Hi all,

here is the summary from last week's council meeting.
The complete log can be found at http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/

Roll call

(here, proxy [by whom] or slacker?)

amne        here
betelgeuse  here
dberkholz   proxy [musikc]
flameeyes   here
lu_zero     here 
vapier      here
jokey       here 


GLEP 54: scm package version suffix

GLEP 55: Use EAPI-suffixed ebuilds (.ebuild-EAPI)

Code of Conduct enforcement 

        - What needs to happen for us to make a decision?

        Last week, we agreed to just add moderators to #gentoo-dev and the
        gentoo-dev list. Other places with their own moderation should enforce 
        CoC themselves. We also agreed that moderation must be handed over to 
        or userrel after 2 days.

        Ferris asked some questions:
                1)  Do we have an implementation schedule? ;
                2)  Have we identified some warm bodies for it?;
                3)  Most devrel requests seem really to relate to CoC 
violations.  Would
                you like us to bounce those to the CoC people, process them 
using CoC
                rules, or keep doing what we are doing now (generally, close 
them with a
                note explaining why or mediate them)?  (I'm talking about the 
                being rude/sarcastic/disrespectful" sorts of things which 
really need to
                be processed immediately and merit a warning or brief 
suspension if

Slacker arches
        See Caleb's post on -dev and subsequent thread
        Calebs post:
        Kumba's comment on mips status:
        Rich0's proposal:

Document of being an active developer
        Araujo raised that he needs some kind of written document of being an
        active developer. Argument being that mentioning in CV in his
        environment is only accepted if there is some kind of proof.
        Our trustee grant deferred it back to council+infra as Foundation only
        handles IP, but suggested it could be some kind of generated document.


GLEP 54 : Postponed to -dev ML
        Comment from portage maintainer:
        - no statement about compatibility/implementation plans
        - more subjective:
          - while a distinction between CPV and atom may not be technically
            required, I might be useful to have
          - (minor) if the version part is optionl there could be some

        So is this something we'd like to have?

        Other ideas that came up during discussion:
        - -scm or _scm ?
        - handling as (-|_pre)9999) versions per definition
        - implement as dynamic package sets

        Related bugs:
        - bug #9202 - Better support for CVS Ebuilds...

        Pushed back to -dev ML as there are too many unresolved questions at
        the moment. peper is given the task to repost it and expand on
        usefulness / use cases as well as compatibility issues.

GLEP 55 : Postponed to -dev ML
        - Agreement on eapi subdirectories are not feasible

        Ideas during discussion:
        - moving from EAPI= to eapi function and using repository bashrc for

        Pushed back to -dev ML as there are too many unresolved questions at
        the moment.

Slacker arches
        vapier will work on rich0's suggestion and repost it for discussion on
        -dev ML

Code of Conduct enforcement
        Council members agreed on the direction, dberkholz will provide
        additional details on -council ML

Document of being an active developer
        Suggested options:
         - Log in to dev.g.o and automatically generate there signed by
           infra-maintained key, put userinfo.xml website in the doc as
         dberkholz and araujo will look into a scribus based template.
         devrel will have to generate a signing key for these purposes.

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