Andreas K. Huettel posted on Sun, 20 Jan 2013 17:52:40 +0100 as excerpted:

>> *the thing with USE flags is a big change.
> You're kidding, right?
> If we seriously start doing that, we'll either get slapped with "dont
> bother us with that" by the council members, or nobody wants to run for
> council anymore.

Additionally, the council has historically been somewhat like the US 
Supreme Court -- they like to have their discussion and to make the final 
decision, but the case itself is supposed to have actually been argued 
and all the basic issues covered at the trial-court level (which for us 
is the list).

Which would put us back where we started, since that pre-council-decision 
discussion would happen... on the list.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
and if you use the program, he is your master."  Richard Stallman

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