
Mar 11 15:12:00 <dberkholz|mob> Not docs council must always approve updates of
Mar 11 15:12:03 <blueness>      its unlikely things will change
Mar 11 15:12:05 <rich0> I view the docs in the GLEP a bit like a "reference 
implementation" - it doesn't mean it is the version you run.
Mar 11 15:12:17 <rich0> Granted, they fall considerably short of a reference 
Mar 11 15:12:30 <_robbat2|irssi>        sorry, was in this talk
Mar 11 15:12:39 *       kallamej has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
Mar 11 15:12:53 <_robbat2|irssi>        and this conference wifi is bad
Mar 11 15:13:16 <blueness>      _robbat2|irssi, did you get the backlog?
Mar 11 15:13:21 <_robbat2|irssi>        i do like the 1001a part
Mar 11 15:13:30 <_robbat2|irssi>        but i think I need to reformat the 
recommendation chunk
Mar 11 15:13:34 <_robbat2|irssi>        to explain what it's doing
Mar 11 15:13:38 <_robbat2|irssi>        or rather specify
Mar 11 15:13:42 <_robbat2|irssi>        not in a gnupg config file format
Mar 11 15:14:20 <_robbat2|irssi>        then after that, explain why
Mar 11 15:14:25 <_robbat2|irssi>        lastly, in a NEW document
Mar 11 15:14:28 <_robbat2|irssi>        have the gpg config file
Mar 11 15:14:32 <_robbat2|irssi>        along with instructions
Mar 11 15:14:53 <_robbat2|irssi>        is the council in favour of the actual 
spec contents?
Mar 11 15:14:58 <_robbat2|irssi>        (aside from the format)
Mar 11 15:15:02 <rich0> In effect, the "bare minimum requirements" are the real 
policy.  The rest is just howtos, commentary on best practices, etc.
Mar 11 15:15:14 <rich0> Only the minimum requirements really have any kind of 
Mar 11 15:15:37 <dilfridge>     suggestion: we vote now that the minimum 
requirements remain unchanged
Mar 11 15:16:00 <_robbat2|irssi>        i'm wondering if some of the parts in 
recommendations might be moved to the min requirements
Mar 11 15:16:06 <dilfridge>     ok
Mar 11 15:16:18 <blueness>      its sounds like you two want to work on this 
Mar 11 15:16:23 <blueness>      we can table the vote
Mar 11 15:16:44 *       WilliamH agrees with blueness
Mar 11 15:16:56 <dilfridge>     works for me too, shall we target the next 
meeting then?
Mar 11 15:17:12 <ulm>   we could have a vote per e-mail if we don't want to 
delay it by another month
Mar 11 15:17:13 <blueness>      dilfridge, yes, we need to vote to table it 
though (following roberts rules)
Mar 11 15:17:39 <blueness>      ulm, i'm not sure there's an urgency, but i'm 
not against an email vote
Mar 11 15:18:10 <rich0> Those working on implementation shouldn't hold up or 
anything.  Nobody objects to the policy itself.  This is really about the 
Mar 11 15:18:11 <dilfridge>     _robbat2|irssi: your call (I think in general 
there is agreement with the specs, but we can't formally vote on something 
unfinished :)
Mar 11 15:18:30 <rich0> We've been fine on the specs for two months now.
Mar 11 15:18:55 <blueness>      rich0, we wanted to see final language, which 
is why this keeps getting tabled
Mar 11 15:19:29 <rich0> blueness: sure - wasn't a complaint.  Just supporting 
the comment that getting this GLEP approved shouldn't stop anybody from writing 
infra code, docs, etc.
Mar 11 15:19:38 <dilfridge>     I dont see much disagreement with the specs 
Mar 11 15:20:54 <blueness>      dilfridge, is the short document sufficient for 
a vote now, given that we agree with the specs? ie are all the spec in there?
Mar 11 15:21:41 <dilfridge>     in my opinion yes, but robbat2 is the real 
Mar 11 15:22:00 <blueness>      _robbat2|irssi, ^^^ any opinion on my question
Mar 11 15:22:19 <dilfridge>     my intention was to have the long and short 
version "identical in specifications, differing in explanation/docs"
Mar 11 15:22:51 <blueness>      i think robbat2 is having net issues
Mar 11 15:23:34 <blueness>      i suggest tabling this with a email vote, 
initiated by dilfridge when he and robbat2 have sorted it out
Mar 11 15:23:47 <WilliamH>      That's fine with me.
Mar 11 15:24:11 <dilfridge>     ok
Mar 11 15:24:29 <blueness>      table it? dberkholz rich0 ulm 
Mar 11 15:24:38 <ulm>   +1
Mar 11 15:24:40 <rich0> ++
Mar 11 15:24:43 <dilfridge>     +1
Mar 11 15:24:44 <WilliamH>      table it
Mar 11 15:25:08 <blueness>      okay, dilfridge when you're ready, email the 
group and we'll vote.  otherwise its on the next agenda
Mar 11 15:25:14 <dilfridge>     will do
Mar 11 15:25:24 <blueness>      okay next item: Ban on EAPI 1 and 2 should 
extend to updating EAPI in existing ebuilds
Mar 11 15:25:43 <blueness>      ulm, you brought this up, do you want to speak 
to it?
