
I'm using UTF-8 encoding in my system. The main problem is, that lots
of /usr/share/man/* and /usr/share/doc/* files are iso8859-2 encoded (as my
LINGUAS is set to pl). I think, that Portage itself should recode all the
files, which go to /usr/share/man/ and /usr/share/doc/ directories to UTF-8
by default. There's also a problem with Groff, which is unable to show
unicode chars correctly. I made a package to solve it
(http://hoth.amu.edu.pl/~d_szeluga/groff-utf8.tar.bz2), but I think it's a
bit dirty hack.
Are there any plans, to make Portage install all the docs in desired
Are there any plans, to do something with Groff?

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JID: damjanek <at> chopin <dot> edu <dot> pl

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