While digging in the tree, I found this pair.

1. sys-apps/ldetect-lst has been broken for the last 9 months since
   perl-MDK-Common was removed from the tree.
2. Both of them are live CVS ebuilds, there are no fixed versions
   available (upstream does have outdated SRPMs).
3. The ONLY bug ever filed for either of them was a recent one because
   the upstream homepage changed (cvs.Mandrake moved to cvs.Mandriva).
4. Nothing in the tree depends on them.

So if there are no objections, I'll mask them in a week, and remove them
in a month.

If there is a demand for them, I've got a non-CVS ebuild for the base
sys-libs/ldetect, but ldetect-lst is a lost cause (the perl module needs
to come back for starters).

Robin Hugh Johnson
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