On Thursday, December 1, 2016 12:12:27 PM EST William L. Thomson Jr. wrote:
> Do you find yourself with lots of related packages with the same version to
> bump?
> Do those package have a special order in which they need to be bumped?
> If those sound like problems you run into, then I have a simple crude tool
> for you called ebuild-bumper.sh[1]. A simple crude bash script that using
> an external file that can bump many packages in a given order. This can
> save a good deal of time on routine version bumps across many related
> packages of the same version/slot.

Further thoughts on this, if integrated with something like libraries.io or 
other that can alert to new versions. It may be possible to fully automate 
routine version bumps. Only requiring a human to bump if/when things fail.

Routine version bumps suck, seem a waste of any humans time if it can be 
automated. This tool is a step in such direction, but can be further expanded 
upon and integrated into other things for more automation :)

William L. Thomson Jr.

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