Re: [gentoo-dev] Dev Laptop Broken @ FOSDEM

2007-02-27 Thread Jochen Maes
Roy Marples wrote:
> On Tue, 27 Feb 2007 08:25:13 +0100
> Jochen Maes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Rob C wrote:
>>> Hey all,
>>> Some evil person broke my laptop screen at FOSDEM.
>> patrick you did it again?
> Thanks to you I now have visions of Dr Evil wearing the Britney Spears
> outfit for a song by a similar name. I should sue for the Nightmares
> I'm bound to get ;)
well in fact that can only be an improvement *grin*
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Dev Laptop Broken @ FOSDEM

2007-02-26 Thread Jochen Maes
Rob C wrote:
> Hey all,
> Some evil person broke my laptop screen at FOSDEM.
patrick you did it again?
> My laptop is really important to me, its where I do all of my dev work
> and its also my main way to communicate with my friends and family in
> the UK, I currently live in Switzerland.
> It would mean the world to me if you would take the time to read the
> entry on my blog, possilby donate a small amount of money (I'm up to
> 69usd so
> far!) or add a direct link to the blog entry on your blog or website.
> Information about this can also be found on the adopt-a-dev
> site:
> Any support albeit financial or otherwise is warmly welcomed.
> Thanks
> -Rob
> -- 
> /**
>   * Gentoo Forensics Team
>   * GPG : 0x2217D168
>   */ 

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] treecleaner maskings

2006-11-24 Thread Jochen Maes
Alexis Ballier wrote:
>> #94902 - media-video/winki
>>  o requested by Alec Warner on behalf of treecleaner
>>  o nothing depends on it
>>  o Pending Removal Dec 04th 2006
> I've bumped this one to version 0.4.1. As it's a python frontend
> to various encoders, I'd like to keep it.
> I've left it masked, I'll remove the mask during next week if nobody
> complains.
> The only reason I found to remove this one is the lack of maintainer,
> so, I'm your man ! (through video herd, no need to be listed as the
> only maintainer for small packages that shouldn't be time consuming
> nor difficult to maintain)
> Alexis.
> Ps: Sorry if this mail reaches the ml twice, I firstly sent it with a
> wrong from:, I hope the first mail will never reach this list.
could you upload your key to please?
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] OT noise (Was: Profile masking and profiles package.mask)

2006-09-30 Thread Jochen Maes
Danny van Dyk wrote:
> Am Samstag, 30. September 2006 19:02 schrieb Jakub Moc:
>> Mike Frysinger wrote:
>>> seriously jakub, stop responding ... you have nothing technical to
>>> offer to the issue at hand
>>> let the people who work on portage handle it
>>> -mike
>> Eh, the whole technical point here is that paludis behaviour differs
>> from portage (and differs from pkgcore, FWIW).
> This has little to do with why this change to the devmanual has been 
> done.
>> So, hiding the inconsistency via altering the profiles doesn't change
>> anything. Plus, the point of the bug's flame fest was that bugzilla
>> is not a proper place to request such behaviour changes, and
>> definitely not a reason for QA to mess with the profiles. Sticking
>> the stuff in package.mask won't make the inconsistent behaviour
>> vanish in any way, it will just hide it.
> It is not a behaviour change imho. The "packages" file changed
> its meaning subtly after introducing cascading profiles.
> As ciaranm already pointed out: It is not meant to mask "<"-like 
> versions anymore. It's meant to
> - Describe the system package set
> - Define which versions are _at least_ needed for a profile.
>> So, I'd kinda appreciate if concerned folks (including portage and
>> relevant affected arches) were involved in this discussion, instead
>> of sneaking the changes in under QA disguise.
> Release engineering arch coordinators, which happen to be the people who
> maintain the profiles below default-linux/ for their relevant arches, 
> have been CCed and Chris already stated that he forgot/didn't realize
> to fix this problem for no-nptl/2.4's package.mask.
> Jakub: Please reevaluate the behaviour you showed on both the bug and 
> this mailing list. I for one don't consider it anywhere near 
> appropriate. This shall be no offense, just a comment in regard that 
> you can do better.
mike, danny,
thanks for trying, but past reference showed that he likes to talk like
a chicken who's head has been chopped of.
This whole discussion made most of the people forget what it was about...
good on ya jakub...
> Danny

