On Samstag 07 Mai 2005 22:32, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Are there any plans for supporting ebuilds for windows apps which use
> wine? I just installed wine (via the ebuild) to enable DVDShrink to
> be installed. Worked like a charm, but it would have been much cooler
> to 'emerge dvdshrink' and have wine pulled in as a dependancy.

As things stand, Wine is not at all in a state that can be called stable, so 
what works with the monthly release of, say, april can very well break 
totally in june. To me that means there's not much use in providing ebuilds 
for something that is quite probable to break in four or eight weeks.

This should change with the arrival of Wine 0.9, which we'll hopefull see 
this year (planned for september, see the WineConf wrapup [1]), so from a 
technical POV, that issue might go away at least for some apps in the 
not-too-distant future.



[1] http://www.winehq.org/?issue=272

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