The attached list notes all of the packages that were added or removed
from the tree, for the week ending 2015-01-18 23:59 UTC.


dev-libs/libtreadstone                  2015-01-13 02:38:17     patrick
dev-libs/utfcpp                         2015-01-13 20:28:49     yac
net-print/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr    2015-01-15 04:25:35     floppym
dev-cpp/websocketpp                     2015-01-16 23:24:06     johu
sys-apps/systemd-readahead              2015-01-17 15:52:56     pacho
dev-util/radare2                        2015-01-18 01:16:22     slyfox
dev-python/wcsaxes                      2015-01-18 19:53:13     xarthisius

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux Developer
E-Mail     :
GnuPG FP   : 11AC BA4F 4778 E3F6 E4ED  F38E B27B 944E 3488 4E85
Removed Packages:
Added Packages:
dev-libs/libtreadstone,added,patrick,2015-01-13 02:38:17
dev-libs/utfcpp,added,yac,2015-01-13 20:28:49
net-print/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr,added,floppym,2015-01-15 04:25:35
dev-cpp/websocketpp,added,johu,2015-01-16 23:24:06
sys-apps/systemd-readahead,added,pacho,2015-01-17 15:52:56
dev-util/radare2,added,slyfox,2015-01-18 01:16:22
dev-python/wcsaxes,added,xarthisius,2015-01-18 19:53:13

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