Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-26 Thread Kristian Fiskerstrand
On 4/26/19 12:52 AM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> gpg is the same.  Yes, the concepts are great once you understand them
> (though the smartcard standard is needlessly limited).  The actual
> command line interface is just painful to use if you're doing more
> than just encrypting/signing something.  If you want to use something
> other than your default key you pass --default-key, which seems odd,
> since you don't really want to change your default, and there isn't
> any way to pass a "non-default" key.  I get having a default key
> option in a config file, since that is what it describes.  And then
> there is all the interactivity, which makes sense to have as an
> option, but not without a command line override.  I mean, the FTP
> interactive console also makes sense but there is a reason everybody
> uses curl/wget/etc, and not FTP+expect.

default-key is exactly for config file, for other operations you use

Kristian Fiskerstrand
OpenPGP keyblock reachable at hkp://
fpr:94CB AFDD 3034 5109 5618 35AA 0B7F 8B60 E3ED FAE3

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-25 Thread Rich Freeman
On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 6:29 PM Kristian Fiskerstrand  wrote:
> On 4/26/19 12:26 AM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> > I mean, I'd expect any Gentoo dev to be able to figure out how to use
> > git as well, but git also has a terrible command line interface,
> Not really, it is quite intuitive once you understand the basics.

So, I love git, and certainly understand the basics, and created a
python script to map/reduce our repo into a list of all unique files
in the history with their hashes and commit info to compare to cvs
during the migration.  I certainly think the command line is terrible.
How many different ways are branches identified in the various
commands?  git-am is a favorite whipping boy of many critics.  It is
just inconsistent from command to command, and some common things like
backing out one commit require arcane syntax.  Yes, it all makes sense
if you understand the data model, but it is hardly a clean interface.

I'm certainly not the first to say this, and it is not because of a
lack of git knowledge.  I suspect Linus himself would concur.  It was
a personal tool that scratched an itch that we're all stuck with
because it works well enough that nobody will want to create a new

gpg is the same.  Yes, the concepts are great once you understand them
(though the smartcard standard is needlessly limited).  The actual
command line interface is just painful to use if you're doing more
than just encrypting/signing something.  If you want to use something
other than your default key you pass --default-key, which seems odd,
since you don't really want to change your default, and there isn't
any way to pass a "non-default" key.  I get having a default key
option in a config file, since that is what it describes.  And then
there is all the interactivity, which makes sense to have as an
option, but not without a command line override.  I mean, the FTP
interactive console also makes sense but there is a reason everybody
uses curl/wget/etc, and not FTP+expect.

> >
> > Personally I think we ought to make it easier to just use the
> > Nitrokeys we spent all this money on in a more secure manner than just
> > leaving primary keys lying around on hard drives,
> The decisions involved are disjunct here, but leaving around on
> hard-drives is generally a bad idea irrespective of any nitrokey, and
> certainly something expected not to happen from a Gentoo Dev to begin
> with (for primary key material at least)

IMO this is quite naive.  The desire to store it offline isn't even
documented in the GLEP, nor is it enforceable.  I get that some people
like to care for their gpg keys the way other people like to wax their
cars, but not everybody signed up as a Gentoo dev so that they have an
excuse to participate in a WoT.

And I think that the practical side of security is VERY relevant here.
My argument is that having a single primary+signing key generated on a
smartcard is more secure than having a separate primary+signing key
stored on an internet-connected PC hard drive.  And yet the first is
forbidden by the GLEP and the second is allowed.  The fact that you
can't conceive of somebody using gpg in basically the most
out-of-the-box way available doesn't mean that this isn't how most
devs would actually do it.

The integrity of this entire exercise is as secure as the dev who
takes the least care to secure their keys, not the one who takes the
greatest care.  IMO it is in the interests of security to create a
process that is both convenient and secure, and I think that keys
generated on a smartcard achieve a better balance of this than other
alternatives allowed under the current policy.


Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-25 Thread Rich Freeman
On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 5:54 PM James Le Cuirot  wrote:
> if I understood it correctly, it only removes the primary private key
> from the online copy and not the entire primary key. The --list-keys
> option shows an [SC] primary with an [E] subkey and an [S] subkey and I
> gathered from a conversation in #gentoo-dev that this is correct. Are
> you suggesting the [SC] primary should not appear here at all?