Mar 11 15:26:15 <ulm>   IMHO a "ban" means that once the count of e.g. EAPI 1 
ebuilds is down to zero, it should stay there
Mar 11 15:26:37 <ulm>   which isn't the case if changing ebuilds to EAPI 1 and 
2 is still allowed
Mar 11 15:27:03 <ulm>   in other words, these EAPIs are on their way out of the 
Mar 11 15:27:26 <blueness>      ulm, to be honest, i thought that was implicit 
in what we voted on last time, but i can see how that confusion might arrise 
because we did say the bans was on "new" ebuilds
Mar 11 15:27:29 <ulm>   so there should be no excuse for adding such ebuilds, 
or changing others to these EAPIs
Mar 11 15:28:04 <ulm>   blueness: devs are more creative in interpreting the 
rules than we had imagined ;)
Mar 11 15:28:17 <blueness>      ulm, okay
Mar 11 15:28:23 <mgorny>        ulm: how are we supposed to add slot deps to 
EAPI=0 ebuilds then?
Mar 11 15:28:29 <WilliamH>      Why would you change an ebuild *to* one of 
these eapis?
Mar 11 15:28:37 <ulm>   mgorny: update to EAPI 3 or later
Mar 11 15:28:59 <mgorny>        this goes outside of 'acceptable' for touching 
sb's package
Mar 11 15:29:14 <mgorny>        and this is a lot of unnecessary work for old 
Mar 11 15:29:18 <ulm>   but you have to change the EAPI anyway, so why not to a 
supported one?
Mar 11 15:29:37 <mgorny>        because changing 0 -> 1 doesn't require many 
changes, while 0 -> 3 does
Mar 11 15:29:41 <rich0> EAPI 0->1 is less work than 0->5 - less phase 
Mar 11 15:29:48 <blueness>      i see
Mar 11 15:29:55 <blueness>      mgorny, just do it one step at a time
Mar 11 15:29:55 <rich0> I can see why people would rather do it.
Mar 11 15:29:57 <dilfridge>     file a bug to maintainer (get ignored)
Mar 11 15:30:11 *       kallamej (~kallamej@gentoo/developer/kallamej) has 
joined #gentoo-council
Mar 11 15:30:42 <blueness>      does anyone have a count of how many ebuilds 
we're talking here?
Mar 11 15:30:53 <ulm>   less than 300
Mar 11 15:30:57 <ulm>   for eapi 1
Mar 11 15:31:20 <rich0> If we just made the policy no moving from a non-banned 
EAPI to a banned one that covers the obvious loophole.
Mar 11 15:31:21 <dilfridge>     EAPI=0 is somewhere around 6000
Mar 11 15:31:45 <ulm>   dilfridge: yeah, but not all of them to be converted to 
Mar 11 15:31:47 <rich0> EAPI0 might get an exception.
Mar 11 15:31:59 <rich0> EAPI0 is almost banned, but we have some details to 
work out first.
Mar 11 15:32:06 <dberkholz>     so the argument here is that any forward ports 
to 0 must move forward to at least 3
Mar 11 15:32:11 <dberkholz>     errr. *from 0
Mar 11 15:32:19 <rich0> I don't see EAPI0->1 as really anything but an 
Mar 11 15:32:46 <dilfridge>     we want to remove EAPI=1 usage, if we allow 
upgrade 0->1 that will never happen
Mar 11 15:32:58 <ulm>   we could add an exception for updating from 0 to 1 in 
case of slot dependenies
Mar 11 15:33:15 <rich0> dilfridge: at the moment EAPI1 doesn't cost us 
anything, and EAPI0 will not be around forever.
Mar 11 15:33:18 <blueness>      ugh no, that's messy
Mar 11 15:33:27 <ulm>   blueness: it is ;)
Mar 11 15:33:37 *       ulm prefers clear rules
Mar 11 15:34:05 <rich0> The thing is, we have to bite the EAPI3 bullet sooner 
or later.
Mar 11 15:34:36 <ulm>   basically, all the ebuilds that are moved from 0 to 1 
now have to be touched a second time lateron
Mar 11 15:34:42 <WilliamH>      To me banned is banned. no emore ebuilds should 
be committed to the tree with a banned eapi.
Mar 11 15:34:52 <mgorny>        ulm: they will be mostly removed later on
Mar 11 15:35:00 <blueness>      rich0, that's why i'm saying we can move at a 
comfortable pace here
Mar 11 15:35:08 <ulm>   mgorny: honestly, I doubt this
Mar 11 15:35:09 <mgorny>        we need to fix deps in old versions, they don't 
take more maint than that
Mar 11 15:35:33 <mgorny>        at least the ebuilds i was touching had newer 
versions with newer EAPI
Mar 11 15:35:43 <rich0> If the package manager teams were screaming for EAPI 
relief I could see pushing harder.  Right now they're content.
Mar 11 15:35:53 <ulm>   mgorny: if there's a newer ebuild around for the same 
pkg, you can take that one as example
Mar 11 15:36:11 <dberkholz>     is it really that much work to bring them 
forward to 3?
Mar 11 15:36:25 <dberkholz>     most of the stuff you can skip, a tiny bit of 
function refactoring for 2, eh
Mar 11 15:36:53 <blueness>      dberkholz, i wouldn't have thought it was that 
much work, but i guess i can see some thorny situations
Mar 11 15:37:12 <blueness>      eapi0 made for some very strange phase coding
Mar 11 15:37:17 <rich0> dberkholz: certainly more opportunity for trouble with 
the refactoring.  Not that big a deal, but if I had to edit 50 ebuilds I'd be 
reluctant to deal with it...