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Delay in approval of new developers

2006-09-22 Thread Jochen Maes
Peter wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Sep 2006 13:15:14 +0200, Jochen Maes wrote:
> snip...
>>> glad you were an exception.
>> glad i never knew you when i was a gentoo dev... I know one thing, you
>> won't ever get a hump out of me!
> You're arguing a different point. I was commenting on the time delay, and
> you responded with how difficult it is to be a recruiter. If the delay is
> long then there is a problem. If you run a business and you want to hire
> someone, yet you wait and wait and wait, it's quite possible the recruit
> may accept another position. That's a loss to you. Same with potential
> gentoo developers. When someone goes through the trouble to complete
> tests, work with his/her mentor, spend time on bz, etc., the least they
> can expect is courteous response when they choose to become a dev.
> Perusing through recruitment bugs, you can see long lapses. It IS
> inexcusable.
> Yes, everyone does gentoo voluntarily, but that does not mean less should
> be expected. It reminds me of the time my 5 year old cousin sadly was in
> the hospital, and the nurse needed to take yet another blood sample. The
> nurse said "I'm sorry I have to take blood again. I don't like to hurt
> little boys." To which my very sharp cousin replied, "So, why are you in
> this business?"
> If a gentoo dev joins a particular project to perform a particular task,
> he/she IS making a commitment to it. The dev should have known in advance
> what's expected and the time required. AFAIK recruiters are hardly
> overworked. There is no overfull pipeline of dev recruits banging on the
> doors.
> Simple courtesy requires they handle recruiting bugs quickly and
> efficiently with either a Welcome or a thumbs down. Dragging the
> recruitment out only makes it harder to get new recruits. They are, in
> effect, working against themselves and their own goal.
>> glad i never knew you when i was a gentoo dev
> I have been recruited 3 times to be a dev, and declined. I find the gentoo
> hierarchy and organization stifling and the amount of roadblocks to
> progress ridiculous.
> I appreciate your POV. Yes, you can't expect too much from volunteers.
> But, in a worldwide linux distribution, which is run more or less like a
> business, there is a higher standard that should be adhered to. I don't
> accept slackers or inefficiency in my business, and nor should gentoo.
> Why are you no longer a gentoo-dev, btw?
because i was sick of people discussing things that they knew shite
about and cluttering up the mailinglists.
you _can't_ compare gentoo with a business. simple as that
arf, why did i even start...

/me closes dev mailbox for another month
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: Delay in approval of new developers

2006-09-22 Thread Jochen Maes
Peter wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Sep 2006 19:25:26 +1000, Andrew Ross wrote:
> snip...
>>> That's a laugh! Problem is that no devs seem to get approved in a timely
>>> fashion.
>> As a recently recruited developer, I'd just like to say that I was very
>> happy with the approval time of my recruitment bug (#139633), which was
>> filed on 2006-07-07 and resolved on 2006-08-08.
>> I understand that not all recruitments occur as quickly as mine, 
> you are the exception.
first of all, i may not be a recruiter anymore nor even a gentoo dev,
but  find it appalling  that again this issue arises.

>> If recruiters are taking that long, but it's due primarily to a lack of
>> manpower, 
> or poor organization.
there is a good organisation, but the problem lies in that there aren't
many recruiters and that they are burned out very quickely.
The 2 quizzes needed must be sent in one by one, approved by a recruiter
and then a small interview is needed (for each quiz) concerning the quiz.
When i did my recruitements the first quiz always took between a half
hour till and hour and a half.
The second at least an hour. (read, check, ask questions).
Then you need to add the person to the system, which takes a few
commands on different systems.
Overall recruiting 1 person takes about 2-3 hours at least.
None of the recruiters and solemnly recruiters, they all work on other
things for gentoo also.
This takes time and you can't say to someone hey i'll check you half,
tomorrow half again and then day after i'll do the addition itself.