No, the public key should remain in your keychain.  It is, after all,
public, so there is no risk of compromise.  You really want it to be
published as widely as possible actually to reduce the risk of
somebody using the wrong key.

> > Secondly, the reason for that is not (just) to have a backup
> > but that the primary private key gives you virtually unlimited control.
> Are you contradicting yourself here? You explained why the private key
> must be kept secure but you didn't say anything about the rest of the
> primary key.

The only keys you need to secure are the private keys.  These keys are
created in public/private pairs always.  In the case of our GLEP we
have three pairs: a primary, a signing, and an encryption.  The
signing and encryption pairs are referred to as subkeys, but this is
just a convention - mathematically they work exactly the same.
Ideally you want all your keys to be secure, but the concept of having
tiered keys is that you can keep the primary in a safer place, since
it can be used to invalidate and issue new subkeys, and thus you don't
have to completely replace the trust chain if one key is compromised.


Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-25 Thread Kristian Fiskerstrand
On 4/26/19 12:26 AM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> I mean, I'd expect any Gentoo dev to be able to figure out how to use
> git as well, but git also has a terrible command line interface,

Not really, it is quite intuitive once you understand the basics.

> Personally I think we ought to make it easier to just use the
> Nitrokeys we spent all this money on in a more secure manner than just
> leaving primary keys lying around on hard drives,

The decisions involved are disjunct here, but leaving around on
hard-drives is generally a bad idea irrespective of any nitrokey, and
certainly something expected not to happen from a Gentoo Dev to begin
with (for primary key material at least)

Kristian Fiskerstrand
OpenPGP keyblock reachable at hkp://
fpr:94CB AFDD 3034 5109 5618 35AA 0B7F 8B60 E3ED FAE3

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-25 Thread Rich Freeman
On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 4:55 PM Kristian Fiskerstrand  wrote:
> Quite frankly I'd expect a Gentoo Developer to be able to manage the gpg
> interface.

Being able to is not the same as caring enough to be bothered with
it...  I don't want to custom-tailor my Gentoo key.  I just want to
generate a key that will make the commit scripts happy.  The key is
completely disposable from a personal standpoint - when the GLEP was
recently revised to make my old key no longer valid, I just generated
a new one.  I didn't even bother revoking the old one, since it had no
function as soon as I changed the fingerprint in LDAP.

I was generating PGP keys back when it used idea and I'm guessing md5.
I've had gpg keys for decades.  I used my personal one for Gentoo
until the point where there were specific requirements for a Gentoo
key, and rather than try to personally live with the Gentoo
requirements it makes far more sense to just generate a
Gentoo-specific key.  Then we can change the GLEP as often as we like
it it really doesn't bother me much.  I can just discard my key and
create a new one, though it would be nice if those creating the GLEPs
would actually document the simplest way to do this for those who
really can't be bothered to read the man page.

I mean, I'd expect any Gentoo dev to be able to figure out how to use
git as well, but git also has a terrible command line interface, so
rather than put a bunch of requirements in a document and force
everybody to dig through manpages to get it to generate signed
commits/pushes/etc we just give a handy workflow.  After all, our goal
is to maintain the repo, not spend all day independently decipering
how to sign pushes or figuring out that a commit sig and a push sig
are two different things.

Personally I think we ought to make it easier to just use the
Nitrokeys we spent all this money on in a more secure manner than just
leaving primary keys lying around on hard drives, which is where I
suspect the vast majority will reside, completely negating the expense
the Foundation and Nitrokey both went through to provide them for us.
While I'm all for GLEPs themselves sticking to specs, having a
workflow document to go along with it would go a long way to helping
devs to comply, rather than spending all our effort writing
increasingly clever scripts to yell at them when they aren't


Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-25 Thread James Le Cuirot
On Thu, 25 Apr 2019 12:57:54 +0100
Marek Szuba  wrote:

> On 2019-04-24 20:34, Rich Freeman wrote:
> > The only reason to have a separate primary key is to have an offline
> >  copy,  
> Not quite. First and foremost, you do not want to have an offline copy
> of the primary private key - you want to have the primary ENTIRELY
> offline.

