Drop the requirement that GLEPs must be discussed in forums
(in addition to mailing lists), since no GLEPs have been sent there
since at least 2011.

See also the discussion about the previous update of GLEP 1 in 2011:

The intention back then was "not let people pick only the forums".
Subsequently, the clause "mailing list and/or forums" was changed to
"mailing list and forums", which doesn't follow the intention, though.

 glep-0001.rst | 13 ++++++-------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/glep-0001.rst b/glep-0001.rst
index 310c538..f819a76 100644
--- a/glep-0001.rst
+++ b/glep-0001.rst
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Type: Informational
 Status: Active
 Version: 3
 Created: 2003-05-31
-Last-Modified: 2017-10-28
+Last-Modified: 2018-07-10
 Post-History: 2003-06-01, 2003-07-02, 2008-01-19, 2008-06-05, 2011-03-09,
               2013-12-14, 2017-09-17
 Content-Type: text/x-rst
@@ -109,12 +109,11 @@ the form of code, patch, or URL to same -- before it can 
be considered Final.
 GLEP authors are responsible for collecting community feedback on a GLEP
 before submitting it for review.  A GLEP that has not been discussed on
-the mailing lists and the Gentoo Linux forums [#FORUMS]_ will not be
-accepted.  However, wherever possible, long open-ended discussions on public
-mailing lists should be avoided.  Strategies to keep the discussions efficient
-include setting up a specific forums thread for the topic, having the GLEP
-author accept private comments in the early design phases, etc.  GLEP authors
-should use their discretion here.
+the mailing lists will not be accepted.  However, wherever possible, long
+open-ended discussions on public mailing lists should be avoided.  Strategies
+to keep the discussions efficient include setting up a specific forums thread
+for the topic, having the GLEP author accept private comments in the early
+design phases, etc.  GLEP authors should use their discretion here.
 Once the authors have completed a GLEP, they must inform the Gentoo Council
 [#COUNCIL]_ that it is ready for review by way of the appropriate mailing

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