Hi folks,

I thought I'd throw this out, so nobody is suprised when I start to put
qawarns in the eclass: I don't think php-lib-r1.eclass has any value now
that we have EAPI4. The only thing it basically does is

a) setting RDEPEND="dev-lang/php"
b) provide a php_lib_r1_src_install that accepts as its parameters the
destination directory and the files to add. It then stores them

Everything the eclass does can be done more cleanly and explictly inside
the ebuild. So if you planned to inherit php-lib-r1, please don't. Just
add the RDEPEND and use

src_install() {
        insinto "/usr/share/php/${PN}"
        doins -r <your src>/* (or wherever you stored your files)

        dodoc README

as an example. I've also converted most of the ebuilds in our tree to do

If your ebuild relied on php-lib-r1 to provide depend.php - shame on you
:p - depend.php will share the fate of php-lib-r1. But that's another mail.

Cheers, Matti

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