commit:     8620f337adbec2ad29ac315a317c577afbf4d829
Author:     Austin English <wizardedit <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
AuthorDate: Mon Apr 25 23:58:49 2016 +0000
Commit:     Austin English <wizardedit <AT> gentoo <DOT> org>
CommitDate: Tue Apr 26 00:00:59 2016 +0000

app-backup/backuppc: use #!/sbin/openrc-run instead of #!/sbin/runscript


 app-backup/backuppc/backuppc-3.3.0-r2.ebuild    | 223 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 app-backup/backuppc/backuppc-3.3.1-r2.ebuild    | 195 +++++++++++++++++++++
 app-backup/backuppc/files/apache2-backuppc.init |   4 +-
 3 files changed, 420 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/app-backup/backuppc/backuppc-3.3.0-r2.ebuild 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ea269c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-backup/backuppc/backuppc-3.3.0-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit eutils systemd webapp user
+DESCRIPTION="A high-performance system for backing up computers to a server's 
+KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm x86"
+IUSE="rss samba"
+       app-admin/apache-tools
+       app-admin/makepasswd"
+       virtual/perl-IO-Compress
+       dev-perl/Archive-Zip
+       dev-perl/libwww-perl
+       >=app-arch/tar-1.13.20
+       app-arch/par2cmdline
+       app-arch/gzip
+       app-arch/bzip2
+       virtual/mta
+       www-apache/mod_perl
+       www-servers/apache
+       net-misc/rsync
+       >=dev-perl/File-RsyncP-0.68
+       rss? ( dev-perl/XML-RSS )
+       samba? ( net-fs/samba )"
+pkg_setup() {
+       webapp_pkg_setup
+       enewgroup backuppc
+       enewuser backuppc -1 /bin/bash /var/lib/backuppc backuppc
+src_prepare() {
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}/3.3.0/"
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}/3.3.0/"
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}/3.3.0/"
+       # Fix the documentation location in the CGI interface
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}/3.2.0/04-add-docdir-marker.patch"
+       sed -i "s+__DOCDIR__+/usr/share/doc/${PF}+" "lib/BackupPC/CGI/"
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}/3.2.0/05-nicelevel.patch"
+       sed -i -e 's/--chuid ${USER}//' "${S}"/init.d/src/gentoo-backuppc || 
die "Failed to fix the init script"
+src_test() {
+       true
+src_install() {
+       webapp_src_preinst
+       local myconf
+       myconf=""
+       if use samba ; then
+               myconf="--bin-path smbclient=$(type -p smbclient)"
+               myconf="${myconf} --bin-path nmblookup=$(type -p nmblookup)"
+       fi
+       /usr/bin/env perl ./ \
+               --batch \
+               --bin-path perl=$(type -p perl) \
+               --bin-path tar=$(type -p tar) \
+               --bin-path rsync=$(type -p rsync) \
+               --bin-path ping=$(type -p ping) \
+               --bin-path df=$(type -p df) \
+               --bin-path ssh=$(type -p ssh) \
+               --bin-path sendmail=$(type -p sendmail) \
+               --bin-path hostname=$(type -p hostname) \
+               --bin-path gzip=$(type -p gzip) \
+               --bin-path bzip2=$(type -p bzip2) \
+               --config-dir ${CONFDIR} \
+               --install-dir /usr \
+               --data-dir ${DATADIR} \
+               --hostname $(hostname) \
+               --uid-ignore \
+               --dest-dir "${D%/}" \
+               --html-dir ${MY_HTDOCSDIR}/image \
