Chris Gianelloni wrote:

> Now, we can definitely use help in testing the snapshot.  We're going to
> be announcing a new round of "Release Testers" for 2007.0 once we get
> ramped up into the release cycle.  I am going to be working with the
> rest of the Release Engineering team to try to come up with some testing
> methodologies for people to use when testing, as well as a standard
> report for successes and failures.
Well I volunteer for one. I'm guessing you can get someone to post to the
forums as and when you're ready to get more volunteers ;)

>> >> Wrt security updates, is it possible to tie into GLSAs so that we
>> >> could automate updating packages that need it? By updating I mean
>> >> adding the ebuilds and any dependencies (or dependants that might
>> >> require updating.)
>> > 
>> > What were you expecting that we would do?
>> > 
>> Lol; exactly that. I guess I was asking how difficult it is to automate
>> the process.
>> Although Andrew wrote that he didn't think it was necessarily the best
>> idea. Why is that?
> Well, these sort of things are hard to automate, for one.  Second, if
> we're trying to produce a quality product, we want to have some checks
> in place prior to updates hitting the world.  Having a set of human eyes
> helps.
I totally understand the process point in terms of QA. As for automation,
isn't there an existing system used to process security bugs?

>> > "or a vulnerable package's dependencies"
>> > 
>> Sure, if the update meant the dependencies needed updating too. Again,
>> that'd need automating, so we're talking about checking the tree in both
>> directions (dependencies and dependants in my terms, sorry if I'm using
>> the words wrongly.)
> Why does it need automating?  We generally don't get more than 10 or so
> GLSA a week.  Even doing everything by hand, this would be a very
> minimal workload to keep updated.
I didn't know the frequency of GLSAs. According to the other thread, not all
security bugs warrant an advisory. In any event, I don't see why we
shouldn't automate it while we can to save us the tedious workload later.

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