The time it takes is providing you are online at the same time, and that
the persons connect their recruiters after the mentor approved the quiz.
I've had lots of recruitements where they send in the first quiz, but i
had to wait a month or 2 for the second. In these 2 months you are busy
tracking the person, trying to contact him etc.

recruitement of 1 person takes a lot of time if you want to do it
correctly. The way the organisation works is as good as we can do it.
>> Not all developers are cut out to be recruiters, and I'm sure some of
>> those who have what it takes would rather work on something else :-)
>> Much like infrastructure, my impression is that being a recruiter isn't
>> exactly a glamorous role. On top of that, the actions a recruiter must
>> perform for each recruitment aren't exactly 5 minute jobs:
> months of silence in the many cases unlike yours are rude and inexcusable.
same for the people asking to be recruited, we see that all the time.
and it's easy to complain and nag, but is there any constructive
critisism here?
>> Cheers
>> Andrew
> glad you were an exception.
glad i never knew you when i was a gentoo dev... I know one thing, you
won't ever get a hump out of me!
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for August

2006-08-03 Thread Jochen Maes
> On Thu, 03 Aug 2006 13:51:55 -0500 Lance Albertson
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | There are more constructive ways of finding out the status of a
> | problem/solution.
> Actually, with that in mind I think the council could be of help here...
> The bugs slowdown *is* a serious problem, and Jakub's failing miserably
> at getting it addressed properly. Perhaps the council could suggest a
> more reasonable way of handling things -- for example, how about
> requesting that certain projects (ones that are important but not
> providing what developers or users would like) deliver status reports
> to each meeting? That would satisfy the requests for information, and
> it would spare infra from the constant puerile whining they're
> receiving...
this is a very good idea. It happens in most companies like that to :-)
> --
> Ciaran McCreesh
> Mail: ciaran dot mccreesh at
> --
> mailing list

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for August

2006-08-03 Thread Jochen Maes
> On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 13:20 +, Alec Warner wrote:
>> > No, not really. Just that I'd expect kinda more proactive approach
>> than
>> > the one demonstrated fex. in
>> > (and a bit more
>> > flexible approach to other alternatives, such as HW/hosting offers
>> we've
>> > received before) and that have been declined for various strange
>> reasons.
>> Linking to a bug where you make crazed comments about how bugs isn't
>> fixedoneone and that dammit someone should do something
>> now!!! doesn't really help your case.
>> I bet if I was infra I'd be wondering what my options were since:
>> bugs is a pretty critical part of developing; AND
> yes
>> you can't just host it anywhere; AND
> it's not _that_ much hardware (and bandwidth) needed
>> the hardware needed for it to perform is expensive; AND
> for a single person yes. For a sponsor (or a group of sponsors) it may
> be ok
>> they did not know what the problem was at first
> And even there it took some heavy prodding to get people to look at the
> problem.
> After about half a year of waiting, with people we would consider
> reliable offering pretty much everything from hosting to hardware, it's
> hard to listen to the "be patient" mantra without thinking "omgwtfbbq,
> it is _still_ not fixed?". Especially since bugs is considered an
> important part of our infrastructure.
>> As in, you don't just grab the first dual proc system that was offered
>> out of some guys basement to host bugs on.
> Agreed, but I'd say a webhoster with >1000 machines should know what
> they are doing.
>>   You need a dedicated host
>> who will stick around and provide good support should something go
>> wrong.
> Only experience can tell you how they will respond, and even reliable
> sponsors could get axed if their managment changes. We have almost no
> hardware in Europe, that's a huge untapped ressource ...
>>   You need expensive hardware ( I believe we got a blade server
>> with 3 blades in it, which is fscking expensive if you haven't priced
>> one out before ).  So once again, chill out.  They are working on it.
> Dude, you don't need blades for it. Any "normal" server will do, two for
> DB and one for web frontend.
I hope you know what you are talking about and if you use 2 db's with one
database (i think you mean a sort of loadbalancing/clustering) you
practicly need double mem +10% of the size of you database...