This has confused me. Granted, GLEP 63 does not say anything about
where to store the primary key but I followed the Debian guide at, believing it to be best practise and
if I understood it correctly, it only removes the primary private key
from the online copy and not the entire primary key. The --list-keys
option shows an [SC] primary with an [E] subkey and an [S] subkey and I
gathered from a conversation in #gentoo-dev that this is correct. Are
you suggesting the [SC] primary should not appear here at all?

> Secondly, the reason for that is not (just) to have a backup
> but that the primary private key gives you virtually unlimited control.

Are you contradicting yourself here? You explained why the private key
must be kept secure but you didn't say anything about the rest of the
primary key.

James Le Cuirot (chewi)
Gentoo Linux Developer

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-25 Thread Kristian Fiskerstrand
On 4/25/19 10:48 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> I think a big problem is that gpg is sorely lacking in command line
> commands/options for key management.  Almost anything having to do
> with key management involves a back-and-forth console interaction.

Yes and no.. One issue is it depends on context, which differs, for
generating a new TPK everything is easy to document, but from there
things gets curious for how to adjust existing key material.

The main issue is security can't be solved technically, it is ultimately
requires social interaction and proper procedures / policy (if you
haven't seen the movie Crimson Tide, now is the time to do so, it is the
only movie I'm aware of that is singularly about proper security procedure)

E.g  --quick-add-key can be easily used to generate a new signing subkey
from a default generated key, but why not just do an addkey in
interactive mode?

Quite frankly I'd expect a Gentoo Developer to be able to manage the gpg

Kristian Fiskerstrand
OpenPGP keyblock reachable at hkp://
fpr:94CB AFDD 3034 5109 5618 35AA 0B7F 8B60 E3ED FAE3

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-25 Thread Rich Freeman
On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 4:34 PM James Le Cuirot  wrote:
> On Thu, 25 Apr 2019 11:30:27 -0400
> Alec Warner  wrote:
> > > Seeing as separating the primary and the signing key has been part of
> > > OpenPGP best practices for a long, long time, I have got highly mixed
> > > feelings about this statement. On the one hand, it is not reasonable to
> > > expect someone with no or minimal prior knowledge of OpenPGP to master
> > > it overnight. On the other, we are not just some random people from Teh
> > > Intarwebz and we *have* been using OpenPGP signatures on commits for
> > > quite a while now.
> > >
> >
> > This is untrue though; we *are* random people from teh interwebs.
> >
> > I store my primary key on my desktop.
> > I don't have copies of my primary key.
> > My primary key is protected by a passphrase.
> > Most of the time its cached in gpg-agent, so the passphrase is easily
> > stealable by local attackers.
> > I've been a dev for like > 10 years.
> >
> > I assume that every other dev does the same. Obviously some do not (and
> > I've spoken to many who have better practices) but I assume
> > people do the lazy / easy thing and I highly recommend this assumption. If
> > you assume that people have your security practices, you should prepare to
> > be disappointed.
> >
> > Many devs have *no idea* how GPG works.
> > GPG is quite possibly the worst program I've even been forced to use in
> > terms of doing any operation, particularly around setup (hmm maybe Imation
> > Ironkeys were worse?)
> > Many devs are just following the wiki instructions and get what they get.
> I can sort of echo this. I believe I'm close to the recommendations now
> but it took me several evenings to actually wrap my head around all
> this and even then, I still felt very nervous setting it up and I had
> to rehearse it beforehand. As a professional software engineer for many
> years, it really shouldn't be this hard. People talk about GPG best
> practices but it was really difficult to find a reliable update-to-date
> guide and it certainly doesn't feel like best practise when you have to
> manually delete ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/KEYGRIP.key, where KEYGRIP
> is returned by the obscure --with-keygrip option.

I think a big problem is that gpg is sorely lacking in command line
commands/options for key management.  Almost anything having to do
with key management involves a back-and-forth console interaction.

This means that you can't just tell somebody to run "gpg --long --list
--of --options" and have it just do the right thing.  You also can't
script anything unless you feed input or even worse use something like
expect.  Some of the guides I've seen require editing config files
because presumably these options can't be set on the command line.

