On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 02:47:45PM +0300, Amit Dor-Shifer wrote:
> Hi.
> Looking at getbinpkg.py, I see that BINPKGs can be retrieved using
> http/s s/ftp. I'm wondering about rsync, as it is mostly supported
> across portage (and also in layman). Is there some design reasoning
> behind this lack of support, or is it that no-one has yet gotten around
> to implement it?
> I'm raising the question because I'm implementing a private repository
> and would prefer not to service it via http if I don't have to. Right
> now, the only feature which is blocking me is this lack of support for
> binary packages.

Look in the code to be sure, but I'd expect it just hasn't been 
implemented.  If I were in your shoes, I'd generalize the SYNC proto 
support into something usable for binpkgs also- I did this in pkgcore, 
works fairly well (and could be extended to fetching in general, which 
again works well enough).

Personally, I wouldn't dick around with rsync for individual file 
transfers- http/ftp seems better suited, but I may be missing 
something about your setup that warrants it.


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