> That we got blades is really nice and sweet, but if you check the
> traffic and throughput of bugzilla (and then double or triple that for
> future growth) you should still be able to do it easily.
> (Note to our sponsors: you rock. Keep on rocking.)
> Right now bugs is served from a 2,4Ghz P4 - that's roughly a normal
> desktop box from last year.
>> And yes bugs is slow and yes it sucks, but bitching about it doesn't
>> accomplish anything :x
> It may cause discussion that may lead to accelerated problem solving :-)
> hth,
> Patrick
> --
> Stand still, and let the rest of the universe move

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Monthly Gentoo Council Reminder for August

2006-08-03 Thread Jochen Maes
> On Thu, 2006-08-03 at 13:48 -0500, Lance Albertson wrote:
>> Patrick Lauer wrote:
>> > (Note to our sponsors: you rock. Keep on rocking.)
>> >
>> > Right now bugs is served from a 2,4Ghz P4 - that's roughly a normal
>> > desktop box from last year.
>> You have no concept of where the bottle neck is.
> I have followed the discussions quite well. I think I'm quite aware of
> the issues.
>>  The webserver hosting
>> the cgi part isn't being loaded hardly at all.
> Yes, only problem is that bugzilla likes to consume larger amounts of
> memory, and if I'm not mistaken it's a bad interaction from a OOM killer
> (to avoid the webfrontend to die) causing stale locks (which should not
> happen) that causes bugzie to fall over, ja?
> (I've been told a simple testcase to demonstrate that, haven't tried
> myself)
>>  The database server is a
>> pretty beefy box, and again, its not so much a specific hardware
>> limitation, just more a limitation on the design of bugzilla and its
>> ties to mysql. We're having to 'fix' the problem by getting a
>> master/slave mysql db server setup which the OSL didn't have setup at
>> the time. This is apparently the 'solution' upstream suggests which I
>> think is daft, but its what we have to do.
> ... and one of the slowdowns was OSU being unable to get their DB cluster
> up and running within a reasonable timeframe. Fertilizer happens ...
>> Please stop stating solutions to problems you don't fully understand or
>> think you understand. I'm getting tired of all this fud being said
>> around about stuff people don't totally understand.
> I'm getting tired of being told "we can manage it", then having to wait
> 6 months to hear "almost there". We had a few people asking how they
> could help, and the answer was roughly "we manage fine on our own, thank
> you very much". Personally I don't mind much, but then you shouldn't
> complain when people say "we could have done better" ...
>>  Hardware from
>> sponsors mean nothing if they aren't utilized in a proper manner with
>> planning and skills. And its not really a big bottle neck of people.
> That sounds contradictory to me - it's not the people, it's the people?
>> You
>> try finding people who have a ton of free time, have excellent admin
>> skills, gives everyone on the team a 'good vibe' and seems trustworthy.
> For me it's easy, being a dev for more than, say, 3 months = trustworthy
> Of course if you need to recruit from the outside the situation changes

hahaha this is funny coming from you...

>> Its not as easy as you think it is.
> Let me try and fail and I'll believe you ...
>>  I'm in the process of bringing on a
>> guy I know personally which will help the load of things a lot. Plus, he
>> works with me, so I can kick him literally if he slacks :). (now if only
>> recruiters *cough*swift*cough* could work faster ;-) )
> Cool.
>> Anyways, I'm not going to rant on about this anymore. We're working on
>> the problem, and you just have to be patient.
> Nooo :-) You said the bad words again! ;-)
> I hope you get everything fixed soonish, let's hope Murphy's law doesn't
> try to apply here ...
> Patrick
> --
> Stand still, and let the rest of the universe move

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Project Sunrise resumed again (was Resignation)

2006-08-02 Thread Jochen Maes
> On 8/2/06, Ciaran McCreesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The alternative to elitism is mediocrity. Would you like Gentoo to be a
>> mediocre distribution?
> Every time you post it's like fingernails on a chalkboard...
but he has a valid point. this is not a step forward!
> Cheers.
> --
> mailing list

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Project Sunrise resumed again (was Resignation)