I completely get what asymmetric crypto is.  It is just a royal PITA
to actually get gpg to do something very specific like have a separate
signing key without pouring through manpages.  Generating a key with
the default options is easy, but after that you're on your own

Oh sure, once you know how to do it then it isn't a big deal.  Until
you have to do it again because you don't generate new gpg keys every
other week...


Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-25 Thread James Le Cuirot
On Thu, 25 Apr 2019 11:30:27 -0400
Alec Warner  wrote:

> > Seeing as separating the primary and the signing key has been part of
> > OpenPGP best practices for a long, long time, I have got highly mixed
> > feelings about this statement. On the one hand, it is not reasonable to
> > expect someone with no or minimal prior knowledge of OpenPGP to master
> > it overnight. On the other, we are not just some random people from Teh
> > Intarwebz and we *have* been using OpenPGP signatures on commits for
> > quite a while now.
> >  
> This is untrue though; we *are* random people from teh interwebs.
> I store my primary key on my desktop.
> I don't have copies of my primary key.
> My primary key is protected by a passphrase.
> Most of the time its cached in gpg-agent, so the passphrase is easily
> stealable by local attackers.
> I've been a dev for like > 10 years.
> I assume that every other dev does the same. Obviously some do not (and
> I've spoken to many who have better practices) but I assume
> people do the lazy / easy thing and I highly recommend this assumption. If
> you assume that people have your security practices, you should prepare to
> be disappointed.
> Many devs have *no idea* how GPG works.
> GPG is quite possibly the worst program I've even been forced to use in
> terms of doing any operation, particularly around setup (hmm maybe Imation
> Ironkeys were worse?)
> Many devs are just following the wiki instructions and get what they get.

I can sort of echo this. I believe I'm close to the recommendations now
but it took me several evenings to actually wrap my head around all
this and even then, I still felt very nervous setting it up and I had
to rehearse it beforehand. As a professional software engineer for many
years, it really shouldn't be this hard. People talk about GPG best
practices but it was really difficult to find a reliable update-to-date
guide and it certainly doesn't feel like best practise when you have to
manually delete ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/KEYGRIP.key, where KEYGRIP
is returned by the obscure --with-keygrip option.

James Le Cuirot (chewi)
Gentoo Linux Developer

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-25 Thread Alec Warner
On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 7:58 AM Marek Szuba  wrote:

> On 2019-04-24 20:34, Rich Freeman wrote:
> > The only reason to have a separate primary key is to have an offline
> >  copy,
> Not quite. First and foremost, you don not want to have an offline copy
> of the primary private key - you want to have the primary ENTIRELY
> offline. Secondly, the reason for that is not (just) to have a backup
> but that the primary private key gives you virtually unlimited control.
> Create pretty much any number of additional subkeys? Check. Assign
> additional user IDs? Check. Change expiration dates? Check. And so on...
> In short, having the primary private key compromised means A LOT of
> trouble - and not just for the key owner either, the primary is also
> used to sign other people's public keys so it could mess up other users'
> trust databases.
> > So, maintaining this requirement with a Nitrokey means that we in
> > reality have the primary key online most of the time,
> Seeing as separating the primary and the signing key has been part of
> OpenPGP best practices for a long, long time, I have got highly mixed
> feelings about this statement. On the one hand, it is not reasonable to
> expect someone with no or minimal prior knowledge of OpenPGP to master
> it overnight. On the other, we are not just some random people from Teh
> Intarwebz and we *have* been using OpenPGP signatures on commits for
> quite a while now.

This is untrue though; we *are* random people from teh interwebs.

I store my primary key on my desktop.
I don't have copies of my primary key.
My primary key is protected by a passphrase.
Most of the time its cached in gpg-agent, so the passphrase is easily
stealable by local attackers.
I've been a dev for like > 10 years.

I assume that every other dev does the same. Obviously some do not (and
I've spoken to many who have better practices) but I assume
people do the lazy / easy thing and I highly recommend this assumption. If
you assume that people have your security practices, you should prepare to
be disappointed.

Many devs have *no idea* how GPG works.
GPG is quite possibly the worst program I've even been forced to use in
terms of doing any operation, particularly around setup (hmm maybe Imation
Ironkeys were worse?)
Many devs are just following the wiki instructions and get what they get.


