[gentoo-dev] Manifesto archive

2009-07-02 Thread Torsten Veller
* "Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto" :
> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/elections/council/2009/council-200906-nominees.xml

Please archive the manifestos somewhere under the project space
like it was done the last years.
Looking back at the 2005 list of nominees, all external links are dead.
Only the archived parts are still available.

I can help if needed.


Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo Council Elections Results for term 2009/2010

2009-07-02 Thread Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto
I'm forwarding Roy's email to the dev-announce ml for reaching the wider
community and for future reference.

Roy Bamford wrote:
> All,
> On behalf of the Elections project, the next Gentoo Council will be
> composed of:-
> Ned Ludd  (solar)
> Petteri Räty  (betelgeuse)
> Denis Dupeyron(calchan)
> Tobias Scherbaum  (dertobi123)
> Ulrich Müller (ulm)
> Mart Raudsepp (leio)
> Luca Barbato  (lu_zero)
> The full ranked list of candidates, in order, is:-
> solar
> betelgeuse
> calchan
> dertobi123
> ulm
> leio
> lu_zero
> patrick
> dev-zero
> ssuominen
> scarabeus
> gentoofan23
> peper
> _reopen_nominations
> The details will be posted on the elections page shortly.

We've restructured the council page results in the elections project
space. The master ballot[1] and the results[2] have now been added. The
nominees[3] page was moved. We plan to add some index pages with links
to the elections files and some general pages with documents about the
organization of an election soon.

 [1] -
 [2] -
 [3] -

> All voting members of the electorate should have received their ID by 
> now. The master ballot file is attached to enable voters to check that 
> their vote was counted.

There were 124 votes casted for this election out of a total of 248
eligible developers, meaning we had an even 50% turnout.

> Anyone who has not received their ID or whos vote is missing from the 
> attached master ballot file should contact elections@ as soon as 
> possible. 


Jorge Vicetto (jmbsvicetto) - jmbsvicetto at gentoo dot org
Gentoo- forums / Userrel / Devrel / SPARC / KDE
- confirmation 2743 -
betelgeuse calchan
gentoofan23 patrick dertobi123 scarabeus dev-zero
peper leio ssuominen ulm solar
- confirmation 2854 -
- confirmation 2e50 -
lu_zero ulm leio
scarabeus ssuominen
calchan dertobi123 betelgeuse dev-zero gentoofan23 peper
- confirmation 3133 -
calchan dertobi123 ssuominen solar
lu_zero dev-zero ulm leio peper
- confirmation 3303 -
calchan betelgeuse
ssuominen ulm leio lu_zero
solar dertobi123
peper scarabeus gentoofan23 dev-zero patrick
- confirmation 338c -
ulm dertobi123
ssuominen scarabeus
betelgeuse dev-zero peper
- confirmation 3ac6 -
solar peper lu_zero dertobi123 ulm
- confirmation 3e1f -
scarabeus patrick calchan leio ssuominen gentoofan23 peper
- confirmation 3e2c -
leio betelgeuse calchan solar dertobi123 lu_zero
ssuominen ulm
scarabeus patrick
dev-zero gentoofan23 peper
- confirmation 3f35 -
leio betelgeuse calchan
lu_zero solar
patrick ssuominen gentoofan23
- confirmation 0657 -
dertobi123 betelgeuse gentoofan23 ulm peper
calchan scarabeus ssuominen
lu_zero leio
- confirmation 460a -
- confirmation 46ec -
leio gentoofan23 lu_zero betelgeuse
solar ulm dev-zero scarabeus peper calchan dertobi123
- confirmation 4e08 -
lu_zero dev-zero
leio ulm
dertobi123 betelgeuse
calchan solar ssuominen
gentoofan23 peper patrick scarabeus
- confirmation 514d -
ssuominen leio
- confirmation 52f9 -
gentoofan23 ulm scarabeus patrick peper calchan dertobi123
- confirmation 53aa -
betelgeuse ulm
solar patrick lu_zero leio
peper gentoofan23 ssuominen calchan scarabeus dev-zero
- confirmation 08a7 -
- confirmation 5da6 -
solar lu_zero dev-zero
ulm calchan
leio ssuominen
- confirmation 5e53 -

[gentoo-dev] Re: A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Duncan
"Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto"  posted
4a4d97d5.10...@gentoo.org, excerpted below, on  Fri, 03 Jul 2009 05:32:05

> I have a few ideas about this that I'll have to put in writing and share
> later, but let me start by proposing that for such a change we require
> the support of at least 2/3 of the devs that vote *and* a minimum of 1/3
> of all devs.
> By requiring the support of at least 1/3 of all devs, we can ensure that
> it won't be possible to have extreme events as getting a policy change
> approved by > 90% of the voting devs which happen to represent < 10% of
> all devs. OTOH, requiring 2/3 of the voting devs might prove to be to
> hard in an election with a high turnout - afaicr we didn't have > 60%
> turnout in any election in at least the last 2 years.

I don't believe that's workable.  See for instance the issues getting the 
Gentoo Foundation's bylaws approved.  A 2/3 super-majority of voting devs 
is fine, but the 1/3 of total devs requirement can be problematic, given 
that some devs simply aren't interested in politics enough to vote at 
all, ever.  We don't want to be in the situation the Foundation was in.  
Now, if the total devs requirement was much lower, say 10%, then maybe, 
but if we're going that low, is it even worth bothering?

So I'd say keep it to a 2/3 super-majority of voting devs, and leave it 
at that.  If people don't what 2/3 of say a 10 % voting minority decided, 
well, they should have voted.  (And if /enough/ people don't like it, 
have another vote and undo it.)

For much the same reasons, tho, I favor the council super-majority idea.  
Certainly, a simple majority changing what is effectively Gentoo's 
constitution is distressingly unstable, but 5/7 is 71%, and if no more 
than two council members can be found to oppose a move that needs to be 
stopped, we're in trouble, regardless.  Plus, they ran for the job, so 
can be considered to be politically active enough to actually vote, 
unlike devs in the general case.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

[gentoo-dev] Re: A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Duncan
Tobias Scherbaum  posted
1246546445.6186.33.ca...@homer.ob.libexec.de, excerpted below, on  Thu, 02
Jul 2009 16:54:05 +0200:

> Ned Ludd wrote:
>> I'd like to see the dev body have a year-round voice in the council.
>> Either via quick votes year-round on topics or simply by having
>> discussion in the channel.