Mar 11 15:37:25 <blueness>      like configuring during compile etc
Mar 11 15:37:27 <mgorny>        when i have like 50 packages to update, i don't 
want to waste time converting old ebuilds nobody will use...
Mar 11 15:37:48 <blueness>      mgorny, can you give us a deprecation pathway 
Mar 11 15:37:58 *       alexxy has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
Mar 11 15:37:58 <mgorny>        if you tell me it's fine to leave broken deps 
in old ebuilds, i'm fine with that
Mar 11 15:38:10 <blueness>      like if we make an exception for a few older 
ebuild versions until phased out?
Mar 11 15:38:15 <rich0> Maybe look at it another way - which is worse, 
treecleaning or having more EAPI1 ebuilds?  I think in practice users would 
object more to the treecleaning.
Mar 11 15:38:41 <dberkholz>     mgorny: if nobody's gonna use them, why not 
remove them
Mar 11 15:39:06 <rich0> dberkholz: That's the whole ain't-broke-don't-fix thing.
Mar 11 15:39:07 *       WilliamH agrees with dberkholz  here. if no one is 
using the old stuff, remove it.
Mar 11 15:39:24 <rich0> I'm sure most of it will get treecleaned, but there is 
some value in delaying that as much as possible.
Mar 11 15:39:25 <mgorny>        because the maintainer believes in keeping old 
versions and i'm really tired of fighting all the personal preference issues in 
Mar 11 15:39:40 <dilfridge>     file a bug for the maintainer?
Mar 11 15:39:48 <rich0> If it IS maintained then LART the maintainer.
Mar 11 15:39:49 *       alexxy (~alexxy@gentoo/developer/alexxy) has joined 
Mar 11 15:40:04 <blueness>      LART?
Mar 11 15:40:11 <dberkholz>     is that like LARP
Mar 11 15:40:18 <rich0> I think the bigger issue is stuff that isn't 
maintained, in which case the preferences that matter are those of the folks 
who actually want to do something about it.
Mar 11 15:40:34 *       Arfrever has quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
Mar 11 15:40:45 <dilfridge>     "Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool"
Mar 11 15:40:49 <blueness>      ahah!
Mar 11 15:40:54 <blueness>      i like that
Mar 11 15:41:11 <ulm>   if the opinion is that it causes to many inconveniences 
to devs, then our decision on banning EAPIs 1 and 2 was premature and we should 
revert it
Mar 11 15:41:32 <ulm>   which I'd really dislike though
Mar 11 15:41:38 <blueness>      sound logic
Mar 11 15:42:13 *       WilliamH agrees with what was said above.
Mar 11 15:42:25 <WilliamH>      At some point we are going to have to convert 
all of this stuff to at least eapi 3.
Mar 11 15:42:36 <dberkholz>     inconvenience to devs isn't just a short term 
Mar 11 15:42:43 <dberkholz>     it's also about long term maintenance 
Mar 11 15:42:57 <rich0> I don't think we need absolutes.
Mar 11 15:43:03 <blueness>      dberkholz, what do you mean?
Mar 11 15:43:07 <rich0> We don't want people writing new stuff in EAPI1/2
Mar 11 15:43:12 <dberkholz>     having a big stack of EAPIs sitting around is 
Mar 11 15:43:28 <dberkholz>     pretty much nobody even remembers what's in 
what anymore, unless they were around for generation 0
Mar 11 15:43:28 <rich0> That doesn't mean that using it as a stepping-stone for 
existing EAPI0 stuff is bad.
Mar 11 15:43:49 <mgorny>        well, in my opinion there's no real issue here
Mar 11 15:44:09 <mgorny>        if people are intentionally doing step-0-to-1 
to use banned EAPI, there will be action required
Mar 11 15:44:14 *       WilliamH still thinks that if an eapi is banned it is 
Mar 11 15:44:21 <rich0> I'm all for banning EAPI0 as well, just with an 
exception for the toolchain.
Mar 11 15:44:39 <rich0> mgorny: ++
Mar 11 15:44:40 <blueness>      rich0, one at a time!
Mar 11 15:45:06 <blueness>      okay has everyone had enough discussion?
Mar 11 15:45:11 <rich0> We're not robots.  We don't need rules that a robot can 
follow, or a lawyer for that matter.
Mar 11 15:45:13 <mgorny>        but if there's a bug that needs being fixed 
quickly and with little effort, i don't see doing temporarily EAPI change a 
Mar 11 15:45:42 <ulm>   mgorny: it's also about EAPI support in eclasses
Mar 11 15:45:44 <blueness>      mgorny, how would you phrase that as a clean 
exception to the eapi1/2 ban
Mar 11 15:46:07 <blueness>      so we clearly exclude undesireable 0->1 bumps
Mar 11 15:46:28 <rich0> Why not this, EAPI1/2 may not be used for ebuilds that 
are not already in the tree as of this date.