+               --html-dir-url /image \
+               --cgi-dir ${MY_HTDOCSDIR} \
+               --fhs \
+               ${myconf} || die "failed the script"
+       ebegin "Installing documentation"
+       pod2man \
+               -errors=none \
+               --section=8 \
+               --center="BackupPC manual" \
+               "${S}"/doc/BackupPC.pod backuppc.8 || die "failed to generate 
man page"
+       doman backuppc.8
+       # Place the documentation in the correct location
+       dodoc "${D}/usr/doc/BackupPC.html"
+       dodoc "${D}/usr/doc/BackupPC.pod"
+       rm -rf "${D}/usr/doc"
+       eend 0
+       # Setup directories
+       dodir ${CONFDIR}/pc
+       keepdir ${CONFDIR}
+       keepdir ${CONFDIR}/pc
+       keepdir ${DATADIR}/{trash,pool,pc,cpool}
+       keepdir ${LOGDIR}
+       ebegin "Setting up init.d/conf.d/systemd scripts"
+       newinitd "${S}"/init.d/gentoo-backuppc backuppc
+       newconfd "${S}"/init.d/gentoo-backuppc.conf backuppc
+       systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.service"
+       eend 0
+       ebegin "Setting up an apache instance for backuppc"
+       cp "${FILESDIR}/apache2-backuppc."{conf,init} "${WORKDIR}/"
+       cp "${FILESDIR}/httpd.conf" "${WORKDIR}/httpd.conf"
+       sed -i -e "s+HTDOCSDIR+${MY_HTDOCSDIR}+g" "${WORKDIR}/httpd.conf"
+       sed -i -e "s+AUTHFILE+${CONFDIR}/users.htpasswd+g" 
+       moduledir="/usr/lib/apache2/modules"
+       # Check if the Apache ServerRoot is real.
+       # This is sometimes broken on older amd64 systems.
+       # In this case we just patch our config file appropriately.
+       if [[ ! -d "/usr/lib/apache2" ]]; then
+               if [[ -d "/usr/lib64/apache2" ]]; then
+                       sed -i -e "s+/usr/lib/apache2+/usr/lib64/apache2+g" 
+                       sed -i -e "s+/usr/lib/apache2+/usr/lib64/apache2+g" 
+                       moduledir="/usr/lib64/apache2/modules"
+               fi
+       fi
+       # Check if we're using mod_cgid instead of mod_cgi
+       # This happens if you install apache with USE="threads"
+       if [[ -f "${moduledir}/" ]]; then
+               sed -i -e "s+mod_cgi+mod_cgid+g" "${WORKDIR}/httpd.conf"
+               sed -i -e "s+cgi_module+cgid_module+g" "${WORKDIR}/httpd.conf"
+       fi
+       # Install conf.d/init.d files for apache2-backuppc
+       if [ -e /etc/init.d/apache2 ]; then
+               newconfd "${WORKDIR}/apache2-backuppc.conf" apache2-backuppc
+               newinitd /etc/init.d/apache2 apache2-backuppc
+       else
+               newconfd "${WORKDIR}/apache2-backuppc.conf" apache2-backuppc
+               newinitd "${WORKDIR}/apache2-backuppc.init" apache2-backuppc
+       fi
+       insopts -m 0644
+       insinto ${CONFDIR}
+       doins "${WORKDIR}/httpd.conf"
+       eend $?
+       webapp_src_install || die "webapp_src_install"
+       # Make sure that the ownership is correct
+       chown -R backuppc:backuppc "${D}${CONFDIR}"
+       chown -R backuppc:backuppc "${D}${DATADIR}"
+       chown -R backuppc:backuppc "${D}${LOGDIR}"
+pkg_postinst() {
+       # This is disabled since BackupPC doesn't need it
+       # webapp_pkg_postinst
+       elog "Installation finished, now may now start using BackupPC."
+       elog ""
+       elog "- Read the documentation in /usr/share/doc/${PF}/BackupPC.html"
+       elog "  Please pay special attention to the security section."