> > when if it were the same as the signing key then both would be
> > offline in the Nitrokey.
> Using a hardware security device is not the same as making the key
> offline - especially given that the Gentoo NitroKey workflow as
> currently posted on the Wiki suggests disabling forcesig, which could
> effectively leave the signing private key unlocked for extended periods
> of time.
> > Also, by generating the key outside the Nitrokey it is exposed to a
> > far higher risk of compromise.
> As Kristian has already mentioned, in principle one could keep the
> primary private key on a separate token.
> > In any case, I think it is far more likely that somebody generating
> > keys using software has a rooted box than somebody is going to come
> > up with a way to extract keys from a Nitrokey.
> You do not have to extract keys from a smartcard in order to be able to
> use keys physically present on it. All you have to do observe the
> smartcard user's PIN - either physically or using said rooted box - then
> nick the smartcard off them, ehich given that we are talking about keys
> that are supposed to be used on a regular basis might be very simple.
> Hell, if said smartcard contains the primary key you might even return
> it to them once you're done compromising them (e.g. by generating your
> own set of subkeys) and chances are pretty good that as long as
> everything keeps on working fine for them, it will take a quite a while
> before anyone notices.
> Conversely, even a software-generated primary key stored on a
> software-encrypted USB stick might be more secure simply because with it
> being only occasionally required, it can be stored somewhere hard to
> access. You don't even need a vault (which, incidentally, is something I
> have found people trying to make fun of crypto nerds mention a lot)
> either - my personal experience has taught me that giving to a trusted
> family member or friend who doesn't live with you is not a bad solution
> either.
> > Really the only thing we're missing with the Nitrokey is some form of
> > attestation to ensure the keys are in fact generated on the device.
> That would indeed be nice to have, unfortunately I do not think the
> current hardware supports this. I know recent YubiKeys do but only in
> PIV mode (i.e. for X.509).
> On the other hand, vulnerabilities such as ROCA show clearly that
> generating the private key on a smartcard does NOT necessarily make it
> more secure than generating it in software, importing it into the
> smartcard and wiping the original.
> --
> MS

Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-25 Thread Rich Freeman
On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 7:57 AM Marek Szuba  wrote:
> On 2019-04-24 20:34, Rich Freeman wrote:
> > The only reason to have a separate primary key is to have an offline
> >  copy,
> Not quite. First and foremost, you don not want to have an offline copy
> of the primary private key - you want to have the primary ENTIRELY
> offline.

Agree, I could have said that better.  Though, to be clear the primary
key needs to be on a PC anytime you use it, which includes time of
generation and renewal.  Typically this PC will be online.

> > So, maintaining this requirement with a Nitrokey means that we in
> > reality have the primary key online most of the time,
> Seeing as separating the primary and the signing key has been part of
> OpenPGP best practices for a long, long time, I have got highly mixed
> feelings about this statement. On the one hand, it is not reasonable to
> expect someone with no or minimal prior knowledge of OpenPGP to master
> it overnight. On the other, we are not just some random people from Teh
> Intarwebz and we *have* been using OpenPGP signatures on commits for
> quite a while now.

IMO this has nothing to do with knowledge, and everything with risk
tolerance and incentives.

Generating a key on a smartcard is practically a one-liner and is
convenient.  It is also VERY secure.

Now, if you're going to have a completely offline PC that never gets
connected to the internet, and use that for key generation, and treat
any media used to transfer keys as if you're working on a classified
software project, then sure, that would be more secure.  It is also a
LOT less convenient.  I'd argue that most devs who understand how to
use GPG fairly well would not bother with this.  I've never kept a
primary key offline and I was using PGP back when you had to be
located in the US to download it from the original official source.

> > when if it were the same as the signing key then both would be
> > offline in the Nitrokey.
> Using a hardware security device is not the same as making the key
> offline - especially given that the Gentoo NitroKey workflow as
> currently posted on the Wiki suggests disabling forcesig, which could
> effectively leave the signing private key unlocked for extended periods
> of time.

I'm all for revising this, but it isn't part of the GLEP.  Maybe it should be.

A smartcard is a practical compromise.  It gives a great deal more
security than online keys, while being convenient.  Sure, it might not
be the most secure approach possible, but it is far more secure than
approaches most are likely to actually use, even if they know better
options exist.