> What I'd like to see for sure is a formal rule on who can decide to
> modify or change parts of glep 39. As it's the council's constitution
> somehow, we have two options from my pov (besides that a former council
> did decide the council itself can change it's rules): - a large majority
> (at least 5 out of 7) of council members needs to ack the change
> - changes to glep 39 require a vote with all developers participating
> and a large majority (2/3 or 3/4) needs to ack the suggested change

[posting to -devel only, as gmane has council as one-way, appropriately]

A vote of all developers is a bit steep, but maybe that's the intent.  As 
already mentioned, tho, it'd have to be a super-majority of those voting.

But the 5/7 supermajority rule for council to change its own constitution 
is a really good idea, IMO.  That's a 71% supermajority, and should be 
enough, IMO.  I've always been uncomfortable with the simple majority 
changing its own constitution or bylaws idea, Gentoo council or 
elsewhere.  It's just too unstable for the constitutional level.

>> An EAPI review committee could work well also. As long as we could get
>> non bias people in there.
> I was thinking about that for quite some time and as long as we get some
> non-biased people in there we should try that as well.

IMO, the "official PM implementation required before final approval" 
serves well enough as a practical cap on things, there.  As long as that 
is understood, and council approves a recommendation, then stamps the 
final spec when implemented, an EAPI committee can't go entirely 
renegade, no matter who's on it.

Plus, the committee approach was effectively what we did for EAPI-3 
already, except that arguably council was too hands-on, and more of the 
debate happened on the dev list and on council than was perhaps 

We already have a list for EAPI/PMS discussion, and I believe 
announcements and proposals can be made to dev (and/or council) lists 
with followups set to dev, for discussion.  If we simply use what we have 
and follow that rule, those interested enough to debate it there, 
effectively form the committee, regardless of whether there's an official 
one or not.

What remains, then, would be for the council to choose a spokeperson to 
keep them informed of updates and present the details.  That person 
should be seen as reasonably unbiased in ordered to make it work well for 
all sides, and they should be given a clear mandate from council that 
will effectively make them chairman of the committee, since they 
represent it, whether it's formalized or not.

Then let that spokesperson present the recommendation to council, 
preferably in written form, perhaps with a 10 minute verbal meeting time-
limit, with the details hashed out however it gets hashed out on the EAPI/
PMS list (council shouldn't need to interfere there, except by creating 
the spokesperson position, with said spokeperson serving at the pleasure 
of the council, so they can be removed and someone else appointed, if 
deemed necessary), with anyone from that list, or dev, or user, able to 
present an objection, again preferably in written form, with say a 2-
minute verbal argument meeting time-limit.

Then after the presentation, vote.  As with EAPI-3, do it in two stages, 
preliminary approval, then after implementation, final approval.  Total 
in-meeting time, x2: 10 minutes for spokesperson verbal presentation of 
written position, made available X days pre-meeting, 2 minutes x N people 
for independent support/disagree statements (say two people, 4 minutes), 
one minute for administrative (transitions, etc), 5 minutes at final 
approval for portage lead if he wishes, 5 minutes for voting.  Total 20 
minutes meeting time for preliminary approval, 25 minutes for final 
approval, 45 minutes over two meetings.  If it's voted down, it's sent 
back for further revisions, and won't be scheduled for another chance at 
council meeting approval for six months.

If the council members haven't done their homework and aren't ready to 
vote at the meeting, it reflects badly on them.  If the EAPI committee 
spokesperson doesn't have the written presentation ready in time, or 
can't manage his 10 minute verbal presentation, or if there's more than 
2-3 people lining up for their 2-minute slot to oppose it, it reflects 
badly on him, and the council should consider a different spokesperson.

Bottom line, IMO, the resources are already there, as are, to some 
extent, the rules.  All council needs to do is find and approve a single 
reasonably non-biased person to be a spokesperson, and enforce the rules 
on its own time, with everyone wo

[gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-council] A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto
Tobias Scherbaum wrote:
> Alec Warner wrote:
>>> What I'd like to see for sure is a formal rule on who can decide to
>>> modify or change parts of glep 39. As it's the council's constitution
>>> somehow, we have two options from my pov (besides that a former council
>>> did decide the council itself can change it's rules):
>>> - a large majority (at least 5 out of 7) of council members needs to ack
>>> the change
>>> - changes to glep 39 require a vote with all developers participating
>>> and a large majority (2/3 or 3/4) needs to ack the suggested change
>> Just FYI, Gentoo is lucky if 1/2 of the devs vote; so I assume here
>> you mean large majority of the people who actually voted.
> Uhrm, yeah ... of course.

I have a few ideas about this that I'll have to put in writing and share
later, but let me start by proposing that for such a change we require
the support of at least 2/3 of the devs that vote *and* a minimum of 1/3
of all devs.
By requiring the support of at least 1/3 of all devs, we can ensure that
it won't be possible to have extreme events as getting a policy change
approved by > 90% of the voting devs which happen to represent < 10% of
all devs. OTOH, requiring 2/3 of the voting devs might prove to be to
hard in an election with a high turnout - afaicr we didn't have > 60%
turnout in any election in at least the last 2 years.

> - Tobias


Jorge Vicetto (jmbsvicetto) - jmbsvicetto at gentoo dot org
Gentoo- forums / Userrel / Devrel / SPARC / KDE

[gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-commits] gentoo-news r11 - in 2009: . 07 07/2009-07-02-kdeprefix+monolithics

2009-07-02 Thread Christian Faulhammer

"Theo Chatzimichos (tampakrap)" :
> +[0] http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde/kde4-guide.xml
> \ No newline at end of file

 You should configure your editor correctly.


