Dear Gentoo Council,

During the meeting you held on December (see the logs here: ), you
voted for restricting the gentoo-dev mailing list. Although in said
meeting somebody raised that such a change affected the Gentoo Social
Contract as it referred users to provide comments on the gentoo-dev
mailing list (see )
this was dismissed by one of your members (which has, in the past,
called the Gentoo Social Contract "dead law") by saying that the right
place to send such comments is gentoo-project (but willingly ignoring
that such a reference has been part of it since the first archived draft
and the first non draft version
which predate the gentoo-project mailing list) and apparently ignored by
the rest.

This was noted after the vote had happened and to the best of my
knowledge hadn't been raised before. Despite that, on the next meeting
where the topic was discussed a different council member stated that
said person did not "any pertinent new information since last vote".

Now, three months after, no action has been carried by the council on
this very specific regard despite being made aware of it. This clearly
shows that the current council members not only take hastened decissions
without even doing propper research, they don't try to clean up the mess
they cause after their own decissions.

Given the inaction by the council, I'm propossing to apply either of
these two changes to the Gentoo Social contract.

First propossal:
Replace "Comments are welcome. Please send them to our <> mailing
list." by "Comments by selected people are welcome. Please send them to
our <>
mailing list.". Which clearly reflects the new ivory tower philosophy
the Council is making the Gentoo Project take.

Second propossal:
Replace "Comments are welcome. Please send them to our <> mailing
list." by "Comments by selected people are welcome. Please send them to
<> mailing list CCing the Gentoo
Foundation trustees on
<>.". Which ensures trustees get a
notification of such propossals and still keeps the social contract open
to comments for anybody.

Please note, in the spirit of the second propossal I'm CCing gentoo-project.


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