
Since most of EAPI6 seems to be defined already, I've started working
on an initial implementation for Portage. Since many of the features
are not precisely defined yet, I've made a few assumptions. I'd like
to ask you to look through it and ask any questions that may arise or
report any issues you see.

As a note, I've implemented everything in the accepted list [1] except
for runtime USE flags (sorry, Ciaran, not yet). I've also added --docdir
and --htmldir [2] since I was requested to test it more.

If possible, feel free to test it. The ebuilds need to be EAPI=6_pre1
for it.

The code is available in 'eapi6' branch of my Portage mirror. To clone:

  $ git clone -b eapi6 https://github.com/mgorny/portage.git

To install via portage-9999, put the following in make.conf:


To view online (and feel free to comment via github):


To compare the EAPI6 added content:


Thanks and have fun!


Best regards,
Michał Górny

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