Mar 11 15:46:51 <ulm>   rich0: this would allow 5->1
Mar 11 15:47:03 <blueness>      heh
Mar 11 15:47:29 <dberkholz>     i think rich0 was right about this point, we 
shouldn't need to explicitly preclude every absurd behavior
Mar 11 15:47:30 <rich0> EAPI1/2 may not be used for ebuilds unless they are 
already in the tree using EAPI0 as of this date.
Mar 11 15:47:43 <mgorny>        blueness: if you really feel we need this, how 
about saying something about timeframe for keeping ebuilds?
Mar 11 15:47:59 <mgorny>        as in, allowing bump from 0 to 1 when ebuild is 
not intended to be kept more than 30/60 days or so
Mar 11 15:47:59 <ulm>   the thing is, either we trust devs to DTRT, then we 
don't need a ban
Mar 11 15:48:04 <blueness>      mgorny, i like rich0's wording
Mar 11 15:48:11 <ulm>   or we don't, then we should enforce it in some way
Mar 11 15:48:40 <rich0> Or more refined, EAPI1/2 may not be used for ebuilds 
unless they are already in the tree using EAPI0/1/2 as of this date.
Mar 11 15:49:05 <blueness>      how do people feel about rich0's extention to 
the ban on 1/2 ?
Mar 11 15:49:05 <dilfridge>     is there a good reason for using EAPI=2?
Mar 11 15:49:05 <ulm>   rich0: better ;)
Mar 11 15:49:17 <TomWij>        mgorny: If stabilization of EAPI 1 ebuild takes 
place it can keep it around for longer; to be more clear, the second 
stabilization of a non-EAPI 1 ebuild after that can block the EAPI 1 ebuild and 
keep it in position.
Mar 11 15:49:27 <dilfridge>     I mean, the step from 2 to 3 is minima.
Mar 11 15:49:43 <blueness>      good point
Mar 11 15:49:53 <ulm>   dilfridge: /EAPI/s/2/3/ ?
Mar 11 15:50:00 <rich0> That is really just the minimum policy.  Devs should 
move to EAPI5 whenever practical.
Mar 11 15:50:05 <TomWij>        (Just hoping the actual cleaning effort and the 
effect of stabilization is taken into consideration if you really want to see 
this go towards 0.)
Mar 11 15:50:05 <rich0> And implement slot op deps as well.
Mar 11 15:50:44 <mgorny>        and use :<current-slot> whenever no other slot 
is applicable but this is yet another topic
Mar 11 15:51:21 <dilfridge>     "In case of non-maintainer commits to fix 
dependencies, EAPI=0 ebuilds may be updated to EAPI=1 to keep the changes at a 
non-intrusive level, as a temporary workaround."
Mar 11 15:52:15 <blueness>      sounds good to me, is the committee comfortable 
with discuss/voting on dilfridge's formulation of the exception?
Mar 11 15:52:22 <ulm>   dilfridge: plus the wording from the agenda?
Mar 11 15:52:35 <dilfridge>     why not
Mar 11 15:52:36 <dilfridge>     yes
Mar 11 15:52:38 <rich0> wfm - that's the tightest possible exception - there is 
a risk that other exceptions will come up.
Mar 11 15:52:40 <dberkholz>     i don't think we need to add specific policy to 
say something is allowed that our current vote already says is allowed
Mar 11 15:52:53 <ulm>   "EAPI 1 and 2 are now banned.  This ban should not only 
be limited to new ebuilds, but should be extended to include updating EAPIs in 
*existing* ebuilds."
Mar 11 15:53:13 <ulm>   plus dilfridge's suggestion above
Mar 11 15:53:19 <rich0> ulm: ++ for now
Mar 11 15:53:27 <rich0> We can revisit if something comes up.
Mar 11 15:53:36 <dberkholz>     this feels like we're getting too specific
Mar 11 15:53:40 <rich0> Seriously, we need to get to the whitespace ban before 
we run out of time!  :)
Mar 11 15:53:44 <dilfridge>     lol
Mar 11 15:53:52 <blueness>      okay the motion is: "EAPI 1 and 2 are now 
banned.  This ban should not only be limited to new ebuilds, but should be 
extended to include updating EAPIs in *existing* ebuilds.  In case of 
non-maintainer commits to fix dependencies, EAPI=0 ebuilds may be updated to 
EAPI=1 to keep the changes at a non-intrusive level, as a temporary workaround."
Mar 11 15:54:17 *       ulm yes
Mar 11 15:54:20 *       rich0 yes
Mar 11 15:54:25 *       dilfridge yes
Mar 11 15:54:26 *       blueness yes
Mar 11 15:54:28 <dberkholz>     no, way too specific
Mar 11 15:54:41 <blueness>      WilliamH, ???
Mar 11 15:54:56 <dberkholz>     what does temporary even mean, does that 
guarantee someone's going to come back and fix it
Mar 11 15:54:59 *       WilliamH is reading
Mar 11 15:55:22 <rich0> temporary = not eternal
Mar 11 15:55:24 <dilfridge>     dberkholz: in this context it's more or less a 
declaration of intent...
Mar 11 15:55:47 <dilfridge>     this is about the most restricted exception 
that I could come up with
Mar 11 15:55:52 <rich0> I don't have a problem with the specificity - this 
isn't the last meeting of the council ever and we can deal with issues that 
Mar 11 15:55:55 <ulm>   dberkholz: if there are no EAPI 0 ebuilds left, the 
workaround will end
Mar 11 15:56:04 <blueness>      even without WilliamH vote, it passes
Mar 11 15:56:19 <ulm>   or if the sun expands to a red giant, if that will 
happen earlier ;)
Mar 11 15:56:31 <dilfridge>     Dalek invasion.