2006-08-02 Thread Jochen Maes
> On 8/2/06, Ciaran McCreesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The alternative to elitism is mediocrity. Would you like Gentoo to be a
>> mediocre distribution?
> Every time you post it's like fingernails on a chalkboard...
but this time he is right, am i gl
> Cheers.
> --
> mailing list

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Portage-2.1 released

2006-06-09 Thread Jochen Maes
Hash: SHA1

Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-06-09 at 11:12 -0400, Alec Warner wrote:
>> Portage-2.1 final is released,
>>  [3]
>> [4]
> So like... should we put up a news item about this?  I think so.
> After all, it is good PR when something as major as this happens.
indeed we should do this.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)


-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] 259 paludis-profile messages. ENOUGH!

2006-05-19 Thread Jochen Maes
> On Thu, 18 May 2006 16:41:09 -0400 Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> | However, continuing the thread serves no useful purpose except, IMHO,
> | to completely obfuscate the original point of the thread
> Nonsense. There is still productive discussion going on in that thread.
> The only reason it is so noisy is because a small group of malcontents
> who hold grudges against some of the Paludis developers.
thisd is your opinion, i think both parties have expressed reasonable
technical reasons. And those that did are the ones that keep discussing.
> | While I am completely against any form of censorship, I certainly
> | wish I had the ability to block that thread and all further postings
> | to it.
> Then learn how to use your mail client.
> And hey, look, by starting yet another thread you're just making noise
> in an attempt to justify a personal grudge,

now you are jumping conclusion...

> thus making things harder
> for the people who do real work around here. If you don't have anything
> useful to contribute, shut up and go away.

way out of line! this is a public mailing list. till now everyone can mail
to it, and ask questions make suggestions etc...

calm down!

> --
> Ciaran McCreesh
> Mail: ciaran dot mccreesh at
> --
> mailing list

-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Paludis and Profiles

2006-05-18 Thread Jochen Maes
** Dumb mode **  forgot to paste the exact size of the profiles dir in 
my previous mail... woops :-)

First of all, keep up the work with Paludis.
Personally I think having a second package manager is a very good thing.
I do have some questions. Could someone of the Paludis crew please 
answer them?

1) If Paludis has no business in replacing portage on systems (shame, if 
it's better/faster it should) why are we having this discussion.
I understand that you need a profile and with an overlay you need to 
copy the profiles dir (the whole profiles dir) but be serious that's 
only 7.4 M
So my question would you be able to do tests without changing the 
official tree by copying the profiles dir in an own overlay.

2) If Paludis will be installed on a system to test, and installs 
packages, will portage be aware of that installation, and will it be 
able to remove it (meaning Paludis changes the portage VDB correctly 
when needed). (i've seen you explain that Paludis can read it but not 
that it can write it correctly)

3) If using an own binary format will there be an extracter for it that 
isn't part of Paludis? Why am i asking this? Well i've seen instances 
when an upgrade broke something, and that was a dep of portage. So my 
emerge couldn't revert back. So i just untarred the tarball and 
recompiled it. (might not be the cleanest way, but the only way i found 
in certain situations).

4) Will Paludis ever become a Gentoo Project?

Thank you very much for the hard work!


"Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"
"Ne humanus crede"

Jochen Maes
Gentoo Linux
Gentoo Belgium
-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] Paludis and Profiles

2006-05-18 Thread Jochen Maes

First of all, keep up the work with Paludis.
Personally I think having a second package manager is a very good thing.
I do have some questions. Could someone of the Paludis crew please 
answer them?

1) If Paludis has no business in replacing portage on systems (shame, if 
it's better/faster it should) why are we having this discussion.
I understand that you need a profile and with an overlay you need to 
copy the profiles dir (the whole profiles dir) but be serious that's only
So my question would you be able to do tests without changing the 
official tree by copying the profiles dir in an own overlay.

