Hey all,

Was just going to inform you all of some downtime going to happen
tonight around 0900UTC. The facility at the Open Source Labs is needing
to do some UPS upgrades on all the rackmounted servers they host. This
means the power will need to be off (which will include the switches for
the non-racked boxes). The outage is expected to last around

Here's a list of services that will be affected:

* Several web services:
* cvs
* master rsync
* torrents
* Gentoo's jabber

I may as well add that half of Freenode will be affected too, so
complaining on IRC won't do much for ya ;). 

There will be another outage for a similar amount of time at 0900UTC on
July 3. I will send out an announcement in a few days as a reminder for

Ok, hopefully I didn't forget any services, enjoy!

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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