Christian Faulhammer, Gentoo Lisp project
http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/lisp/>, #gentoo-lisp on FreeNode


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: New eselect news item for kdeprefix

2009-07-02 Thread Theo Chatzimichos
commited, thank you all for the suggestions and the translations. I'll have to 
ask again though, is it possible to have it in the main site as well? in fact, 
who is in charge for the main site? gdp maybe?

On Thursday 02 July 2009 11:50:29 Theo Chatzimichos wrote:
> On Thursday 02 July 2009 11:27:34 Christian Faulhammer wrote:
> > Hallo,
> >
> > Theo Chatzimichos :
> > > If there are no further objections, and if I have the OK from Jorge
> > > i'll commit the following tonight
> >
> >  Fine by me.
> >
> > > Also, you can send me translations
> >
> >  So you will provide Greek I assume.  Here comes German.
> >
> > > Title: kdeprefix and monolithic ebuilds issues
> >
> >  Probleme mit kdeprefix und monolithischen Ebuilds
> >
> > > Author: Theo Chatzimichos 
> >
> > Translator: Christian Faulhammer 
> >
> > > Content-Type: text/plain
> > > Posted: 2009-07-02
> > > Revision: 1
> > > News-Item-Format: 1.0
> > > Display-If-Installed:  >
> > Die Anleitung für KDE in Gentoo wurde überarbeitet und deckt nun die
> > zwei wichtigsten Problemfelder für KDE-Benutzer ab:
> >
> > 1.) Maskierung des kdeprefix USE-Flags für KDE 4-Benutzer und
> > 2.) die Aktualisierung auf KDE 3.5.10 und KOffice 1.6.3_p20090204 für
> > die Benutzer der monolithischen Ebuilds.
> >
> > Die Anleitung [0] enthält alle Anweisungen zur Behebung dieser Probleme.
> > [0] http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde/kde4-guide.xml
> >
> > V-Li
> Danke.
> Hopefully I don't have to translate it to greek. I called all 5 gentoo
> users in Greece. 1 of them was a long time gnome user, two of them stopped
> using KDE before this incident and the other two after the incident.

Theo Chatzimichos (tampakrap)
Gentoo KDE/Qt Team

[gentoo-dev] Re: A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Ned Ludd
On Thu, 2009-07-02 at 22:14 +0200, Christian Faulhammer wrote:
> Hi,
> in general you speak about the council but do you have any concrete
> plans/goals you want to achieve?

I think we are in the information gathering phase right now on how to
best proceed. So nothing concrete as of this point. More abstract ideas
at this point.

> Ned Ludd :
> > The dev population is quite a strange beast. I never expected to win. 
>  Nor did I, especially because you were quite low on my ballot.
> Congratulations.
> > The devs have a voice one time of the year: when it comes time to
> > vote. But what about the rest of the year? What happens when the
> > person you voted for sucks? You are mostly powerless to do anything
> > other than be really vocal in what seems like a never ending battle.
> > That needs to change. I'm not quite sure how. But I'd like to see the
> > dev body have a year-round voice in the council. Either via quick
> > votes year-round on topics or simply by having discussion in the
> > channel. Devs should have a right to voice their concerns to the
> > council and engage in interactive conversations without being labeled
> > troll.
>  We have the forums for quick votes, votify is too much to get a
> picture of opinions.  So use -dev-announce and forums.
> > Another one of the things I'd like to see and help reform with the
> > council. First off it spends way too much time on EAPI/PMS. There is
> > no reason to make the council an extension of the portage team.
>  As member of the PMS team I agree, we have to reach out to more
> people.  No matter how well Ciaran does the job as editor-in-chief
> the process needs to be broadened to involve other groups, too.
> > For example prefix comes to mind. It was a project I did not like at
> > first. I'm not even a user. And there are things I surely don't like
> > about it as is. But there is community support and it's the icing on
> > the cake for some. So I'll back the fsck up and give credit where
> > it's due. This is a perfectly good example of a project/fork that
> > needs to come back home. Perhaps it's time to cherry pick some more
> > stuff/people out of Sunrise?
>  Fully agree here, my devhood is a product of Sunrise.
> > desultory points out any two council members can decide to approve
> > anything, and that decision is considered to be equivalent to a full
> > council vote until the next meeting. I vaguely recall that rule. I'm
> > not sure about you, but I think that is a little to much power to put
> > in the hands of a few. Any dev mind if we dump that power?
>  Maybe extend that to three, but leave such a emergency measure in
> place. 
> > Meetings will likely go back to one time per month and be +m with +v
> > be handed out per request with open chat pre/post meetings.  The
> > reason for this is to keep the meetings on-track. I won't engage in
> > endless discussions. Facts can be presented. They will be reviewed on
> > merit, technical and social.
>  Agree.
> > The reason the meetings should go back to monthly is to allow those
> > who are council members in Gentoo to accomplish things other than the
> > council only. We all have personal lives and we all have our
> > respective roles we play outside of the council. Another note on
> > meetings. The time they are held currently don't fit well with my
> > work schedule.
>  That you have to discuss with your fellow council members.
> > So lets have some damn fun again !...@#$ 
>  Oh yeah!
> V-Li

Ned Ludd 
Gentoo Linux

Re: [gentoo-dev] Exim and Sendmail need a maintainer

2009-07-02 Thread AllenJB

Fabian Groffen wrote:

On 24-06-2009 13:51:37 +, Torsten Veller wrote:

| mail-mta/exim.

I'm looking for users that want to help maintaining Exim.  Especially if
you feel like becoming a Gentoo developer at some time, contact me

I recommend you post this to planet, the forums, maybe the -user mailing 
list and Gentoo's Newsletter... oh wait! Maybe not the newsletter then. =P

It might be useful to include a summary of what you expect the users to 
do, what knowledge they need and what help is available (Don't forget 
that what's obvious to you may not be obvious to them!)

More than 2 users might actually see it then =P


Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Thu, 2 Jul 2009 22:29:39 +0200
Christian Faulhammer  wrote:
> > Which groups who would like to be able to contribute currently feel
> > that they can't, why do they feel that and why haven't they said so?
>  For example people from the other package managers apart from
> Paludis.