Mar 11 15:56:47 <blueness>      we need to move on to the other issues
Mar 11 15:56:51 <dberkholz>     i'd just define that a banned EAPI means that 
no new ebuilds or backports are allowed, and in-place edits are discouraged
Mar 11 15:56:58 <dberkholz>     but then again i'm not the chair =)
Mar 11 15:57:15 <blueness>      dberkholz, chairs don't drive discussions ;)
Mar 11 15:57:50 <rich0> driving discussions isn't always a bad thing...  :)
Mar 11 15:58:01 <ulm>   blueness: by robert's rule, you have to admit us to the 
floor ;)
Mar 11 15:58:08 <blueness>      yes
Mar 11 15:58:22 <blueness>      its just hard in irc because of timing
Mar 11 15:58:30 *       dilfridge never got to know that robert
Mar 11 15:58:38 <WilliamH>      lol
Mar 11 15:58:48 <blueness>      are we done with this issue?
Mar 11 15:59:02 *       rich0 is remined of attack plan R, R as in Robert...
Mar 11 15:59:08 <blueness>      next: Make all cosmetic repoman warnings fatal
Mar 11 15:59:21 *       WilliamH abstains
Mar 11 15:59:23 <WilliamH>      for the record
Mar 11 15:59:31 <blueness>      WilliamH, okay noted WilliamH 
Mar 11 15:59:35 <WilliamH>      that was for previous issue
Mar 11 15:59:49 <blueness>      WilliamH, understood
Mar 11 16:00:10 <blueness>      okay so this comes from patrick, and he wants 
all repoman cosmetic warnings to be fatal
Mar 11 16:00:26 <blueness>      discussion?
Mar 11 16:00:44 <ulm>   I've seen way too many false positives for both 
whitespace and quoting issues, to make these warnings fatal
Mar 11 16:00:53 <rich0> The only specific suggestion I'd entertain was unused 
local useflag descriptions in metadata.xml, but I'm not sure if that has any 
risk of false positives.
Mar 11 16:01:01 <ulm>   fatal for use flag descriptions is fine
Mar 11 16:01:28 <blueness>      i agree with ulm, too many false positives but 
use flags is fine
Mar 11 16:01:31 <rich0> I'm also fine with devs forcing that situation anyway 
if the removal is only temporary.
Mar 11 16:02:02 <ulm>   e.g. patches or config files inlined in here-documents 
are bound to produce false whitespace warnings
Mar 11 16:02:14 <blueness>      ulm, good point
Mar 11 16:02:19 <dilfridge>     how about this:
Mar 11 16:02:45 <dilfridge>     "make all repoman warnings where with current 
portage tree no false positives are known fatal"
Mar 11 16:02:59 <blueness>      not sure about that
Mar 11 16:03:04 <rich0> I think that is pretty broad.
Mar 11 16:03:08 <blueness>      "no false positives" might be vague
Mar 11 16:03:22 <ulm>   dilfridge: that would include -j1
Mar 11 16:03:23 <rich0> That includes deprecated eclasses, etc.
Mar 11 16:03:41 <rich0> Warnings are warnings for a reason.
Mar 11 16:03:42 <dilfridge>     true, makes no sense.
Mar 11 16:03:55 <rich0> Devs need to use their brains.
Mar 11 16:04:18 <ulm>   must we vote about this at all?
Mar 11 16:04:28 <blueness>      if they didn't then we'd just write an ebuild 
writing utility
Mar 11 16:05:00 <blueness>      ready for the vote?
Mar 11 16:05:02 <ulm>   who in his right mind would see a use flag description 
warning and not fix it?
Mar 11 16:05:10 <dilfridge>     we could just make an informal request to the 
portage team to turn the screw in future releases
Mar 11 16:05:22 <blueness>      ulm, i don't always on my overlay when i copy a 
package form the tree
Mar 11 16:05:43 <ulm>   blueness: yeah, in that situation it makes some sense
Mar 11 16:06:04 <rich0> Council to repoman: we're tired of being the only ones 
made to dance...
Mar 11 16:06:04 <blueness>      i only want to change one ebuild, and keep 
everything else the same, you get the idea
Mar 11 16:06:45 <blueness>      i'm getting the sense the council isn't for 
this ... no voices in favor
Mar 11 16:06:55 <rich0> blueness: good point - as an arch tester you get 
repoman warnings all the time
Mar 11 16:07:03 <blueness>      yep
Mar 11 16:07:11 <blueness>      i did my share of that
Mar 11 16:07:58 <blueness>      okay lets vote: vote yes if you are in favor of 
"Making all cosmetic repoman warnings fatal" 
Mar 11 16:08:15 *       rich0 no
Mar 11 16:08:17 *       blueness no
Mar 11 16:08:20 *       WilliamH no
Mar 11 16:08:21 *       dilfridge abstains
Mar 11 16:08:40 <blueness>      ulm, dberkholz ???
Mar 11 16:09:18 <blueness>      dberkholz|mob, ulm ???
