Pavel Kazakov posted on Sat, 28 Feb 2015 07:50:16 -0800 as excerpted:


While we're on the topic of the emaint manpage, the "all" (sub)command 
could use an update.

Current: Perform all supported commands.

But there's no hint at what commands are included.  In particular, with 
portage's conversion to emaint sync, I was at first worried that "all" 
would sync as well, and it doesn't.  Additionally, I have my own log 
rotation setup, and was worried it would trigger emaint's log rotation, 
but it doesn't.

So enumerating what "all" actually includes could be quite useful. =:^)

(I ended up using --check first, to see what it'd do, and found my 
worries were unfounded.)

Similarly, --check and --fix need updated.  In particular, --check 
doesn't appear to apply to all commands any longer as it says it does, 
and neither --check or --fix appear to apply to sync or log.

IOW, the manpage reads like it's rather outdated, having been only 
barebones-updated for recent additions such that there's now missing and 
outdated bits.  Which I guess is exactly the case...

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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