Donnie Berkholz wrote:
Hi all,

Here is the summary from Thursday's council meeting. The complete log will show up at shortly.

With regard to GLEP 56. I've posted the necessary DTD changes, some documentation changes (the old documentation patches need to be updated to whats currently in CVS because some commits occurred between when they were created and now), and the repoman patches to the bug [1].

My patches to repoman have already been committed to Portage trunk so they'll appear in 2.2_rc2. pkgcore is being updated this weekend for pcheck to support the new syntax according to ferringb. No one has gotten back to me on paludis so I'm not sure about that status.

With regard to the DTD, it's a small change to allow the <cat> tag, the rest are there already. As far as the docs team knows, neysx is the only one that can commit to them. He's gone until September. So we might need someone from infra to give another doc's team member the access to make that commit.

Betelgeuse is committing the documentation patches as I update them for the Gentoo Development Handbook. Halcy0n made a few requested updates to the Gentoo Developer Manual. So that front is moving forward well.

I'll be working with robbat2 when he gets some free time this week on getting the infra script I hacked up in place.

All and all I'd say we're moving forward on marking this GLEP as Final pretty soon.

Biggest project left for me is to copy the current use.local.desc bits into the respective metadata.xml's of each package. If maintainers want to help, that'd be awesome.


Doug Goldstein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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