2) If Paludis will be installed on a system to test, and installs 
packages, will portage be aware of that installation, and will it be 
able to remove it (meaning Paludis changes the portage VDB correctly 
when needed). (i've seen you explain that Paludis can read it but not 
that it can write it correctly)

3) If using an own binary format will there be an extracter for it that 
isn't part of Paludis? Why am i asking this? Well i've seen instances 
when an upgrade broke something, and that was a dep of portage. So my 
emerge couldn't revert back. So i just untarred the tarball and 
recompiled it. (might not be the cleanest way, but the only way i found 
in certain situations).

4) Will Paludis ever become a Gentoo Project?

Thank you very much for the hard work!


"Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"
"Ne humanus crede"

Jochen Maes
Gentoo Linux
Gentoo Belgium
-- mailing list

[gentoo-dev] new partner in crime: Denis Dupeyron (calchan)

2006-04-11 Thread Jochen Maes

Hey all,

I think we should all bow and welcome Denis Dupeyron.
He's a new addition to to the sci-electronics team. He'll be helping 
plasmaroo (grrr turn on the juice baby) with EDA for starters.

He's a 35 year old analog IC designer, who lives in France with his 
japanese wife and his Belgian (w00t) kid.

He has an PhD in micro-electronics and neurostimulation...

I think he'll be a great addition to the team!

Welcome mate!

SeJo aka Your Master :-)

"Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"
"Ne humanus crede"

Jochen Maes
Gentoo Linux
Gentoo Belgium

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] adding a code of conduct

2006-04-03 Thread Jochen Maes

Stuart Herbert wrote:

On 4/3/06, Mike Frysinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

i dont see how anyone can be against this (unless you're a terrorist!), so
this is on track to be integrated as-is into the dev handbook Etiquette

Let's go one step further, and also link to it from the Social
Contract.  Our social contract shouldn't just be between Gentoo and
our users.  It should be amongst ourselves too.

Best regards,



great idea!


thanks for the work and also great idea!

"Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"
"Ne humanus crede"

Jochen Maes 
Gentoo Linux

Gentoo Belgium

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] New Staffer: Christel Dahlskjaer

2006-03-13 Thread Jochen Maes

Andrej Kacian wrote:

On Mon, 13 Mar 2006 14:49:10 +0100
Jochen Maes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


/me gives a hot welcome hump to christel

now yer branded :-)

I don't remember you branding *me* when I was new. :))

Anyway, welcome, Christel!


Sorry dude, must have been out off my mind...

/me hums ticho twice as apology :-)

"Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"
"Ne humanus crede"

Jochen Maes 
Gentoo Linux

Gentoo Belgium

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] New Staffer: Christel Dahlskjaer

2006-03-13 Thread Jochen Maes

/me gives a hot welcome hump to christel

now yer branded :-)

Seemant Kulleen wrote:

Dear All,

It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you Christel Dahlskjaer, the
newest member of the Gentoo Staff.  Christel joins our User Relations
project [1] to help bring it back up to speed (it has languished for a
little while).  She basically wowed a bunch of us in the past few weeks
with her ideas on how to revamp the project and resurface the roads
between the developer community and the user community.  She will be
working closely with Daniel Drake as well as the Developer Relations

Christel has been a friend of Gentoo for quite a while, serving as our
freenode contact (if you have a mask, chances are high that Christel
gave it to you). And you didn't even know it...

Ms. Dahlskjaer (Natasha, when she's in Russia) hails from Norway,
somewhere near the arctic circle.  She smarted up and moved to warmer
climes -- tropical England, where she lives these days.  She enjoys
belly dancing, yoga, coffee, sleeping with the light on, falling
bookmarks, unbookmarked spots in a book, and playing the violin:
sometimes in that order.

Please make her feel welcome. I'm sure we will be hearing from her quite
a bit in the near future.

Welcome Christel!



"Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"
"Ne humanus crede"

Jochen Maes 
Gentoo Linux

Gentoo Belgium

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Resignation

2006-03-02 Thread Jochen Maes


you'll be missed... can you at least pop by once and i while? always 
enjoyed humping you...

/me 's list off biatchus is reducing...

good luck in the future mate, may you conquer your fears and reach your 
dreams... don't forget "Ne humanus crede"

"Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"
"Ne humanus crede"

Jochen Maes 
Gentoo Linux

Gentoo Belgium

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] SRC_URI component naming collision

2006-02-24 Thread Jochen Maes

Ciaran McCreesh wrote:

Two ways this one can occur.