Zac's said he's not particularly interested in the deciding upon new
features part, and despite that there was considerable Portage
influence upon all three new EAPIs. The Pkgcore people haven't tried
pushing for anything as far as I know. The option's there for them, but
they haven't expressed any interest.

Incidentally, less than half of the things in EAPI 3 were of an origin
that could even remotely be considered Paludisish...

> What we need is a more straight forward way for new
> features...yes, some measures are already being worked out, but there
> is still work to do.

Unfortunately much of the complexity comes from the constraints we're
forced to work with...

> > Really, the only big issues we've had with EAPI work are getting
> > Portage support and working around a Council that wants to both
> > micro-manage every last detail of every last feature and only put in
> > an hour of work every two weeks.
>  Discussion of EAPI features took place on the -dev mailing list
> involving council members, so one hour every two weeks is quite
> exaggerated.

Sure, some of the old Council were extremely helpful in providing
opinions beforehand, in doing the prep work before meetings and in not
springing things at the last second. Others insisted upon not reading
what they were asked to vote upon before the meeting (or even before
voting upon it), and then raising queries, objections and alternatives
that were either already addressed, not at all relevant or obviously
unworkable. That's what dragged the process out for so long.

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Re: A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Christian Faulhammer

Ciaran McCreesh :

> On Thu, 2 Jul 2009 22:14:25 +0200
> Christian Faulhammer  wrote:
> > > Another one of the things I'd like to see and help reform with the
> > > council. First off it spends way too much time on EAPI/PMS. There
> > > is no reason to make the council an extension of the portage team.
> > 
> >  As member of the PMS team I agree, we have to reach out to more
> > people.  No matter how well Ciaran does the job as editor-in-chief
> > the process needs to be broadened to involve other groups, too.
> Which groups who would like to be able to contribute currently feel
> that they can't, why do they feel that and why haven't they said so?

 For example people from the other package managers apart from
Paludis.  What we need is a more straight forward way for new
features...yes, some measures are already being worked out, but there is
still work to do.

> Really, the only big issues we've had with EAPI work are getting
> Portage support and working around a Council that wants to both
> micro-manage every last detail of every last feature and only put in
> an hour of work every two weeks.

 Discussion of EAPI features took place on the -dev mailing list
involving council members, so one hour every two weeks is quite


Christian Faulhammer, Gentoo Lisp project
http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/lisp/>, #gentoo-lisp on FreeNode


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Ciaran McCreesh
On Thu, 2 Jul 2009 22:14:25 +0200
Christian Faulhammer  wrote:
> > Another one of the things I'd like to see and help reform with the
> > council. First off it spends way too much time on EAPI/PMS. There is
> > no reason to make the council an extension of the portage team.
>  As member of the PMS team I agree, we have to reach out to more
> people.  No matter how well Ciaran does the job as editor-in-chief
> the process needs to be broadened to involve other groups, too.

Which groups who would like to be able to contribute currently feel
that they can't, why do they feel that and why haven't they said so?

Really, the only big issues we've had with EAPI work are getting Portage
support and working around a Council that wants to both micro-manage
every last detail of every last feature and only put in an hour of work
every two weeks.

Ciaran McCreesh

Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Re: A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Christian Faulhammer

in general you speak about the council but do you have any concrete
plans/goals you want to achieve?

Ned Ludd :
> The dev population is quite a strange beast. I never expected to win. 

 Nor did I, especially because you were quite low on my ballot.

> The devs have a voice one time of the year: when it comes time to
> vote. But what about the rest of the year? What happens when the
> person you voted for sucks? You are mostly powerless to do anything
> other than be really vocal in what seems like a never ending battle.
> That needs to change. I'm not quite sure how. But I'd like to see the
> dev body have a year-round voice in the council. Either via quick
> votes year-round on topics or simply by having discussion in the
> channel. Devs should have a right to voice their concerns to the
> council and engage in interactive conversations without being labeled
> troll.

 We have the forums for quick votes, votify is too much to get a
picture of opinions.  So use -dev-announce and forums.

> Another one of the things I'd like to see and help reform with the
> council. First off it spends way too much time on EAPI/PMS. There is
> no reason to make the council an extension of the portage team.

 As member of the PMS team I agree, we have to reach out to more
people.  No matter how well Ciaran does the job as editor-in-chief
the process needs to be broadened to involve other groups, too.

> For example prefix comes to mind. It was a project I did not like at
> first. I'm not even a user. And there are things I surely don't like
> about it as is. But there is community support and it's the icing on
> the cake for some. So I'll back the fsck up and give credit where
> it's due. This is a perfectly good example of a project/fork that
> needs to come back home. Perhaps it's time to cherry pick some more
> stuff/people out of Sunrise?

 Fully agree here, my devhood is a product of Sunrise.
> desultory points out any two council members can decide to approve
> anything, and that decision is considered to be equivalent to a full
> council vote until the next meeting. I vaguely recall that rule. I'm
> not sure about you, but I think that is a little to much power to put
> in the hands of a few. Any dev mind if we dump that power?

 Maybe extend that to three, but leave such a emergency measure in

> Meetings will likely go back to one time per month and be +m with +v
> be handed out per request with open chat pre/post meetings.  The
> reason for this is to keep the meetings on-track. I won't engage in
> endless discussions. Facts can be presented. They will be reviewed on
> merit, technical and social.

> The reason the meetings should go back to monthly is to allow those
> who are council members in Gentoo to accomplish things other than the
> council only. We all have personal lives and we all have our
> respective roles we play outside of the council. Another note on
> meetings. The time they are held currently don't fit well with my
> work schedule.

 That you have to discuss with your fellow council members.

> So lets have some damn fun again !...@#$ 

 Oh yeah!


