Alec Warner wrote:
> So we created this awesome alias to put ebuilds that need a maintainer.
>  Good idea at the time, decent idea still.  The problem?  We have nearly
> 2000 open bugs assigned to maintainer-wanted[1].  I would like to
> discuss policy on these.  Do we keep them, do we get a group of people
> to slowly review and discard them?  Do we mind having a ton of things
> open like this (a quasi-ebuild db of sorts).  Is bugs the right place
> for this sort of thing, or can we improve somewhere/how?

Discarding them seems not like a good idea to me. I think they are
interesting for many users who want to use the software that lacks an
ebuild. Also some contributors have invested a lot of time in it.

I think those should all be available within an overlay:

There they are downloadable, improveable and we do not turn contributors
away by "WONTFIX". Additionally we will not get many dupes once we close an
ebuild contribution. People who file ebuild requests have not contributed
anything, so I think those can easily be marked as WONTFIX :)

Probably it makes sense to have such an overlay on
for the time being. So that we can start reducing the 2000 bugs in bugzilla


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