Way the first: foo-1.0 has a file in SRC_URI called foo.pdf. Then
foo-1.1 comes along, and has a different foo.pdf.

Way the second: foo-1.0 has a file called examples-1.0.tar.bz2. bar-1.0
also has a file called examples-1.0.tar.bz2.

To avoid this, ensure that your packages use versioned SRC_URI
component names, and that the name part is something that's reasonably
likely to be unique (e.g. includes the package name).


this gives problems on a number off packages... i'm not pro...

Side note: if the packages in question are fetch restricted, you're
screwed, and will not be able to add them to the tree.

Current offenders shall be receiving bugs shortly, since That Which
Shall Not Be Named now checks for this.


"Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"
"Ne humanus crede"

Jochen Maes 
Gentoo Linux

Gentoo Belgium

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Putting all log related packages into it's own category (sys-logging)

2006-02-21 Thread Jochen Maes
"Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"
"Ne humanus crede"

Jochen Maes 
Gentoo Linux
Gentoo Belgium

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[gentoo-dev] New Polish translator shadoww (Damian Kuras)

2006-01-27 Thread Jochen Maes

yups polish conspiracy is growing...

Let's all welcome Damian Kuras the way a  translater should be welcomed :-)
in his own words:
"My name is Damian Kuras, i'm 20 years old and i live in a small town on 
east of Poland called Lezajsk where we have a pretty big brewery. I 
study IT

and econometrics in University of Information Technology and Management in
Rzeszow. This is my only activity at this moment. My main hobby after
computers is acquaristic. At this moment i'm at stage of doing a new 140
litres home for my fishes :) . I love trance and progressive music and 

electronic genres, but trance is this kind of music that sounds perfect on
big events."

welcome mate


"Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"
"Ne humanus crede"

Jochen Maes 
Gentoo Linux

Gentoo Belgium

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

[gentoo-dev] new developer Joshua Nichols (nichoj)

2005-11-21 Thread Jochen Maes

Hash: SHA1

Hello all,

it has taken a while but better late then never. Some off you might
have seen a dude called nichoj around, well he's a brand new java herd
He has been working hard before and still continues to amaze the java
He's a US citizen living now at Boston but raised in New Hamshire...

He has something with greek brothers as he kept talking about sigma
chi fraternity whatever that may mean...
He has just finished his Dual Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and
Psychology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, so it is true geeks
like us really need a psych...

I think he's still single as he didn't mention anything related to
females, llama's, goats etc. So some of the Gentoo crew's harem might
be safe.

I'd appreciate a nice welcome and a descent slap on the butt when you
pass him...

Joshua, welcome!


- --
"Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"
"Ne humanus crede"

Jochen Maes 
Gentoo Linux

Gentoo Belgium
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


-- mailing list

Re: [gentoo-dev] killsoft - Resignation

2005-10-07 Thread Jochen Maes

Hash: SHA1

Robb Romans wrote:

| Hi,
| Thank you for the opportunity to contribute to Gentoo for the time
| I have been here.
| Other tasks have recently prevented me from devoting adequate time
| to Gentoo. Rather than do a poor job, I feel it would be better to
| discontinue being an official developer.
| Please delete any Gentoo developer accounts.
| I can be reached via email at "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
| Thank you.
| Regards, Robb Romans (killsoft)

good luck in your future adventures!



- --
"Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"

Jochen Maes 
Gentoo Linux

Gentoo Belgium
Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


-- mailing list

[gentoo-dev] New Dev Bjarke istrup Pedersen (Gurligebis)

2005-07-20 Thread Jochen Maes

Hey all,

bjarke, our new dev from the vast lands off Denmark, has been added to 
the team!
He's been working on the bugday website and has been helping out a lot 
for bugday.

his intro:
"I'm a 20 year old guy from Denmark studying software development.
I like spending my time with my friends and family, and working with 
I enjoy listening to music and walking around outside when the weather 
allows it."