Christian Faulhammer, Gentoo Lisp project
http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/lisp/>, #gentoo-lisp on FreeNode


Description: PGP signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Mike Frysinger
On Thursday 02 July 2009 13:47:45 Michael Higgins wrote:
> On Wed, 01 Jul 2009 19:33:52 -0700 Ned Ludd wrote:
> > My only intention was to help offset
> > dev-zero being able force the will of outside forces upon us.
> > Well that has been accomplished for now (w00t).
> What is this all about? Did I miss something? Was Gentoo threatened with
> takeover?

please review the current/last week threads.  as a general statement, you cant 
ignore recent threads on the mailing list and then respond to newer ones going 
"what is this all about".

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [gentoo-dev] Exim and Sendmail need a maintainer

2009-07-02 Thread Fabian Groffen
On 24-06-2009 13:51:37 +, Torsten Veller wrote:
> | mail-mta/exim.

I'm looking for users that want to help maintaining Exim.  Especially if
you feel like becoming a Gentoo developer at some time, contact me

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo on a different level

Re: [gentoo-dev] A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Michael Higgins
On Wed, 01 Jul 2009 19:33:52 -0700
Ned Ludd  wrote:

> My only intention was to help offset
> dev-zero being able force the will of outside forces upon us. 
> Well that has been accomplished for now (w00t).

What is this all about? Did I miss something? Was Gentoo threatened with 


 |\  /||   |  ~ ~  
 | \/ ||---|  `|` ?
 ||ichael  |   |iggins\^ /

[gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-council] A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Denis Dupeyron
I'll have things to say about this but I'm still in the woods with
dialup until monday. So either I can get close to a fatter pipe later
today or tomorrow, or I'll do it on monday night from home.


[gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-council] A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Mike Frysinger
On Thursday 02 July 2009 10:54:05 Tobias Scherbaum wrote:
> Ned Ludd wrote:
> > The devs have a voice one time of the year: when it comes time to vote.
> > But what about the rest of the year? What happens when the person you
> > voted for sucks? You are mostly powerless to do anything other than be
> > really vocal in what seems like a never ending battle. That needs to
> > change. I'm not quite sure how. But I'd like to see the dev body have a
> > year-round voice in the council. Either via quick votes year-round
> > on topics or simply by having discussion in the channel. Devs should have
> > a right to voice their concerns to the council and engage in interactive
> > conversations without being labeled troll.
> I'm not sure about that, but we can easily give it a try.
> What I'd like to see for sure is a formal rule on who can decide to
> modify or change parts of glep 39.

we already have a formal method:
 - change is proposed ahead of time like any other business for council to 
review (which means the community sees it)
 - council votes and assuming it passed
 - the dev/council lists are notified of changes (see previous summaries for 
 - if there is still no problems, then the project page/GLEP is amended 

if the dev community has a problem, then it should have come up like any other 
issue along the way.  if the only way to resolve the greater dev concerns is 
with a vote, then that is how it goes.  needing a full community vote all the 
time is a huge time waste for absolutely no gain.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for July

2009-07-02 Thread Mike Frysinger
On Thursday 02 July 2009 11:02:45 Tobias Scherbaum wrote:
> Mike Frysinger wrote:
> > here's an item that should be relatively quick to address: fix the typo
> > in GLEP 39 where this line is missing (it's been in the council homepage
> > forever):
> > Only Gentoo developers may be nominated
> I'd like to add that requirement for proxies as well. Varied
> interpretations of common sense seems to make that necessary.

i'd keep them as sep topics as the first should go through quickly without 
discussion.  the latter i'm not terribly sold on -- the understanding is that 
a council member should have the good sense to only pick an appropriate proxy.  
the definition of "appropriate" is of course up for grabs.  ignoring the 
tools, there is the possibility of bringing non-devs further into the Gentoo 
fold (assuming the proxy is well versed in the topics at hand and not just 
"another body") ...

then again, looking at the 4 year history, this has never happened, so it's 
doubtful it will happen.  guess the proposal is fine.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.

[gentoo-dev] Re: Gentoo Council Elections Results for term 2009/2010

2009-07-02 Thread Torsten Veller
* Roy Bamford :
> The full ranked list of candidates, in order, is:-
> solar
> betelgeuse
> calchan
> dertobi123
> ulm
> leio
> lu_zero
> patrick
> dev-zero
> ssuominen
> scarabeus
> gentoofan23
> peper
> _reopen_nominations

Can you please publish the full ranking output?

Re: [gentoo-dev] A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Rémi Cardona

Ned Ludd a écrit :
[snip, lots of insightful stuff I either agree with or don't really 

So lets have some damn fun again !...@#$ 

_That_ I whole heartedly agree with. Please, all of you in the new 
council, try to keep this in mind :)



Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for July

2009-07-02 Thread Tobias Scherbaum
Mike Frysinger wrote:
> here's an item that should be relatively quick to address: fix the typo in 
> GLEP 39 where this line is missing (it's been in the council homepage 
> forever):
>   Only Gentoo developers may be nominated

I'd like to add that requirement for proxies as well. Varied
interpretations of common sense seems to make that necessary.

- Tobias

[gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-council] A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Tobias Scherbaum
Alec Warner wrote:
> > What I'd like to see for sure is a formal rule on who can decide to
> > modify or change parts of glep 39. As it's the council's constitution
> > somehow, we have two options from my pov (besides that a former council
> > did decide the council itself can change it's rules):
> > - a large majority (at least 5 out of 7) of council members needs to ack
> > the change
> > - changes to glep 39 require a vote with all developers participating
> > and a large majority (2/3 or 3/4) needs to ack the suggested change
> Just FYI, Gentoo is lucky if 1/2 of the devs vote; so I assume here
> you mean large majority of the people who actually voted.

Uhrm, yeah ... of course.