> > Also, by generating the key outside the Nitrokey it is exposed to a
> > far higher risk of compromise.
> As Kristian has already mentioned, in principle one could keep the
> primary private key on a separate token.

Sure, though this is definitely more cumbersome, and not a one-liner
in gpg for sure.  And last time I checked we're only issuing one
Nitrokey per dev, so it is unlikely many would do this.

> > In any case, I think it is far more likely that somebody generating
> > keys using software has a rooted box than somebody is going to come
> > up with a way to extract keys from a Nitrokey.
> You do not have to extract keys from a smartcard in order to be able to
> use keys physically present on it. All you have to do observe the
> smartcard user's PIN - either physically or using said rooted box - then
> nick the smartcard off them, ehich given that we are talking about keys
> that are supposed to be used on a regular basis might be very simple.

Sure, but this requires physical theft, which is a HUGE escalation of
effort.  IMO the most likely attack is some script kiddie on the other
side of the planet.

I mean, somebody could steal my ID and get into my work and go cause a
mess.  However this is extremely unlikely in practice.

If we were defending against the CIA or whatever I'd consider this a
more serious concern, but this isn't realistic, and we would need far
better standards to do that.

> Hell, if said smartcard contains the primary key you might even return
> it to them once you're done compromising them (e.g. by generating your
> own set of subkeys) and chances are pretty good that as long as
> everything keeps on working fine for them, it will take a quite a while
> before anyone notices.

I don't see how it differs whether the primary vs signing key is
stolen, unless you regenerate new signing keys frequently.  If you
keep just re-extending expiry on your signing key then that stolen key
will work forever.

And if you do generate signing keys often then the window of
compromise is the same either way.


Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-25 Thread Marek Szuba
On 2019-04-24 20:34, Rich Freeman wrote:

> The only reason to have a separate primary key is to have an offline
>  copy,

Not quite. First and foremost, you don not want to have an offline copy
of the primary private key - you want to have the primary ENTIRELY
offline. Secondly, the reason for that is not (just) to have a backup
but that the primary private key gives you virtually unlimited control.
Create pretty much any number of additional subkeys? Check. Assign
additional user IDs? Check. Change expiration dates? Check. And so on...
In short, having the primary private key compromised means A LOT of
trouble - and not just for the key owner either, the primary is also
used to sign other people's public keys so it could mess up other users'
trust databases.

> So, maintaining this requirement with a Nitrokey means that we in 
> reality have the primary key online most of the time,

Seeing as separating the primary and the signing key has been part of
OpenPGP best practices for a long, long time, I have got highly mixed
feelings about this statement. On the one hand, it is not reasonable to
expect someone with no or minimal prior knowledge of OpenPGP to master
it overnight. On the other, we are not just some random people from Teh
Intarwebz and we *have* been using OpenPGP signatures on commits for
quite a while now.

> when if it were the same as the signing key then both would be 
> offline in the Nitrokey.

Using a hardware security device is not the same as making the key
offline - especially given that the Gentoo NitroKey workflow as
currently posted on the Wiki suggests disabling forcesig, which could
effectively leave the signing private key unlocked for extended periods
of time.

> Also, by generating the key outside the Nitrokey it is exposed to a 
> far higher risk of compromise.

As Kristian has already mentioned, in principle one could keep the
primary private key on a separate token.

> In any case, I think it is far more likely that somebody generating 
> keys using software has a rooted box than somebody is going to come 
> up with a way to extract keys from a Nitrokey.

You do not have to extract keys from a smartcard in order to be able to
use keys physically present on it. All you have to do observe the
smartcard user's PIN - either physically or using said rooted box - then
nick the smartcard off them, ehich given that we are talking about keys
that are supposed to be used on a regular basis might be very simple.
Hell, if said smartcard contains the primary key you might even return
it to them once you're done compromising them (e.g. by generating your
own set of subkeys) and chances are pretty good that as long as
everything keeps on working fine for them, it will take a quite a while
before anyone notices.

Conversely, even a software-generated primary key stored on a
software-encrypted USB stick might be more secure simply because with it
being only occasionally required, it can be stored somewhere hard to
access. You don't even need a vault (which, incidentally, is something I
have found people trying to make fun of crypto nerds mention a lot)
either - my personal experience has taught me that giving to a trusted
family member or friend who doesn't live with you is not a bad solution

> Really the only thing we're missing with the Nitrokey is some form of
> attestation to ensure the keys are in fact generated on the device.

