On Thursday 03 August 2006 15:42, Daniel Black wrote:
> I've added new versions of these libs to gentoo. They are currently in
> package.mask because I've missed a few bumps versions in between and there
> is an ABI change. Some old deprecated functions have been removed.
> So far these have been working for me fine however I'd appreciate your
> assistance in further testing these before I unmask them.

Well a security bug has come up requiring a stable version of packages that 
are currently masked. I don't envisage mass breakage thanks to those of you 
who have previously tested the  gnutls 1.4.1 versions.

I would however appreciate a little more testing before it is marked stable.

To participate please:
1. add
to /etc/portage/package.unmask and /etc/portage/package.keywords files.

2. emerge -1 ~net-libs/gnutls-1.4.4

3. run revdep-rebuild

4. and report bugs on bugs.gentoo.org making them block bug 147682

I much appreciate your assistance in this manner.

Daniel Black <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Foundation

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