Mar 11 16:09:30 *       ulm no
Mar 11 16:09:51 dberkholz dberkholz|mob dilfridge dilfridge|mobile dleverton_ 
Mar 11 16:09:59 <blueness>      even without dberkholz the motion fails
Mar 11 16:10:10 <blueness>      okay next item ...
Mar 11 16:10:13 <blueness>      drum roll
Mar 11 16:10:19 <blueness>      Adherence to FHS standards in Gentoo: putting 
config files int /etc
Mar 11 16:10:49 <blueness>      this also comes from patrick, who wants us to 
adhere to at least part of FHS standards
Mar 11 16:10:49 <rich0> I think config files intended to be user-editable 
should go in /etc.
Mar 11 16:10:55 <blueness>      namely config files in /etc
Mar 11 16:10:57 <blueness>      only
Mar 11 16:11:09 <rich0> The stuff that was under debate is really just config 
defaults, intended to be overridden in /etc.
Mar 11 16:11:09 <WilliamH>      Here's the thing.
Mar 11 16:11:23 <WilliamH>      rich0: has it correct.
Mar 11 16:11:42 <rich0> Every binary has config defaults stored in /usr - you 
just normally have to edit the C source to change them.
Mar 11 16:11:43 <WilliamH>      These files that are not going in /etc are
Mar 11 16:11:45 <dilfridge>     This kinda conflicts with our policy to stick 
with upstream. (As much as it pains me.)
Mar 11 16:11:48 <blueness>      (guys, excuse me for a few mins while i run to 
the washroom)
Mar 11 16:11:59 <WilliamH>      supplied by the packages and are not to be 
edited by the user.
Mar 11 16:12:01 <rich0> The newer trend is to move all the constants into a 
rule file in /usr, and allow overrides in /etc.
Mar 11 16:12:30 <ulm>   config files go to CONFIG_PROTECTed locations like /etc
Mar 11 16:12:36 <ulm>   whereas config defaults are static files and don't need 
Mar 11 16:12:52 <ulm>   so they can go to /usr/share or /lib
Mar 11 16:13:09 <rich0> Certainly room for user education here, however, as I 
can see why there is confusion.  IF somebody does edit something in /usr it 
could get clobbered in an update.
Mar 11 16:13:24 <mgorny>        udev rules are as much config files as .desktop 
files in /usr/share/applications
Mar 11 16:13:43 <rich0> If there is stuff config-protected in /usr that might 
suggest an area for improvement.
Mar 11 16:13:45 <blueness>      back
Mar 11 16:14:06 <rich0> mgorny: udev rules can be overriden in /etc.  I'm not 
sure if that is true of .desktop files.
Mar 11 16:14:21 <WilliamH>      mgorny: what the ones are in /lib/udev or 
/usr/lib/udev are defaults.
Mar 11 16:14:23 <rich0> I don't really think of desktop files as 
"configuration" though.
Mar 11 16:14:48 <rich0> By that logic maybe I want to tweak one of my fonts.  :)
Mar 11 16:14:54 <ulm>   rich0: there are things like /usr/share/gnupg/ and 
/usr/share/config/, in fact :(
Mar 11 16:15:40 *       Arfrever (~Arfrever@apache/committer/Arfrever) has 
joined #gentoo-council
Mar 11 16:15:48 <WilliamH>      Patric's goal with this was to force us to move 
/lib/udev/rules/d/* to /etc/udev/rules.d
Mar 11 16:16:01 <rich0> I'm flat against doing that with udev rules.
Mar 11 16:16:12 <WilliamH>      s#rules/d#rules.d#
Mar 11 16:16:14 <blueness>      i have to agree
Mar 11 16:16:17 <rich0> I might feel differently if udev didn't already have an 
/etc-based solution
Mar 11 16:16:22 <dilfridge>     While a clear separation would be nice, I fear 
it will force us into an unmaintainable mess of patching.
Mar 11 16:16:23 <ulm>   as long as these files are static they're fine in /lib
Mar 11 16:16:30 <rich0> we used to do it that way with udev rules
Mar 11 16:16:41 <rich0> I finally cleaned out the last cruft from that some 
time ago
Mar 11 16:17:03 <WilliamH>      Also if we did this /usr/lib/systemd/system/* 
would have to go to /etc/systemd/system/*
Mar 11 16:17:09 *       ulm hopes that nobody will suggest creating /share
Mar 11 16:17:45 *       rich0 ducks
Mar 11 16:18:11 *       WilliamH as against this because it will force a 
patching nightmare
Mar 11 16:18:51 <blueness>      WilliamH, in eudev i could easily change it 
from //lib/udev/rules.d to /etc/udev/rules.d but this defeats the stacking 
structure of config files
Mar 11 16:19:10 <blueness>      we want the default rules to not be touched
Mar 11 16:19:15 <blueness>      these are in /lib/udev
Mar 11 16:19:19 <WilliamH>      blueness: that is what patrick is suggesting. 
he doesn't like the stacking structure.
Mar 11 16:19:36 <WilliamH>      That's why I'm against this.
Mar 11 16:19:49 <blueness>      WilliamH, the ambiguity hinges on "what is a 
config file"
Mar 11 16:19:55 <dilfridge>     even KDE has such a stacking structure
Mar 11 16:20:02 <blueness>      are the "default" rules config files
Mar 11 16:20:05 <blueness>      i say no
Mar 11 16:20:08 <ulm>   blueness: no
Mar 11 16:20:10 <rich0> Honestly, probably best to take FHS issues one-at-a-time
Mar 11 16:20:12 <dilfridge>     (you can define overrides for user config files 
in /usr)
Mar 11 16:20:16 <ulm>   they are static
Mar 11 16:20:22 <rich0> I'm sure there are some in the tree, but I'm 
hard-pressed to think of any big ones.