That would indeed be nice to have, unfortunately I do not think the
current hardware supports this. I know recent YubiKeys do but only in
PIV mode (i.e. for X.509).

On the other hand, vulnerabilities such as ROCA show clearly that
generating the private key on a smartcard does NOT necessarily make it
more secure than generating it in software, importing it into the
smartcard and wiping the original.


Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-24 Thread Rich Freeman
On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 11:57 AM Kristian Fiskerstrand  wrote:
> On 4/24/19 4:19 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> > If it is the case that Nitrokeys can't support a separate primary key,
> > I'd suggest modifying the GLEP to remove that requirement when a
> > smartcard is in use.  Its main purpose is to keep a key component
> > offline, and if the key is generated on the card that is already
> > accomplished.  Maybe somebody has a suggestion for how to make the two
> > work together, otherwise I'll go ahead and suggest a GLEP revision for
> > the next Council meeting.
> The GLEP should not be changed on the requirement for distinct signing
> subkey, this is one of the expected results of it to begin with.

So, I intend to propose this.  Council is welcome to vote it down.
However, I'm really interested in what the concern is here.

The only reason to have a separate primary key is to have an offline
copy, but it is not a current requirement that it be kept offline, and
I suspect that 99% of devs won't keep it offline, and of course there
is no way to verify if this is being done anyway.

So, maintaining this requirement with a Nitrokey means that we in
reality have the primary key online most of the time, when if it were
the same as the signing key then both would be offline in the
Nitrokey.  This requirement effectively makes the key less secure in
practice.  It doesn't matter if the signing key is safely stored in
the Nitrokey if somebody can steal the primary key, since they can
just create a new signing key at will.  Also, by generating the key
outside the Nitrokey it is exposed to a far higher risk of compromise.

At best for the 1% of devs who would actually keep the primary key
offline then this achieves the same level of security you have with
the Nitrokey anyway, which always keeps its keys offline
(effectively).  The only exception to this would be an exploit in the
Nitrokey, which seems like a pretty low risk.  And of course it is
only a risk when the Nitrokey is plugged in, and the intent would be
for devs to only plug it in when working on commits.  In any case, I
think it is far more likely that somebody generating keys using
software has a rooted box than somebody is going to come up with a way
to extract keys from a Nitrokey.

Now, I think it is a great best practice which we should support for
anybody who wants to have their offline key-generation machine they
keep in a vault or whatever.  And by all means require the additional
key when using keys not generated on a Nitrokey.  As to how you can
tell which are which, I'd simply point out that you can't tell if keys
are being stored offline or not, so really your risk is unchanged in
taking devs at their word.

I think most companies issuing these sorts of tokens to users would
generate their keys on the tokens for these very reasons.  The reason
they're using these hardware tokens is because they know that users in
practice will not take extraordinary care to protect keys, and the
token provides a similar level of security with very little
inconvenience.  Really the only thing we're missing with the Nitrokey
is some form of attestation to ensure the keys are in fact generated
on the device.


Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-24 Thread Kristian Fiskerstrand
On 4/24/19 4:19 PM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> If it is the case that Nitrokeys can't support a separate primary key,
> I'd suggest modifying the GLEP to remove that requirement when a
> smartcard is in use.  Its main purpose is to keep a key component
> offline, and if the key is generated on the card that is already
> accomplished.  Maybe somebody has a suggestion for how to make the two
> work together, otherwise I'll go ahead and suggest a GLEP revision for
> the next Council meeting.

The nitrokey has 3 slots, one signing (which can hold signing subkey or
primary), encryption and authentication. So yes, the primary should be
kept on an offline system or on a separate token that isn't brought
around on regular basis, while the daily use operations use subkeys that
reside on the token.