And believe me the weather isn't always that good, so he'll be doing a 
lot off work for Gentoo :-)

Please all give him a warm welcome


"Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"

Jochen Maes 
Gentoo Linux

Gentoo Belgium

-- mailing list

[gentoo-dev] New dev Killerfox (René NussBaumer)

2005-05-16 Thread Jochen Maes
Hash: SHA1
Gentoo Linux
Jochen Maes
"Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"
- --
Jochen Maes
Well that's it for today
Ciaranm's house is haunting (would explain a lot) :-)
paranormalic. Perhaps he should check whether
He's a Swiss bloke interested in astrology and
working for hppa.
We are proud to announce a new dev in the team KillerFox who will be
Hey all,
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
-- mailing list

[gentoo-dev] New Dev: Diego Pettenò (Flameeyes)

2005-04-17 Thread Jochen Maes
Hash: SHA1

Blue all,

Please welcome Flameeyes, Diego Pettenò, from italy to the team.
He's been a busy boy in the linux world so i'll let him talk for
himself here:

"I'm a KDE (extragear) devel so I know how to handle KDE-related
stuff such as installation paths and so on.
I'm also interested in fd.o standards such as location of icons
and desktop files, and for this I submitted many bugs on gentoo's
bugzilla in the last months.
I also wrote some articles on free software (in italian).
I also wrote some libraries to share code between some of
my projects, mainly involved in network stuff, tftp and snmp
over all.

One of the most used project I worked on was the lirc for
kernel 2.6 patchset, also if it was deprecated a lot of time
ago and now is no more usable.

I also contributed to some misc libraries (threading, xml
parsing and networking) from Giancarlo Niccolai, as I was
using them for an ultima online emulator project.

I was born and I'm living in Italy, in a land of nowhere near
(or not so near) Venice, with my parents and my cats.
I'm an university student at computer scienze department, and
my hobbies, other than computers, are books (mainly fantasy,
my favourite is Soulforge by Margaret Weis) and japanese anime
(I'm a Neon Genesis Evangelion addicted ;) ).
I take some temporary jobs to pay bills (and hardware :) )
but my "dream" is to find a place to work as a sysadmin
(maybe using gentoo linux).
When I'm not programming, reading or studying, I'm probably
involved in a bricolage of some kind here at home: the only
other thing which makes me feel well as my keyboard is my
electric screwdriver."

please welcome him to the team!


- --
"Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"

Jochen Maes 
Gentoo Linux
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


-- mailing list

[gentoo-dev] New Dev Vibhav Garg (vgarg)

2005-04-17 Thread Jochen Maes
Hash: SHA1

yellow all,

Last week i've added vgarg to the Java team, He's from india but lives
in the US. (bad choice imho :-) ).

He's a yoga-meditating Java monkey what seems to me an excellent mix.
I'm sure some off u guys/gals will suck this up by stating that Java

He's been quite busy with J2EE and has 5 year consultancy track in
that technology.

Please welcome him as usual


- --
"Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"

Jochen Maes 
Gentoo Linux
Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


-- mailing list

[gentoo-dev] New Developer Truedfx

2005-04-12 Thread Jochen Maes
Hash: SHA1

chaps and gals,

I'm a tad late, but things seem to be b0rked out every day here :-).
Perhaps i should stop drinking alcohol from the minute i wake up :-).

Ok we have a new labrat in the team, his name is Harald van Dijck and
nick is truedfx.
He's a 21 year old brat from the netherlands, and frankly he's a real
Cheap, direct, ugly and annoying, but don't wory he's fobic about
photocamera's so we're lucky we don't do much video conferencing :-).

He'll be working on ufed, and making sure it keeps on working in the
So he's kind off a portage whore :-)

Btw he has no social life at all, and has only his little brother and
Gentoo to live for. He did say something about genone and their mutual
perl love been shown like the way jforman used to show to his goats
(and now to his llamas). But that is none off our concern.

Anyway give him a nice worm fuzzy welcome


Jochen Maes

- --
"Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends"

Jochen Maes 
Gentoo Linux

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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