Mar 11 16:20:45 <rich0> I don't consider udev/systemd violations of FHS insofar 
as how they handle config files.
Mar 11 16:21:16 <blueness>      amazingly enough that is one thing systemd does 
not violate ...
Mar 11 16:21:16 <WilliamH>      rich0: that's why this issue is before us 
though; Patrick does.
Mar 11 16:21:19 *       blueness ducks
Mar 11 16:21:26 <dberkholz>     i'm not interested in anything we can't get 
upstream as a build option
Mar 11 16:21:35 <rich0> WilliamH: well, he's welcome to his opinion  :)
Mar 11 16:21:46 <rich0> we're not going to ban the practice though
Mar 11 16:22:03 *       WilliamH agrees
Mar 11 16:22:24 <blueness>      okay it sounds to me like the council is 
against this motion
Mar 11 16:22:35 <rich0> Hey, if somebody has another example that is causing 
real problems they can feel free to bring it up, upstream or not.  I just don't 
see any examples yet.
Mar 11 16:22:40 <blueness>      ready to vote or more discussion?
Mar 11 16:22:51 <rich0> blueness: stick a fork in it
Mar 11 16:22:54 *       WilliamH ready to vote
Mar 11 16:23:20 <blueness>      okay ... vote for "Adherence to FHS standards 
in Gentoo: putting config files int /etc".  Vote yes if you want to see all 
config files in /etc.
Mar 11 16:23:34 *       ulm yes
Mar 11 16:23:41 <WilliamH>      wait
Mar 11 16:23:45 <dilfridge>     hehe
Mar 11 16:23:47 <blueness>      wait
Mar 11 16:24:01 <blueness>      waiting, did i say something ambiguous?
Mar 11 16:24:01 <dberkholz>     i don't think that has enough nuance to it so 
i'm going to vote no
Mar 11 16:24:02 <ulm>   given that a "config file" is a file intended to be 
modified by the user
Mar 11 16:24:08 <dilfridge>     one does not simply walk into mordor.
Mar 11 16:24:12 <ulm>   ^^ my vote above
Mar 11 16:24:13 <rich0> Don't like the wording of that.  Ambiguous
Mar 11 16:24:29 <blueness>      sorry guys, my bad, let me reword that given 
the discussion
Mar 11 16:24:50 <rich0> How about "Council does not feel additional policy 
required regarding config files in /etc.  Specific issues not already discussed 
can be raised in future meetings."
Mar 11 16:25:11 <dberkholz>     i support putting everything in /etc that 
upstream provides a way, or will accept a way, to put in /etc.
Mar 11 16:25:17 *       WilliamH likes rich0's wording
Mar 11 16:25:32 <blueness>      rich0, i think we need to have something in 
ther clarifying human editable config files versus default config files
Mar 11 16:25:50 <blueness>      that was the error in my first wording
Mar 11 16:26:15 <rich0> Council does not feel additional policy required 
regarding config files in /etc.  In particular packages that place config 
templates in /usr and allow overriding in /etc are fine. Specific issues not 
already discussed can be raised in future meetings.
Mar 11 16:26:37 <blueness>      yeah
Mar 11 16:26:41 <WilliamH>      rich0:  s#/usr#/ or /usr#
Mar 11 16:27:03 <blueness>      i was leaning towards patrick's idea until that 
distinction came to light
Mar 11 16:27:19 <blueness>      okay revote: "Council does not feel additional 
policy required regarding config files in /etc.  In particular packages that 
place config templates in /usr and allow overriding in /etc are fine. Specific 
issues not already discussed can be raised in future meetings."
Mar 11 16:27:30 *       rich0 yes
Mar 11 16:27:31 *       blueness yes
Mar 11 16:27:35 *       dilfridge yes
Mar 11 16:27:41 <ulm>   what about /lib?
Mar 11 16:27:58 <rich0> Again, if somebody finds some other case they are 
concerned with they can raise it - upstream-supported or not.  Let's fix actual 
issues though and not debate theology.
Mar 11 16:27:59 <blueness>      ulm, i think its implicit in there
Mar 11 16:28:02 <ulm>   wasn't it started by files in /lib?
Mar 11 16:28:13 <rich0> udev rules are in /usr
Mar 11 16:28:23 <blueness>      rich0, no in /lib/udev
Mar 11 16:28:23 <WilliamH>      rich0: no they aren't
Mar 11 16:28:28 <rich0> ah
Mar 11 16:28:54 <ulm>   so: s#/usr#/lib or /usr/share#
Mar 11 16:29:00 <blueness>      okay waiting for a vote form ulm and dberkholz 
Mar 11 16:29:07 <blueness>      and WilliamH 
Mar 11 16:29:11 <rich0> "Council does not feel additional policy required 
regarding config files in /etc.  In particular packages that place config 
templates in /usr or /lib* and allow overriding in /etc are fine. Specific 
issues not already discussed can be raised in future meetings."