+       elog ""
+       elog "- You can launch backuppc and it's apache web interface by 
+       elog "  # /etc/init.d/backuppc start"
+       elog "  # /etc/init.d/apache2-backuppc start"
+       if [[ ! -e /etc/runlevels/default/backuppc ]]; then
+               elog ""
+               elog "- You also might want to add these scripts to your 
default runlevel:"
+               elog "  # rc-update add backuppc default"
+               elog "  # rc-update add apache2-backuppc default"
+       fi
+       # Generate a new password if there's no auth file
+       if [[ ! -f "${CONFDIR}/users.htpasswd" ]]; then
+               adminuser="backuppc"
+               adminpass=$( makepasswd --chars=12 )
+               htpasswd -bc "${CONFDIR}/users.htpasswd" $adminuser $adminpass
+               elog ""
+               elog "- Created admin user $adminuser with password $adminpass"
+               elog "  To add new users, run: "
+               elog "  # htpasswd ${CONFDIR}/users.htpasswd newUser"
+       fi
+       if [[ -d "/etc/backuppc" ]]; then
+               ewarn ""
+               ewarn "Detected old config directory in /etc/backuppc"
+               ewarn "Please migrate relevant config files to ${CONFDIR} 
before starting backuppc"
+       fi

diff --git a/app-backup/backuppc/backuppc-3.3.1-r2.ebuild 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a40e0ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-backup/backuppc/backuppc-3.3.1-r2.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+inherit depend.apache eutils user systemd
+DESCRIPTION="High-performance backups to a server's disk"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
+IUSE="rss samba"
+# The CGI modules are handled in $RDEPEND.
+APACHE_MODULES="apache2_modules_alias," # RedirectMatch
+APACHE_MODULES+="apache2_modules_authn_core," # AuthType
+APACHE_MODULES+="apache2_modules_authz_core," # Require
+APACHE_MODULES+="apache2_modules_authz_host," # Require host
+APACHE_MODULES+="apache2_modules_authz_user" # Require valid-user
+       app-admin/apache-tools
+       app-admin/makepasswd"
+# Older versions of mod_perl think they're compatibile with apache-2.4,
+# so we require the new one explicitly.
+       virtual/perl-IO-Compress
+       dev-perl/Archive-Zip
+       dev-perl/libwww-perl
+       app-arch/tar
+       app-arch/par2cmdline
+       app-arch/gzip
+       app-arch/bzip2
+       virtual/mta
+       >=www-apache/mod_perl-2.0.9
+       www-apache/mpm_itk
+       || ( >=www-servers/apache-2.4[${APACHE_MODULES},apache2_modules_cgi]
>=www-servers/apache-2.4[${APACHE_MODULES},apache2_modules_fcgid] )
+       net-misc/rsync
+       dev-perl/File-RsyncP
+       rss? ( dev-perl/XML-RSS )
+       samba? ( net-fs/samba )"
+pkg_setup() {
+       enewgroup backuppc
+       enewuser backuppc -1 /bin/bash /var/lib/backuppc backuppc
+src_prepare() {
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}/3.3.0/"
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}/3.3.0/"
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}/3.3.0/"
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}/3.2.0/04-add-docdir-marker.patch"
+       epatch "${FILESDIR}/3.2.0/05-nicelevel.patch"
+       # Fix docs location using the marker that we've patched in.
