
I created a Gentoo overlay [1] with auto-generated ebuilds from the Racket packages catalog [2], using a tool I wrote - collector2 [3].

But most importantly I added, to the overlay, a ebuild with some fixes for dev-scheme/racket [4]
and documented [5] the changes (see section "Racket’s ebuild changes").

It would be very nice if the changes (or a part of them) I made to the Racket ebuild would be merged into ::gentoo.
In the past I did a PR [6] to add some fixes
(at the time without the most important fix - not overwriting changed racket pkg database)
but there was no discussion or resolution of that PR.
Could some developer look into the changes I made?
Thanks in advance.

[1] https://gitlab.com/src_prepare/racket/racket-overlay
[2] https://pkgs.racket-lang.org/
[3] https://gitlab.com/src_prepare/racket/collector2
[4] https://gitlab.com/src_prepare/racket/racket-overlay/-/blob/master/dev-scheme/racket/racket-8.2.ebuild [5] https://src_prepare.gitlab.io/racket/racket-overlay/racket-overlay-install.html
[6] https://github.com/gentoo/gentoo/pull/20668

Have a great day!

~ Maciej XGQT Barć

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