The GLEP should not be changed on the requirement for distinct signing
subkey, this is one of the expected results of it to begin with.
Kristian Fiskerstrand
OpenPGP keyblock reachable at hkp://
fpr:94CB AFDD 3034 5109 5618 35AA 0B7F 8B60 E3ED FAE3

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-24 Thread Rich Freeman
On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 10:25 AM Alon Bar-Lev  wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 5:19 PM Rich Freeman  wrote:
> > Well, in that case recommendations for how to generate a key that
> > complies in software would be helpful.  There used to be a wiki
> > article on it, but it is marked with various warnings saying it isn't
> > recommended to follow it, and has seemingly vanished with a note that
> > it moved somewhere.
> In the meantime, I think that you may find the following commands useful...
> $ gpg --expert --full-generate-key

Well, sure, but the part that comes after would be the key bit.

> $ gpg --expert --edit-key ${MASTER_KEY_ID}
> gpg> addkey

This bit is already covered on the Nitrokey guide.

In any case, I'll stick with the key I have for the moment until the
Council rules on the GLEP.  Neither key I have currently complies with
the current one so I'm generating a new one either way, unless the
GLEP changes.


Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-24 Thread Alon Bar-Lev
On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 5:19 PM Rich Freeman  wrote:
> Well, in that case recommendations for how to generate a key that
> complies in software would be helpful.  There used to be a wiki
> article on it, but it is marked with various warnings saying it isn't
> recommended to follow it, and has seemingly vanished with a note that
> it moved somewhere.

Please wait for me to receive mine... :)

In the meantime, I think that you may find the following commands useful...

$ gpg --expert --full-generate-key
$ gpg --expert --edit-key ${MASTER_KEY_ID}
gpg> addkey


Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-24 Thread Rich Freeman
On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 10:01 AM Marek Szuba  wrote:
> On 2019-04-24 13:41, Rich Freeman wrote:
> > What is the recommended way to create an on-card key?
> I haven't got my NitroKey yet but between the specifications (which say
> NK2 can hold up to 3 private RSA keys) and my prior experience with
> OpenPGP smartcards (which have always had at most one slot each assigned
> to authentication, encryption and signing), chances are pretty high you
> cannot have two separate signing keys in hardware. If so, your best bet
> is probably to generate the primary key in software (preferably with
> usage bits stripped down so that it can ONLY be used for signing keys),
> generate hardware subkeys associated with it, then stash the private
> primary key away somewhere.

Well, in that case recommendations for how to generate a key that
complies in software would be helpful.  There used to be a wiki
article on it, but it is marked with various warnings saying it isn't
recommended to follow it, and has seemingly vanished with a note that
it moved somewhere.

Aside from that, it seems a bit odd to issue devs Nitrokeys (at
significant expense to both the Foundation and a kind sponsor), then
require a key design that can't actually be stored on the Nitrokey.  A
Nitrokey-generated key is going to be way more secure than the way 99%
of devs will actually implement what seems to be intended, which is to
just generate their keys on a regular online host, and probably just
leave it there.

If it is the case that Nitrokeys can't support a separate primary key,
I'd suggest modifying the GLEP to remove that requirement when a
smartcard is in use.  Its main purpose is to keep a key component
offline, and if the key is generated on the card that is already
accomplished.  Maybe somebody has a suggestion for how to make the two
work together, otherwise I'll go ahead and suggest a GLEP revision for
the next Council meeting.


Re: [gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-24 Thread Marek Szuba
On 2019-04-24 13:41, Rich Freeman wrote:

> What is the recommended way to create an on-card key?

I haven't got my NitroKey yet but between the specifications (which say
NK2 can hold up to 3 private RSA keys) and my prior experience with
OpenPGP smartcards (which have always had at most one slot each assigned
to authentication, encryption and signing), chances are pretty high you
cannot have two separate signing keys in hardware. If so, your best bet
is probably to generate the primary key in software (preferably with
usage bits stripped down so that it can ONLY be used for signing keys),
generate hardware subkeys associated with it, then stash the private
primary key away somewhere.


[gentoo-dev] Best way to create a GLEP 63 compliant GPG key on Nitrocard?

2019-04-24 Thread Rich Freeman
I just generated a gpg key on my nitrocard using the default options,
as I could not find any other official recommendations for how to
create a key.  However, it appears that the default config uses the
same signing and primary key, and thus generates a warning when
pushing to the main repo.

What is the recommended way to create an on-card key?  Or is the only
supported way to do this to create a local key and then export it to
the card?  If so, what is the current recommended way to do that?