+       sed -i "s+__DOCDIR__+${DOCDIR}+" "lib/BackupPC/CGI/" \
+               || die "failed to sed the documentation location"
+src_install() {
+       local myconf
+       myconf=""
+       if use samba ; then
+               myconf="--bin-path smbclient=$(type -p smbclient)"
+               myconf="${myconf} --bin-path nmblookup=$(type -p nmblookup)"
+       fi
+       /usr/bin/env perl ./ \
+               --batch \
+               --bin-path perl=$(type -p perl) \
+               --bin-path tar=$(type -p tar) \
+               --bin-path rsync=$(type -p rsync) \
+               --bin-path ping=$(type -p ping) \
+               --bin-path df=$(type -p df) \
+               --bin-path ssh=$(type -p ssh) \
+               --bin-path sendmail=$(type -p sendmail) \
+               --bin-path hostname=$(type -p hostname) \
+               --bin-path gzip=$(type -p gzip) \
+               --bin-path bzip2=$(type -p bzip2) \
+               --config-dir "${CONFDIR}" \
+               --install-dir /usr \
+               --data-dir "${DATADIR}" \
+               --hostname \
+               --uid-ignore \
+               --dest-dir "${D%/}" \
+               --html-dir "${CGIDIR}"/image \
+               --html-dir-url /image \
+               --cgi-dir "${CGIDIR}" \
+               --fhs \
+               ${myconf} || die "failed the script"
+       ebegin "Installing documentation"
+       pod2man \
+               -errors=none \
+               --section=8 \
+               --center="BackupPC manual" \
+               "${S}"/doc/BackupPC.pod backuppc.8 \
+               || die "failed to generate man page"
+       doman backuppc.8
+       # Place the documentation in the correct location
+       dodoc "${D}/usr/doc/BackupPC.html"
+       dodoc "${D}/usr/doc/BackupPC.pod"
+       rm -rf "${D}/usr/doc" || die
+       eend 0
+       # Setup directories
+       dodir "${CONFDIR}/pc"
+       keepdir "${CONFDIR}"
+       keepdir "${CONFDIR}/pc"
+       keepdir "${DATADIR}"/{trash,pool,pc,cpool}
+       keepdir "${LOGDIR}"
+       ebegin "Setting up init.d/conf.d/systemd scripts"
+       newinitd "${S}"/init.d/gentoo-backuppc backuppc
+       newconfd "${S}"/init.d/gentoo-backuppc.conf backuppc
+       systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.service"
+       insinto "${APACHE_MODULES_CONFDIR}"
+       doins "${FILESDIR}"/99_backuppc.conf
+       # Make sure that the ownership is correct
+       chown -R backuppc:backuppc "${D}${CONFDIR}" || die
+       chown -R backuppc:backuppc "${D}${DATADIR}" || die
+       chown -R backuppc:backuppc "${D}${LOGDIR}"  || die
+pkg_postinst() {
+       elog "Installation finished, you may now start using BackupPC."
+       elog
+       elog "- Read the documentation in /usr/share/doc/${PF}/BackupPC.html"
+       elog "  Please pay special attention to the security section."
+       elog
+       elog "- You can launch backuppc by running:"
+       elog
+       elog "    # /etc/init.d/backuppc start"
+       elog
+       elog "- To enable the GUI, first edit ${ROOT}etc/conf.d/apache2 and 
+       elog
+       elog "    \"-D BACKUPPC -D PERL -D MPM_ITK\""
+       elog
+       elog "  to the APACHE2_OPTS line."
+       elog
+       elog "  Then you must edit ${ROOT}etc/apache2/modules.d/00_mpm_itk.conf"
+       elog "  and adjust the values of LimitUIDRange/LimitGIDRange to include"
+       elog "  the UID and GID of the backuppc user."
+       elog
+       elog "  Finally, start apache:"
+       elog
+       elog "    # /etc/init.d/apache2 start"
+       elog
+       elog "  The web interface should now be running on,"
+       elog
+       elog "";
+       elog
+       # Generate a new password if there's no auth file
+       if [[ ! -f "${CONFDIR}/users.htpasswd" ]]; then
+               adminuser="backuppc"
+               adminpass=$( makepasswd --chars=12 )
+               htpasswd -bc "${CONFDIR}/users.htpasswd" $adminuser $adminpass
+               elog ""
+               elog "- Created admin user $adminuser with password $adminpass"
+               elog "  To add new users, run: "
+               elog ""
+               elog "  # htpasswd ${CONFDIR}/users.htpasswd newUser"
+       fi

diff --git a/app-backup/backuppc/files/apache2-backuppc.init 
index 42e89c6..77a8d89 100644
--- a/app-backup/backuppc/files/apache2-backuppc.init
+++ b/app-backup/backuppc/files/apache2-backuppc.init
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 1999-2016 Gentoo Foundation
 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
 opts="configdump configtest fullstatus graceful gracefulstop modules reload 

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