- Tobias

Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

[gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-council] A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Alec Warner
On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 7:54 AM, Tobias Scherbaum wrote:
> Ned Ludd wrote:
>> The devs have a voice one time of the year: when it comes time to vote.
>> But what about the rest of the year? What happens when the person you
>> voted for sucks? You are mostly powerless to do anything other than be
>> really vocal in what seems like a never ending battle. That needs to
>> change. I'm not quite sure how. But I'd like to see the dev body have a
>> year-round voice in the council. Either via quick votes year-round
>> on topics or simply by having discussion in the channel. Devs should have
>> a right to voice their concerns to the council and engage in interactive
>> conversations without being labeled troll.
> I'm not sure about that, but we can easily give it a try.
> What I'd like to see for sure is a formal rule on who can decide to
> modify or change parts of glep 39. As it's the council's constitution
> somehow, we have two options from my pov (besides that a former council
> did decide the council itself can change it's rules):
> - a large majority (at least 5 out of 7) of council members needs to ack
> the change
> - changes to glep 39 require a vote with all developers participating
> and a large majority (2/3 or 3/4) needs to ack the suggested change

Just FYI, Gentoo is lucky if 1/2 of the devs vote; so I assume here
you mean large majority of the people who actually voted.

> Also I'd like to require commit messages to gleps (and especially glep
> 39) being useful and denote based on which decision by whom that change
> got made. For example the following commit message I'd consider quite
> useless (at least two or three years ago):
> "Add the one person one vote clause to GLEP 39 as agreed." [1]
> Who did agree? Where is that noted down? ... and so on.
>> An EAPI review committee could work well also. As long as we could get
>> non bias people in there.
> I was thinking about that for quite some time and as long as we get some
> non-biased people in there we should try that as well.
>> The council should be more about community vs technical issues only.
>> We have lots of top level projects within Gentoo which have simply given
>> up on the council as being an outlet to accomplish anything useful.
>> It should be our job to look at the projects in Gentoo. Look at the ones
>> that have a healthy community and encourage and promote them in ways.
> ack
>> For example prefix comes to mind. It was a project I did not like at
>> first. I'm not even a user. And there are things I surely don't like
>> about it as is. But there is community support and it's the icing on the
>> cake for some. So I'll back the fsck up and give credit where it's due.
>> This is a perfectly good example of a project/fork that needs to come
>> back home. Perhaps it's time to cherry pick some more stuff/people out
>> of Sunrise?
> prefix is a really good example, yeah. Nearly noone knows it, but it's
> really cool to have for example a virtualized windows machine running on
> a linux host. The windows box then runs prefix in interix. Not that it's
> really useful at all (hey, it's slow as hell) - but it's very
> interesting that such things are possible and it's definitively an
> eyecatcher on expos. prefix is one of Gentoo's most underrated projects.
> As for Sunrise I do think that's what we already do - but: getting users
> more actively involved in Sunrise makes them happy, plus it's easier for
> us to recruit new developers. Therefore: push Sunrise! I very much
> disliked how the Sunrise project has been started some years ago, but in
> the end we do need to integrate it a tad better to make it even more
> useful for both users and developers.
>> desultory points out any two council members can decide to approve anything,
>> and that decision is considered to be equivalent to a full council vote
>> until the next meeting. I vaguely recall that rule. I'm not sure about you,
>> but I think that is a little to much power to put in the hands of a few.
>> Any dev mind if we dump that power?
> It's quite much power in quite a few hands, but in the end that's some
> kind of "last resort rule". All council members should be smart enough
> (and i do consider all of us being smart enough) to know when that "last
> resort" becomes active. Therefore I think it doesn't hurt to have such a
> rule in place.
>> Meetings will likely go back to one time per month and be +m with +v be
>> handed out per request with open chat pre/post meetings.  The reason for
>> this is to keep the meetings on-track. I won't engage in endless
>> discussions. Facts can be presented. They will be reviewed on merit,
>> technical and social.
>> The reason the meetings should go back to monthly is to allow those who
>> are council members in Gentoo to accomplish things other than the
>> council only. We all have personal lives and we all have our respective
>> roles we play outside of the council. Another note on meetings. The time

[gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-council] A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Tobias Scherbaum
Ned Ludd wrote:
> The devs have a voice one time of the year: when it comes time to vote.
> But what about the rest of the year? What happens when the person you
> voted for sucks? You are mostly powerless to do anything other than be
> really vocal in what seems like a never ending battle. That needs to
> change. I'm not quite sure how. But I'd like to see the dev body have a
> year-round voice in the council. Either via quick votes year-round
> on topics or simply by having discussion in the channel. Devs should have
> a right to voice their concerns to the council and engage in interactive
> conversations without being labeled troll.

I'm not sure about that, but we can easily give it a try.

What I'd like to see for sure is a formal rule on who can decide to
modify or change parts of glep 39. As it's the council's constitution
somehow, we have two options from my pov (besides that a former council
did decide the council itself can change it's rules):
- a large majority (at least 5 out of 7) of council members needs to ack
the change
- changes to glep 39 require a vote with all developers participating
and a large majority (2/3 or 3/4) needs to ack the suggested change

Also I'd like to require commit messages to gleps (and especially glep
39) being useful and denote based on which decision by whom that change
got made. For example the following commit message I'd consider quite
useless (at least two or three years ago):

"Add the one person one vote clause to GLEP 39 as agreed." [1]

Who did agree? Where is that noted down? ... and so on.

> An EAPI review committee could work well also. As long as we could get 
> non bias people in there.

I was thinking about that for quite some time and as long as we get some
non-biased people in there we should try that as well.

> The council should be more about community vs technical issues only.
> We have lots of top level projects within Gentoo which have simply given
> up on the council as being an outlet to accomplish anything useful.
> It should be our job to look at the projects in Gentoo. Look at the ones
> that have a healthy community and encourage and promote them in ways.


> For example prefix comes to mind. It was a project I did not like at
> first. I'm not even a user. And there are things I surely don't like
> about it as is. But there is community support and it's the icing on the
> cake for some. So I'll back the fsck up and give credit where it's due.
> This is a perfectly good example of a project/fork that needs to come
> back home. Perhaps it's time to cherry pick some more stuff/people out 
> of Sunrise?

prefix is a really good example, yeah. Nearly noone knows it, but it's
really cool to have for example a virtualized windows machine running on
a linux host. The windows box then runs prefix in interix. Not that it's
really useful at all (hey, it's slow as hell) - but it's very
interesting that such things are possible and it's definitively an
eyecatcher on expos. prefix is one of Gentoo's most underrated projects.

