This notice is mainly intended for everybody that maintains kernel
sources ebuilds in their overlay.

This evening I merged the deblob support from bug #266157, and depending
on your kernel source ebuilds, you may need to run a digest pass or
tweak them.

There are two new variables recognized by kernel-2.eclass now:
K_DEBLOB_AVAILABLE - ternary [0, 1, empty], is deblogging available,
                     not, or should we try to guess?
K_PREDEBLOBBED - binary, your sources already have blobs removed

If you want your kernel sources ebuilds to never be considered for
deblobbing, add the following line BEFORE kernel-2 is inherited:

If your kernel source ebuilds are >=2.6.27, and you do not add the above
line, you will need to run a digest pass on them for the new distfile.

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Developer, Trustee & Infrastructure Lead
E-Mail     :
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