Alec Warner wrote:

> Steve Long wrote:
>> This sounds like an excellent idea. Do the `upgraded tools' already
>> automate this process?
> The 'upgraded tools' was in regards to the GPNL project; since Beandog
> was using portageq to import metadata into the database; this turned out
> to be a bad idea (slow as all hell).  The upgraded portion was Marien
> writing some funky pkgcore voodoo to do the metadata import in about
> three minutes.
pkgcore does seem to have a lot going for it.

> Phreak and I have some scripts that automate portions of the removal
> process (including adding stuff into the treecleaner overlay!) but I
> know I'm not using em (not what I would call production ready yet).
> I don't like automated E-mails all that much, tbh.  Right now my script
> just generates the text for the e-mail and I read it over and add
> comments and then paste it into my client ;)  Some people stated that
> they liked more comments than just "masked for bug #XXXXXX' so I try to
> provide those; a tool just won't cover it in that aera.
Agreed, but isn't your time quite valuable? I understand that people /like/
more comments, but where is the actual *need* for that?

Part of the process (from what I've read) is decision making based on how
long it's been since a pkg was last updated in the tree, and how long it's
had outstanding bugs. (As well as upstream issues etc.)

If you had that info in an email as part of an automated process (which your
crew would still have to actually approve, and you can still add a couple
of lines about the maintainer or whatever) then the reasons would be clear.
And let's face it, anyone who's bothered is still going to get the same
level of warning. If they want to follow it up, then you can get into a

> Also there is no history of removals other than the ebuilds go into the
> treecleaner project overlay; which I guess provides a revision history
> for removals by default (cool!).
Yes indeedy. Computers make things _easier_!

My £2 worth ;)

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