As for Sunrise I do think that's what we already do - but: getting users
more actively involved in Sunrise makes them happy, plus it's easier for
us to recruit new developers. Therefore: push Sunrise! I very much
disliked how the Sunrise project has been started some years ago, but in
the end we do need to integrate it a tad better to make it even more
useful for both users and developers.

> desultory points out any two council members can decide to approve anything, 
> and that decision is considered to be equivalent to a full council vote
> until the next meeting. I vaguely recall that rule. I'm not sure about you, 
> but I think that is a little to much power to put in the hands of a few.
> Any dev mind if we dump that power?

It's quite much power in quite a few hands, but in the end that's some
kind of "last resort rule". All council members should be smart enough
(and i do consider all of us being smart enough) to know when that "last
resort" becomes active. Therefore I think it doesn't hurt to have such a
rule in place. 

> Meetings will likely go back to one time per month and be +m with +v be
> handed out per request with open chat pre/post meetings.  The reason for
> this is to keep the meetings on-track. I won't engage in endless
> discussions. Facts can be presented. They will be reviewed on merit,
> technical and social.
> The reason the meetings should go back to monthly is to allow those who
> are council members in Gentoo to accomplish things other than the
> council only. We all have personal lives and we all have our respective
> roles we play outside of the council. Another note on meetings. The time 
> they are held currently don't fit well with my work schedule.

I'm all for going back to monthly meetings and make them a tad more
organized. As I summarized in the last few minutes of our last council
meeting - we do have rules in place to keep our meetings organized, we
just need to follow them. 


[gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-council] A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Ferris McCormick
There's a lot of good stuff to think about here.  For what it's worth,
some initial comments.

On Wed, 2009-07-01 at 19:33 -0700, Ned Ludd wrote:
> The dev population is quite a strange beast. I never expected to win. 
> Why would you vote for somebody who did not even publish a manifesto?
> I don't know but I love you for it. My only intention was to help offset
> dev-zero being able force the will of outside forces upon us. 
> Well that has been accomplished for now (w00t). But I
> never ever expected to be ranked so high. "/me blushes" So that means you
> guys/gals expect stuff from me. Well as I never wrote a manifesto but
> you still voted for me, I guess I should share some of my ideas on what
> I'd like to see happen over the following year.
> The devs have a voice one time of the year: when it comes time to vote.
> But what about the rest of the year? What happens when the person you
> voted for sucks? You are mostly powerless to do anything other than be
> really vocal in what seems like a never ending battle. That needs to
> change. I'm not quite sure how. But I'd like to see the dev body have a
> year-round voice in the council. Either via quick votes year-round
> on topics or simply by having discussion in the channel. Devs should have
> a right to voice their concerns to the council and engage in interactive
> conversations without being labeled troll.

We could provide for a recall vote, but I don't like that idea.
Discussion in channel is ideal if there is some way/someone to help keep
it civil enough to be useful.

> Another one of the things I'd like to see and help reform with the
> council. First off it spends way too much time on EAPI/PMS. There is no
> reason to make the council an extension of the portage team. Portage is
> still the official package manager of Gentoo. Granted it's good to 
> accommodate others to an extent and I've always kept an open mind on other 
> tools.
> Alternatives are good as there is always the right tool for the task at hand. 
> But
> the council really should not be getting involved most of the time unless 
> there 
> is a conflict which can't be worked out among the masses and those trying to 
> get
> portage to adopt new features. If the dev body wants it otherwise then
> I'd like to turn my vote over to you the devs. Each and every time the
> council wants/has to vote on an EAPI/PMS feature then I'll happily put my
> vote in your hands. You fire up that old votify system and use my vote
> as yours.

Not a bad idea if votify is agile enough.

> Note however that zmedico is not in favor of his time being
> wasted on deciding what PMS/EAPI features are good. He simply likes bugs
> and solving those. He likes giving us new features and tends to be more in
> favor of the devs and community figuring out what is best for us. 
> An EAPI review committee could work well also. As long as we could get 
> non bias people in there.
EAPI review committee --- please do.  I agree that council meetings are
not the place to do detail EAPI work.

> The council should be more about community vs technical issues only.
> We have lots of top level projects within Gentoo which have simply given
> up on the council as being an outlet to accomplish anything useful.
> It should be our job to look at the projects in Gentoo. Look at the ones
> that have a healthy community and encourage and promote them in ways.

> For example prefix comes to mind. It was a project I did not like at
> first. I'm not even a user. And there are things I surely don't like
> about it as is. But there is community support and it's the icing on the
> cake for some. So I'll back the fsck up and give credit where it's due.
> This is a perfectly good example of a project/fork that needs to come
> back home. Perhaps it's time to cherry pick some more stuff/people out 
> of Sunrise?
> desultory points out any two council members can decide to approve anything, 
> and that decision is considered to be equivalent to a full council vote
> until the next meeting. I vaguely recall that rule. I'm not sure about you, 
> but I think that is a little to much power to put in the hands of a few.
> Any dev mind if we dump that power?
Dump it.

> Meetings will likely go back to one time per month and be +m with +v be
> handed out per request with open chat pre/post meetings.  The reason for
> this is to keep the meetings on-track. I won't engage in endless
> discussions. Facts can be presented. They will be reviewed on merit,
> technical and social.
Probably a good idea.  I don't much care for biweekly free-for-alls

> The reason the meetings should go back to monthly is to allow those who
> are council members in Gentoo to accomplish things other than the
> council only. We all have personal lives and we all have our respective
> roles we play outside of the council. Another note on meetings. The time 
> they are held currently don't fit well with my work schedule.
> I'm not subsc

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: [gentoo-council] A Little Council Reform Anyone?

2009-07-02 Thread Richard Freeman

Doug Goldstein wrote:

On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 9:33 PM, Ned Ludd wrote:

Meetings will likely go back to one time per month and be +m with +v be
handed out per request with open chat pre/post meetings.  The reason for
this is to keep the meetings on-track. I won't engage in endless
discussions. Facts can be presented. They will be reviewed on merit,
technical and social.

