OK, it was just a suggestion. Thanks for your readings !!!

Rafael Fernández López.

2005/10/15, Michiel de Bruijne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On Saturday 15 October 2005 06:28, Rafael Fernández López wrote:

> By turning this on, an "emerge -vuD world" can be done in one shot, I mean,
> you can do an emerge -vuD world, and all the files could be replaced
> (overwrited) by the new ones (etc-update), but you'll be able to access to
> your backups if anything is wrong, so you don't have to go file by file
> looking at the differences between them.

Like Brian already said this behaviour will definitely break your system. If
you want to backup "etc-updates" and want to minimize the number of files you
need to evaluate you should use dispatch-conf instead of etc-update.

dispatch-conf is part of portage and with rcs (version control system)
integration you have automatically backups of you conf-files. It's also
possible to;
- automerge files comprising only CVS interpolations (e.g. Header or Id)
- automerge files comprising only whitespace and/or comments
- automerge files that the user hasn't modified

After a while the only files you need tot evaluate are the ones that will
break your system (examples given by Brian) or change the behaviour of your
system in a way you don't want ( e.g. change your hostname).

gentoo-portage-dev@gentoo.org mailing list

Rafael Fernández López.

"A la vista de suficientes ojos todos los errores resultan evidentes" - Linus Torvalds

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