On Wed, 2006-04-26 at 15:55 -0400, Kevin wrote:
> Which is it, Chris?
You've taken that out of context ...

> Make up your mind...
I think he has, but wasn't able to communicate his ideas to you in an adequte 

> For all the credit that I give to the Gentoo developers, you are one
> from whom I would withdraw it.  You are merely a polarity responder and
> as such, not worth engaging any further.  You would do Gentoo a service
> by keeping your mouth shut in response to posts like mine (and many
> others I'm sure).  If I were not so self-assured, you would simply drive
> me away from Gentoo with such ugly remarks, and I've no doubt that you
> have driven away many others who are less self-assured.
Dude ... calm down. Seriously. Insulting or angering us won't help anything and 
will only make us ignore any good ideas you may have.
Your condescending tone makes me want to ignore anything you say ...

> You're in my kill file now, so don't waste your time and the bandwidth
> by responding.  All mailing lists have a topic and attempting to
> ridicule other people is not on-topic in any of them...  certainly not
> here.  It just facilitates making you look like a jerk which you need no
> assistance with.
Deliberately misunderstanding people and then yelling at them is also
not something that's on-topic for a mailinglist. 

In the last two weeks or so I've seen many users that ignore advice,
feel insulted at every turn and are not cooperative in any way. This is
frustrating and makes those of us who interact with users irritated. I
really wish we could have a level-headed discussion instead of
insulting, insinuating and trying to annoy people.

If you feel that a developer is uncooperative, that you don't get the
attention you deserve ... if you have any idea how to make things
better, send a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Please don't take your frustrations out on developers, let us try to fix
the problem.
I hope that we can help you resolve any conflicts you may or may not

UserRel Monkey 
Stand still, and let the rest of the universe move

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