Re: [gentoo-dev] Jeeves IRC replacement now alive - Willikins

2008-08-15 Thread Javier Villavicencio

Robin H. Johnson wrote:

Getting the bot out there
If you would like to have the new bot in your #gentoo-* channel, would
each channel founder/leader please respond to this thread, stating the
channel name, and that they are the contact for any problems/troubles.

#gentoo-bsd, welp would be contact but he's away.


Re: [gentoo-dev] [GLEP 56] metadata.xml USE flag descriptions [Clarifications]

2008-08-15 Thread Jeroen Roovers
On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 16:13:26 -0400
Doug Goldstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > What is the benefit?

> There is none really. Allow all use flags to exist in metadata.xml.
> It's really more of a clarification to the GLEP if this is allowed.

I personally think that this would facilitate a lot of duplication that
would ultimately amount to bitrot. Of course having, say, repoman
suggest cleanups would be one solution to the problem of bitrot, but
then I still fail to see the advantage over having both an IUSE per
ebuild as well as maintaining .

In my opinion the GLEP needs clarification on this matter. It should
forbid the use of these empty flag tags, and the DTD should reflect

Kind regards,

[1] Come to think of it, in the recent metadata.xml / no-herd debate,
wasn't having an empty herd tag ever suggested? 

Re: [gentoo-dev] best way to use profiles and package.use.mask?

2008-08-15 Thread Jeroen Roovers
On Wed, 13 Aug 2008 23:33:04 +0300
Petteri Räty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

As a distribution we should strive to make as many packages available
with as many features as possible on as many architectures (or indeed
operating systems) as possible.[1] Not communicating important changes
in ebuilds to arch teams, even making decisions on their behalf, we risk
having to mend increasingly complex systems of profiles and flags.

> I have been instructing people to adjust the files themselves. The 
> changes affect only the package in question and as such it falls
> under the responsibility of the maintainer of the package.

Sadly, I've been adding capitalised boilerplate pleas to the heads
(and sometimes the tails) of hppa profile files requesting bug reports
instead of adding silently to the ancient cruft that's there already.
That doesn't mean that either you or I are wrong, but it does clearly
show that we should put this all down in writing[2] when we find
agreement. :)

> > I personally think no, individual ebuild devs shouldn't touch
> > arch-profiles. They should simply drop the (broken) keywords and
> > file a keywordreq bug for those arches. Then the arch-teams can
> > test and eventually decide whether to keyword the package or mask
> > the use-flag.

There should be no problem committing the ebuild with dropped keywords,
then filing a KEYWORDREQ bug report describing the problem and the
solution, and CC'ing the stricken arch teams.

> The arch teams don't have that much staff so not adding to their work 
> load is the best way to go imho.

Cleaning up *use.mask is annoying work and removing a flag from
*use.mask could affect many users (emerge --newuse world). We should
therefore reluctantly mask USE flags and let profile maintainers decide
what is useable and practical to have on their OS/arch. When in doubt
whether to mask a USE flag or drop a keyword, a package maintainer
should commit the ebuild, drop the keyword and file a bug to have the
arch team decide. Important note: leaving the keyword dropped is no
option for active, security supported arches[3].

Kind regards,

[1] That's my interpretation of much of what says.

[2] The end result should probably trickle down into the devmanual
(and/or the Developer Handbook?) at some point. I feel like writing
a section or two about arch workflows and keywording processes that
could be included in .

[3] When an arch team cannot handle the workload any longer, the support
level should be dropped to ~arch anyway. I would really hate to
see people do what amounts to crippling packages (removing
features), just to decrease some arch team's workload. In the mean
time, do pile up the work regardless of staffing problems - somebody
new may just volunteer to help an arch team out when the going gets

[gentoo-dev] Re: The Plethora of Patches

2008-08-15 Thread Steve Long
Andrew D Kirch wrote:

> Here's the script that I used to generate this.
Just some bash hints. In a nutshell: please don't use ls in scripts.
> I have not manually 
> reviewed all of thousands of patches to determine the unique situation
> of each patch, however I would like a suggestion on how to demonstrate
> _real_ statistics short of auditing each and every patch in portage
> which I personally don't have time to do.
I think it's a great idea, and the other reply from robbat gives you a great
spec to start from in terms of classification.

> for I in `ls`; do
for f in *; do

Globs have a lot to recommend them: see
> PATCH=`ls -R ${I} | grep patch | wc -l`
> DIFF=`ls -R ${I} | grep diff | wc -l`
> COUNT=$(( ${PATCH} + ${DIFF} ))
while read -rd ''; do let count++
done < <(find "$dir" \( -name '*.diff' -o -name '*.patch' \) -print0) the general case, where you actually need a recursive descend. (We
don't here.)
> if ! [ ${COUNT} == 0 ]
> then
> echo $I $COUNT
> fi
((count)) && { echo "$dir : $count" }

See for an explanation
of why the quotes make a difference.

Putting it together you end up with this:

# ./countPatchFiles > patchCount
# sed -nr '/^Category: (.*): (.*)/s//\1\2/p' patchCount |sort -n -k 2
PORTDIR=$(portageq envvar PORTDIR)
declare -i count tot=0 cTot
shopt -s nullglob
for d in "$PORTDIR"/*/; do
  c=${d#"$PORTDIR/"}; c=${c%/}
  [[ $c = *-* ]] || continue
  echo "$c" >&2
  for p in "$d"*/; do
files=("$p"files/*.patch "$p"files/*.diff)
((count)) || continue
p=${p#"$d"}; echo "$c/${p%/} : $count"
  echo "Category: $c : $cTot"
echo "Total: $tot"

-- HTH,
(The files are in that array, if their names should be needed.)