Mar 11 16:29:25 <blueness>      okay, better
Mar 11 16:29:37 *       ulm yes on rich0's wording
Mar 11 16:29:45 *       WilliamH votes yes on rich0's last wording
Mar 11 16:29:45 *       rich0 yes
Mar 11 16:29:45 *       blueness yes
Mar 11 16:30:07 *       dilfridge yes on rich0's wording
Mar 11 16:30:14 <blueness>      dberkholz, ?
Mar 11 16:30:33 <blueness>      okay rich0 motion carries
Mar 11 16:30:44 <dberkholz>     meh
Mar 11 16:30:52 <blueness>      meh? 
Mar 11 16:30:56 <blueness>      = abstain?
Mar 11 16:31:04 <dberkholz>     i don't care, sure abstain i guess
Mar 11 16:31:08 <blueness>      lol
Mar 11 16:31:14 <dberkholz>     for the record, i don't know if y'all have seen 
it but here's the fhs 3.0 beta: and the announcement:
Mar 11 16:31:35 <blueness>      dberkholz, interesting, ididn't know that
Mar 11 16:31:38 <blueness>      i'll be sure to look
Mar 11 16:31:51 <blueness>      okay next item
Mar 11 16:31:52 <dberkholz>     it's surprisingly hard to chase down
Mar 11 16:31:57 <blueness>      Bugs assigned to Council
Mar 11 16:32:08 <blueness>      Bug #503382 -  Missing summaries for 20131210, 
20140114, and 20140225 council meetings
Mar 11 16:32:10 <willikins>     blueness: 
"Missing summaries for 20131210, 20140114, and 20140225 council meetings"; Doc 
Other, Project-specific documentation; CONF; ulm:council
Mar 11 16:32:11 <dberkholz>     summaries are in progress from my meetings
Mar 11 16:32:15 <blueness>      Bug #477030 - Missing summary for 20130611 
council meeting
Mar 11 16:32:17 <willikins>     blueness: 
"Missing summary for 20130611 council meeting"; Doc Other, Project-specific 
documentation; CONF; ulm:council
Mar 11 16:32:31 <blueness>      so we have some missing summaries
Mar 11 16:32:45 <dberkholz>     i mostly finished them but haven't yet gotten 
them finalized and committed
Mar 11 16:32:51 <dilfridge>     !note betelgeuse bug 477030
Mar 11 16:32:51 <willikins>     fine, dilfridge
Mar 11 16:32:52 <dberkholz>     we need a secretary again
Mar 11 16:33:20 <ulm>   hadn't someone volunteered for the 20130611 summary?
Mar 11 16:33:39 <blueness>      ulm, i thought it was under control, but i 
don't know what's going on there
Mar 11 16:34:16 <blueness>      wasn't someone going to chase down betelgeuse?
Mar 11 16:34:36 <ulm>   scarabeus wanted to do this
Mar 11 16:34:39 <blueness>      k
Mar 11 16:35:08 <blueness>      yeah i remember now, but he's awal
Mar 11 16:35:10 <blueness>      awol
Mar 11 16:35:31 <ulm>   so looks there's no progress on the 2013 one, and 
donnie's summaries are on their way
Mar 11 16:35:37 <blueness>      yep
Mar 11 16:35:46 <blueness>      i'll do mine right after the emeting
Mar 11 16:36:01 <blueness>      okay let's move on to the last item: open floor
Mar 11 16:36:05 <blueness>      any new business?
Mar 11 16:36:54 <blueness>      anything?
Mar 11 16:37:31 <blueness>      if there's nothing else then meeting ajourned
Mar 11 16:37:50 <blueness>      thanks everyone: dberkholz
Mar 11 16:37:50 <blueness>      dilfridge
Mar 11 16:37:50 <blueness>      rich0
Mar 11 16:37:50 <blueness>      scarabeus
Mar 11 16:37:50 <blueness>      ulm 
Mar 11 16:37:50 <blueness>      williamh!
Mar 11 16:37:57 <dilfridge>     hm?
Mar 11 16:38:00 <rich0> thank you!
Mar 11 16:38:06 <dilfridge>     thank you all too :)
Mar 11 16:38:08 <blueness>      next meeting April 8th i believe
Mar 11 16:38:12 <rich0> blueness
Mar 11 16:38:13 <rich0> blueness
Mar 11 16:38:13 <ulm>   blueness: thanks for chairing
Mar 11 16:38:13 <rich0> blueness
Mar 11 16:38:14 <rich0> blueness
Mar 11 16:38:14 <rich0> blueness
Mar 11 16:38:15 <rich0> blueness
Mar 11 16:38:17 <rich0> blueness
Mar 11 16:38:27 <blueness>      who chairs?
Mar 11 16:38:29 <blueness>      me again?
Mar 11 16:38:47 <ulm>   no objections ;)
Mar 11 16:38:50 <blueness>      heh
Mar 11 16:38:55 <WilliamH>      heh
Mar 11 16:38:59 <rich0> blueness: you have May
Mar 11 16:39:03 <rich0> err april
Mar 11 16:39:13 <rich0> I can take May/June
Mar 11 16:39:16 <blueness>      k
Mar 11 16:39:18 <rich0> If nobody else objects
Mar 11 16:39:21 <blueness>      works for me
Mar 11 16:39:35 <blueness>      (and now i must feed my dog who is bouncing off 
the walls!)

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