Thank you again. I tried the +m/+v thing a year ago and received a few
pieces of hate e-mail from mostly non-developer people. 

Please do go to +m.  I usually just read council summaries - when I've 
tried to read the actual logs it is a COMPLETE mess.

In most organizational board-like bodies the board meeting is NOT the 
place to have open discussion on topics.  The open discussion happens 
everywhere BUT the board meeting.  It happens on the phone, on mailing 
lists, in newspapers, on TV, on talk radio, etc.  During the board 
meeting people who want to make a statement can do so within a limited 
amount of time, and then the board casts its vote.  95% of the time the 
way the vote will go is known before the meeting happens.  The meeting 
is just a formality.

If there is to be a 300 line argument over proposal-A vs proposal-B, do 
it on the mailing lists, or on IRC.  Council votes should be 
straightforward matters.

If we want to have more interaction - how about this idea:  Formal 
council meetings happen once per month, and they are the ONLY place 
votes take place.  However, the council will try to meet more often for 
less formal discussion.  +m/+v may be imposed at any time if there is a 
large turnout just to keep things somewhat orderly.  Attendance is not 
mandatory for these meetings, but is encouraged.  You could also 
schedule them at a variety of times - again, you're not missing any 
votes so if only 1/3rd of the council makes any particular meeting it 
isn't a big deal.

As far as having two council members temporarily approve items goes - it 
isn't a bad thing to have in general, but it should really only be used 
in emergency situations.  I'm not sure if we even need it - I suspect 
that groups like infra will "do the right thing" most of the time if 
there is an emergency (dev starts committing "rm -rf /*" scripts all 
over the portage tree - infra suspends cvs access first and finds devrel 

Maybe a quick way to assess developer opinions on issues would be forum 
polls?  The votify system is potentially good as well, but I'm not sure 
how much work it requires on the part of infra to gather/tally the 
votes.  We really don't need the full rigor of votify for most issues 
(though it probably should be used if there are true referendums on 
serious matters).  And, of course, there is always the "measure the 
noise on the mailing list" approach, but I'm not a big fan of that 
(though I am a fan of lists in general).

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: New eselect news item for kdeprefix

2009-07-02 Thread Theo Chatzimichos
On Thursday 02 July 2009 11:27:34 Christian Faulhammer wrote:
> Hallo,
> Theo Chatzimichos :
> > If there are no further objections, and if I have the OK from Jorge
> > i'll commit the following tonight
>  Fine by me.
> > Also, you can send me translations
>  So you will provide Greek I assume.  Here comes German.
> > Title: kdeprefix and monolithic ebuilds issues
>  Probleme mit kdeprefix und monolithischen Ebuilds
> > Author: Theo Chatzimichos 
> Translator: Christian Faulhammer 
> > Content-Type: text/plain
> > Posted: 2009-07-02
> > Revision: 1
> > News-Item-Format: 1.0
> > Display-If-Installed: 
> Die Anleitung für KDE in Gentoo wurde überarbeitet und deckt nun die
> zwei wichtigsten Problemfelder für KDE-Benutzer ab:
> 1.) Maskierung des kdeprefix USE-Flags für KDE 4-Benutzer und
> 2.) die Aktualisierung auf KDE 3.5.10 und KOffice 1.6.3_p20090204 für
> die Benutzer der monolithischen Ebuilds.
> Die Anleitung [0] enthält alle Anweisungen zur Behebung dieser Probleme.
> [0] http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde/kde4-guide.xml
> V-Li

Hopefully I don't have to translate it to greek. I called all 5 gentoo users 
in Greece. 1 of them was a long time gnome user, two of them stopped using KDE 
before this incident and the other two after the incident.
Theo Chatzimichos (tampakrap)
Gentoo KDE/Qt Team

[gentoo-dev] Re: New eselect news item for kdeprefix

2009-07-02 Thread Christian Faulhammer

Theo Chatzimichos :

> If there are no further objections, and if I have the OK from Jorge
> i'll commit the following tonight 

 Fine by me.

> Also, you can send me translations

 So you will provide Greek I assume.  Here comes German.

> Title: kdeprefix and monolithic ebuilds issues

 Probleme mit kdeprefix und monolithischen Ebuilds

> Author: Theo Chatzimichos 
Translator: Christian Faulhammer 

> Content-Type: text/plain
> Posted: 2009-07-02
> Revision: 1
> News-Item-Format: 1.0
> Display-If-Installed: http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde/kde4-guide.xml


Christian Faulhammer, Gentoo Lisp project
http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/lisp/>, #gentoo-lisp on FreeNode


Description: PGP signature

[gentoo-dev] Re: New eselect news item for kdeprefix

2009-07-02 Thread Theo Chatzimichos
If there are no further objections, and if I have the OK from Jorge i'll 
commit the following tonight (name: 2009-07-02-kdeprefix+monolithics.en.txt). 
Btw is it possible the following message to be uploaded in gentoo.org main 
site as well?
Also, you can send me translations, see 
http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/glep/glep-0042.html for additional information. 

Title: kdeprefix and monolithic ebuilds issues
Author: Theo Chatzimichos 
Content-Type: text/plain
Posted: 2009-07-02
Revision: 1
News-Item-Format: 1.0
Display-If-Installed: http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/desktop/kde/kde4-guide.xml
Theo Chatzimichos (tampakrap)
Gentoo KDE/Qt Team

Re: [gentoo-dev] Gentoo Council Elections Results for term 2009/2010

2009-07-02 Thread Fabian Groffen
On 01-07-2009 22:00:23 +0100, Roy Bamford wrote:
> On behalf of the Elections project, the next Gentoo Council will be
> composed of:-
> Ned Ludd  (solar)
> Petteri Räty  (betelgeuse)
> Denis Dupeyron(calchan)
> Tobias Scherbaum  (dertobi123)
> Ulrich Müller (ulm)
> Mart Raudsepp (leio)
> Luca Barbato  (lu_zero)

A big surprise! (is it a birthday present?)
Congratulations to all of you!

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo on a different level