There are several cases where the information from which repository
(portdir, overlays, ...) a package originally came from when it was
installed. Currently that information isn't really available, at most
you can use some heuristics on environment.bz2 or comparing ebuilds
directly, but those methods aren't very reliable (may return both false
positives and false negatives). So storing the origin repo seems like a
good idea, qustion is how:

1) Save (part of) the value of $EBUILD
2) Save the repository name
3) ???

Option 1) has the benefit that it would be useful from the start, but
the drawback that if the path of a repository changes the information
becomes invalid. Option 2) avoids that but would require that all
repositories are named to be useful. Don't know if there is another
option that avoids both problems.
If I'd had to choose I'd probably go for option 2) and encourage people
to name their repositories, but I'm open for suggestions to use option
1) or for a third option.


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