Hola folks.

Currently, our if you needed to mask the use flag introspection 
globally, but allow it to be used for say app-crypt/gcr, the profile 
configuration would be the following:


app-crypt/gcr -introspection

Frankly, this is a bit of a pain in the ass- it creates a shiteton of 
intermediate files, and it requires the dev to recall "use.mask before 
package.use.mask" among other things.

I'd suggest instead just killing off the package.* content, and 
folding them into use.*; the proceeding content would thus be:

* introspection
app-cryt/gcr -introspection

Mind you, this isn't a new notion; actually pretty damn old 
(been in user configuration in one form or another for a long 
time).  For whatever reason, it's yet to be proposed/pushed for in 
PMS, thus bringing it up now.

Any major complaints?  Specifically, collapsing:
package.use.mask, use.mask -> use.mask
package.use.force, use.force -> use.force
package.use.stable.mask, use.stable.mask -> use.stable.mask
package.use.stable.force, use.stable.force -> use.stable.force


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